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Turkish Missile Programs

Can Auksungur drone carry it ?

Also what Cakir means ?

Aksungur could fire the missile to, the name have different means. I think they refer it to Cakir kusu. Hawk type bird.

We will have different missiles, the next weapon i am waitnig is Kuzgun. Looks like Cakir is a navy project and Kuzgun is more airforce.


ÇAKIR means Hawk / Falcon. It will be a formidable Force multiplier Cruise Missile with 150+ km range. The compact Cruise Missile would be deploy-able through numerous platforms.

Capable of carrying multiple payloads, the missile will be able to coordinate and intercommunicate with other ordinances as a swarm.


-The new missile will be equipped with IIR and RF seekers and will be launched from a variety of platforms, including FACs, helicopters, aircraft, and land.

-It will also boast network-based datalink facilitates and human-in-the-loop capabilities for updating, attacking/re-attacking, or aborting targets mid-flight.

-Çakır also offers high survivability with its unique design and radar absorbing material used on the frame.

-The most prominent features of ÇAKIR are; its design, which allows the platform to carry multiple payloads up to four missiles, and its ability to perform swarm concept missions with inter-communicating missiles.

-The swarm concept, through which coordinated attack scenarios with multiple missiles are enabled, can be used to overcome hostile defense systems and ensures high effectivity against single or multiple targets.

-ÇAKIR offers high survivability thanks to its unique design with radar absorbing material utilized on the frame.

-ÇAKIR’s ability for super sea-skimming and terrain masking in combination with radar-absorbing structure minimizes the detectability by enemy air-defense systems.

-Thanks to its Antijam GNSS and altimeter-supported inertial navigation system, ÇAKIR continues on its trajectory even in the event of intense electronic jamming.

Main Features of ÇAKIR​

Range 150+km

Missile Weight ≤ 275 kg (Without Launch Motor)

≤ 330 kg (With Launch Engine)

Missile Diameter ≤ 275mm

Missile Length ≤ 3.3 m (Without Launch Engine)

≤ 4.1 m (With Launch Motor)

Warhead Weight 70 kg

Warhead Type High Explosive Semi Penetrating Particle Effect Thermobaric

Flight Engine Turbo Jet Engine

Launch Engine Solid Fuel Launch Engine

Travel Speed Loud Subsonic (0.75-0.85 Mach)

Intermediate Steering:

· Inertial Navigation System

· Jamming Resistant GNSS (Eng. Global Navigation Satellite System)

Radar Altimeter

Barometric Altimeter

Earth Reference Navigation System

Terminal Guidance:

· Seeker with Infrared Imaging (Eng. Imaging Infrared-IIR)

· RF Seeker

Hybrid (IIR+RF) Seeker

Datalink Network Based Bidirectional Data link


Fixed and Rotary Wing Aerial Vehicles, UAVs, AUSVs, Tactical Wheeled Land Vehicle, Surface Platforms

Domestic Engine

ÇAKIR, which has a domestic and national KTJ-1750 turbo-jet engine developed by Kale Ar-Ge, thanks to the agility of its design, it can easily perform tasks involving three-dimensional turning points defined during mission planning.

Swarm Concept

The network-based data-link also allows target switching and task cancellation, depending on user choice, as you move towards the target. One of the most notable features of ÇAKIR is its design, which allows multiple transport on the platform, and the ability to perform tasks in the swarm concept.

The swarm concept, which allows coordinated attack with a large number of munitions, makes it easier to overcome the enemy’s defense systems, while ensuring high effectiveness in one or more targets.

ÇAKIR offers high survivability thanks to its unique body design with radar absorber feature. In addition to its ability to fly very close to the water surface over the sea and to mask the terrain on land, it minimizes its detectability by enemy air defense systems with its radar-absorbing body structure.

With its jam-proof GNSS and altimeter-supported inertial navigation system, it can continue its course in cases of intense electronic jamming.

Within the scope of the unveiling ceremony of the Cruise Missile ÇAKIR held on March 31, 2022, the ÇAKIR Project National Turbo-jet Development has also been signed between Roketsan and Kale Ar-Ge.

ÇAKIR offers high destruction capability against targets with its hit point selection on the target and its unique warhead. With its advanced intermediate stage and terminal guidance systems, ÇAKIR is able to engage its targets with high precision in all weather conditions.

“I would like to emphasize the role of Kale Ar-Ge here. It has carried out important studies in the field of cruise missiles, and it has saved us from ending up in the poorhouse in this field. We hope that TEI and Kale Ar-Ge will work closely,”
Turkish Defense Industry President Demir stated.

There is not yet such a detailed mini Cruise Missile in the world.

CAKIR cruise missile will use the most modern systems in the world
next-generation swarm technologies as well as artificial intelligence

For example, KIZILELMA unmanned stealth Fighter Jet to fire 4 CAKIR cruise missiles
The first one, with electronic jamming capability will go ahead, and the other 3 will follow behind it. The first one will confuse the air defense systems, and the 3 following missiles will hit the targets
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SOM-B2 cruise missile with Tandem Penetrating Warhead enters the inventory
>In 2022, the SOM-B2 missile will enter the inventory of the Air Force Command.
>The first actual firing tests of the SOM-J missile from the F-16 aircraft was carried out in 2021.
Some information about the SIPER long-range air defense system has started to appear in open sources. The following illustrations show the design of one of the missiles that the system will use.


Do you have info on the penetration amount?

SOM-A and SOM-B1 have been in TurAF service since 2011. The tests and qualification of other SOM variants, such as SOM-B2, SOM-C1/C2, and the stealth fighters internal bay variant SOM-J are ongoing.

SOM-B2 is designed against concrete bunkers or other hard targets.Differently from SOM-A and SOM-B1 it has Dual Stage Tandem Penetrating Warhead. However, in the official specs, the total warhead weight of the SOM B-1 and B-2 is stated as 230 kg. The total weight of the missile is 500 kg.
Ismail Demir head of SSB

Soon we will test ramjet air to air missile.
Tübitak SAGE Manager Gürcan Okumuş: "The point we have reached in terms of RamJet engines will carry us to the point of being among the few countries in the world in liquid fuel RamJet engine and, in the future, ScramJet engine technologies.

In the background, huge developments are taking place on an incredible scale. In the next year, the secrecy on projects that would be unbelievable in terms of the understanding of 10 years ago in the defense industry, especially in the field of missile technologies, will be lifted. There will be a busy agenda regarding hypersonic air-to-air and anti-radiation missiles.
Tübitak SAGE Manager Gürcan Okumuş: "The point we have reached in terms of RamJet engines will carry us to the point of being among the few countries in the world in liquid fuel RamJet engine and, in the future, ScramJet engine technologies.

In the background, huge developments are taking place on an incredible scale. In the next year, the secrecy on projects that would be unbelievable in terms of the understanding of 10 years ago in the defense industry, especially in the field of missile technologies, will be lifted. There will be a busy agenda regarding hypersonic air-to-air and anti-radiation missiles.

Lets wait 1 year if you can wait.
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