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Turkish Missile Programs

Bora is solid fueled missile but 2500 km ballistic missile would be liquid fueled missile, so there is comparison between two. only guidence system can be comparable.
Bora is solid fueled missile but 2500 km ballistic missile would be liquid fueled missile, so there is comparison between two. only guidence system can be comparable.
yes that what i mean that we achieved a great progress to have long range ballistic missile
A question : if we did a successful test with Bora 250 km, how much does it take time to have 2500 km missile ?

2500 km missile would use liquid fuel so we can say development of this missile goes parallel to roketsans SLV. Also Being able to make SLV means you can make ICBM once you enter orbit you can hit wherever you want.But hard times start when you enter atmosphere from orbit again.Missile head must be heat resistant material to keep missile one piece.Thats why iran dont have İCBM even they have slv.

We have thor project Development heat resistant material for hypersonic m,issile and balistic missile maybe human space missions in future.

THOR projesi kapsamında geleceğin uzay araçlarının ve hipersonik taşıma araçlarının atmosferik girişleri için ısıl yönetim fikirleri tasarlanacak, geliştirilecek, uygulanacak, test edilecek ve doğrulanacaktır.



Missile head must be heat resistant material to keep missile one piece.Thats why iran dont have İCBM even they have slv

the only reason of sending monkey into space

“If you can show that you are able to protect a vehicle of this sort from re-entry, then you can probably protect a military warhead and make it survive the high temperatures and high pressures of re-entering,” Gruselle said.

** i just edited youtube link
Hurkus will be game changer with its ground support capacity. More than 4 hours with operational time is better than our other options like Atak,F4 and F-16s and with Teber 82 it will have nearly 2 metres penetrating capacity and with cirits and umtas it has anti personel and anti armour capacity.
Do we have any Hurkus C in inventory?
One or two were sent to south east of Turkey as I remember from open sources if they are true.They want to export it and want test in real combats so this an excellent chance. New weapons will be use in coming operation for suprise said in the news.
Hurkus will be game changer with its ground support capacity. More than 4 hours with operational time is better than our other options like Atak,F4 and F-16s and with Teber 82 it will have nearly 2 metres penetrating capacity and with cirits and umtas it has anti personel and anti armour capacity.

One or two were sent to south east of Turkey as I remember from open sources if they are true.They want to export it and want test in real combats so this an excellent chance. New weapons will be use in coming operation for suprise said in the news.
Oh right! I remember the one above the Van lake. Lets see.
2500 km missile would use liquid fuel so we can say development of this missile goes parallel to roketsans SLV. Also Being able to make SLV means you can make ICBM once you enter orbit you can hit wherever you want.But hard times start when you enter atmosphere from orbit again.Missile head must be heat resistant material to keep missile one piece.Thats why iran dont have İCBM even they have slv.

We have thor project Development heat resistant material for hypersonic m,issile and balistic missile maybe human space missions in future.




I think in 5-10 years hybrid engines will be a better option for SLV's. It will be much more reliable and efficient. If it succeeds to reliably deliver a high mass payload to the orbit nobody will be talking about liquid engines anymore.

There are other options too. Instead of SLV's today's militaries are chasing for another option. Intercontinental cruise missiles are in focus these days. Tech is not all mature yet but many countries are chasing it. It is not a secret that our mililtary is interested in ram and scram jets. If technology on these propultion technologies mature then high range ballistics will change its path. They are low altitude, high speed so it is hard to detect and shoot them. Plus; they have the agility that SLV systems do not have.

These both are high tech; which will take years to mature and successful but all the big militaries around the world are shifting towards that direction.

Heat resistant materials are really big problem for everyone; even the most advanced countries in the world. This is a huge problem because we are talking about temperatures that nearly any material would be vapourised. As I always say; we need people who are really good at materials to develop them.
does anyone know anything about wich missile was fired last like 2days ago in sinop. it was not bora say most people something a bit bigger. is possibly the medium range missile that they said in the 100days plan if i remember correctly?
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