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Turkish Missile Programs

So, my claim that the base in Somalia could be forward post for a Launch Center in Somalia, cause its near to the Equator, was not wrong. Though, most laughed about it. Thank, for the update. Now it makes sense, why UAE wants to sabotage it and supports Somaliland Gov.
I didn't see your claim but bro I've been saying it all the time (not in this forum though). It makes perfect sense. Somalia is one of a few of the most perfect places to launch rockets into space.

SLV project

-Commencement:17 July 2013 with a budget of 17,5 million TL + 2,5 million $

-Ukraine was design partner on conceptual design phase and Period-1 is completed succesfully.

-Period-2 commenced domestically with scope of developing a SLV using a liquid propellant rocket motor.

-A hybrid motors on same SLV using solid and liquid propellant rocket motor technology on different parts of rocket to reach the different layer of space is under development for future.

-SSM commenced official negotiations with some countries locating perfect position (near equator) to launch Turkish SLV.

Source: SSM head İsmail Demir and Auxiliary minister Mustafa Şeker

If Negotiations are commenced with foreign countries lile Somalia and Sudan lile states to launch domestically developed SLV, It means the project is seriously matured. It is more logical now when It is mentioned 2500km range ballistic missile target until 2017-18.
You made my day bro, I've been waiting for this news for a long time.

I didn't see your claim but bro I've been saying it all the time (not in this forum though). It makes perfect sense. Somalia is one of a few of the most perfect places to launch rockets into space.

You made my day bro, I've been waiting for this news for a long time.

Oh you were saying it all the time? Like in the Somali Base thread Hurshid just linked?

smh we can't even correct what is going on across our own borders and yet we are projecting force 5k km away

You preach about reading and yet you dont do it yourself. I clearly said "not on this forum though"
Anyways, that was a criticism of our inaction in Syria, not our action in Somalia.

So you're saying opposite things in different forums and when you get called out your excuse is "but I said the opposite on another forum!". What a sad joke.
I also mentioned this before and i wish that mentioned country for launchpad is Somali :cheers:

Position of our Somali military base


Very close to equator. According to Turan Oğuz, military base has lots of empty lands and open for enlargement. It is a perfect place to put one spaceport.
So you're saying opposite things in different forums and when you get called out your excuse is "but I said the opposite on another forum!". What a sad joke.
Dont you have anything else to do except scrutinizing my every word? Get a life man and for the last time, stop contaminating the forum. If you have beef with me pm me, this is not a place to tqckle your daddy issues.
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SSM İsmail Demir: “Uzun menzilli karadan karaya füze teslimatları sürerken, Bora ve Kasırga füzelerinin imalatları da devam ediyor.”

Assessment for different categories and missiles.
-Long Range Ground to Ground Missile
-Bora and Kasirga Missile

Show that 1000km missile at least !
SSM İsmail Demir: “Uzun menzilli karadan karaya füze teslimatları sürerken, Bora ve Kasırga füzelerinin imalatları da devam ediyor.”

Assessment for different categories and missiles.
-Long Range Ground to Ground Missile
-Bora and Kasirga Missile

Show that 1000km missil
SSM İsmail Demir: “Uzun menzilli karadan karaya füze teslimatları sürerken, Bora ve Kasırga füzelerinin imalatları da devam ediyor.”

Assessment for different categories and missiles.
-Long Range Ground to Ground Missile
-Bora and Kasirga Missile

Show that 1000km missile at least !
Really we need to see this missile. Just show us a missile test. Because i think that turkey just have a missile with range of 250 Km and everything else is just in media
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