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Turkish Missile Programs

Brother, that looks like a multi purpose grenade launcher with one of the options being an incendiary grenade. Looks very cool but I'm not sure it's truly "thermobaric" in the sense that there's an explosive pressure being generated from the rapid combustion of a fuel-air mixture. @kartal1
Brother, that looks like a multi purpose grenade launcher with one of the options being an incendiary grenade. Looks very cool but I'm not sure it's truly "thermobaric" in the sense that there's an explosive pressure being generated from the rapid combustion of a fuel-air mixture. @kartal1
Thats why I said I am not sure if its true because I saw multiple weapons before that claimed to be thermobaric but instead are just incendiary weapons. Maybe one with more knowledge can educate us better.
Nasil yani ya? How could they fit a thermobaric warhead inside a tiny 70mm-diameter rocket? Don't thermobaric bombs require tons of compressed fuel/oxygen?
No they don't have to, There is even thermobaric grenades used in Airsoft games. Core principal can be applied to any size.

Nasil yani ya? How could they fit a thermobaric warhead inside a tiny 70mm-diameter rocket? Don't thermobaric bombs require tons of compressed fuel/oxygen?

Having a 70mm thermobaric rocket that can blast away small buildings is a massive deal, why aren't they marketing it ?

Look at their competitors, Turkey lacks so much at marketing..
They do and it’s bad azz

They do and it’s bad azz

I am not sure if its true but look at 1:15.
According to video :Blast effects has 3 meters diameter radius . That's why, you can shot to open target from this gun and from very closer distance (10meters).
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Azerbaijan buys cruise missiles (SOM-A) exclusive
Turkish company Roketsan will soon sign new agreements with Azerbaijan on the delivery of modern missile systems, the manager of the company Barbaros Izgun said to haqqin.az.


Азербайджан закупает крылатые ракеты эксклюзив
22 Ноября 2017, 19:22
Автор: Отдел информации
Турецкая компания Roketsan в ближайшее время подпишет с Азербайджаном новые соглашения о поставках современных ракетных установок, сообщил haqqin.az менеджер компании Барбарос Изгюн.

Поставки новейшего вооружения производства Roketsan в Азербайджан будут продолжены и в следующем году, отметил представитель компании, не назвав, однако, сумму контракта.

Между тем, как стало известно, Азербайджан заинтересовался крылатыми ракетами малого и среднего радиуса SOM-A, которые оснащены интегрированной с GPS навигационной системой, а также системой навигации по контуру рельефа местности TRN (Terrain Reference Navigation).

Кроме того, продолжатся закупки реактивных систем залпового огня (РСЗО) Kasirga, которые предназначены для нанесения ударов по целям, расположенным в глубине обороны противника, включая военные базы, места сосредоточения войск, пусковые установки ракетных комплексов, аэропорты и транспортные узлы, административные и промышленные центры.

Батарейный залп из 6-9 пусковых установок обеспечивает подрыв 24-36 мощнейших осколочно-фугасных боевых частей, что обеспечивает гарантированное уничтожение живой силы в окружности радиусом километр.

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Is there any news on the Omtas? I've heard that the Umtas has gone into mass production, but nothing about the Omtas.
Is there any news on the Omtas? I've heard that the Umtas has gone into mass production, but nothing about the Omtas.

The weapon is complete, the facilities to mass produce them are not. Roketsan and Aselsan facilities are still under construction and scheduled to complete sometime in 2018..

The investment will carry onto future projects too, so the wait is worth it.. imo
^ so they are building new factories or changing the assembly lines? And if they are building you maybe know where they constructing it?
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