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Turkish Missile Programs

Secrecy is vital for institutes who is working for serious key technologies.(Mollah doesn't need. They always talk about secrecy as a reason of blury images, When they wanted to introduce a tactical UAV as MALE, a corvette as Destroyer) It doesn't mean that Turkish defence industry is not clear to reach necessary informations but The specifications revealed to public is limited with What officials want you to know. Because Rest of detail information are out of comprehension of your brain power and may cause a gap in Turkey's national security When related systems are joined into inventory so Most of products are revealed with downgraded performance items instead of overrated propaganda speeches Mollah likes. I mean The informations, development steps and schedules are quite clear and never have a propaganda purposes like Mollah doing everyday. Most of Roketsan projects always proceed with a deep secrecy. It is same for Tubitak SAGE's missile programs. Aselsan's Radar&Electronic warfare&Intelligence Department projects also proceed so serious and secret. You can't see anyhing until the designs reach a level of maturity. For exm. Until this date, Nobody can see any single design part of ATMACA Anti-ship missile or AKYA torpedos. It is normal for all World countries who is working serious on critical technologies which will protect the future of 75 million nation against enemies.

Don't be mad at me mate. I am giving an honest opinion. Military technology does not come overnight.

Never, I am just introducing How your b@ttpains seems you stupid with all contradictions your always come up. You don't have any idea What you are talking but coming here for babbling and trolling. At least, Think over the subjects you are going to type to seem more smart. Otherwise, Hema or Otosan Puma like examples will make you fall into more desperate situations...
At ir.tab:
You said Turkish industry is clear. Tell us more about Yildrim 3.

That is about how to translate being Transparent. For example when developing version of ANKA failed, they have bravely reflected the troth to the nation.

Being transparent does not mean being uncovered in every military project. Every nation has secret projects for example USA.

Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk:
Introduction October 1983 but revealed to the world in November 1988.

Please be sure you do not mixed the meaning of being unable to save military secrets and Transparency.

Now, Why a long range rocket should be a secret project? Because world is very sensitive about this weapon. In my personal opinion the long range rocket project technology will be followed by The project named as "Space Center" which schedules be ready within 10 years. If you could launch heavy satellite to far orbits you are not very far from ICBM technology.

When I said they are Transparent I did not mean they are naive!
Secrecy is vital for institutes who is working for serious key technologies. It doesn't mean that Turkish defence industry is not clear to reach necessary informations but The specifications revealed to public is limited with What officials want you to know. Because Rest of detail information are out of comprehension of your brain power and may cause a gap in Turkey's national security When related systems are joined into inventory so Most of products are revealed with downgraded performance items instead of overrated propaganda speeches Mollah likes. I mean The informations, development steps and schedules are quite clear and never have a propaganda purposes like Mollah doing everyday. Most of Roketsan projects always proceed with a deep secrecy. It is same for Tubitak SAGE's missile programs. Aselsan's Radar&Electronic warfare&Intelligence Department projects also proceed so serious and secret. You can't see anyhing until the designs reach a level of maturity. For exm. Until this date, Nobody can see any single design part of ATMACA Anti-ship missile or AKYA torpedos. It is normal for all World countries who is working serious on critical technologies which will protect the future of 75 million nation against enemies.

Never, I am just introducing How your b@ttpains seems you stupid with all contradictions your always come up. You don't have any idea What you are talking but coming here for babbling and trolling. At least, Think over the subjects you are going to type to seem more smart. Otherwise, Hema or Otosan Puma like examples will make you fall into more desperate situations...

OK mate.
What do we know about yildrim3 after 6 years of so called unveiling.
My two cents: there is no yildrim 3. Just propaganda.

Look at the end of anka A and echotorq car engine.

Look at air defense specs from roketsan. 10000 km altitude..... Seriously
They are making jokes of you mate. Wake up. Don't defend them without knowledge.

I hope I did not make you mad or sad this time. I want to be your friend after all.
Don't be mad at me mate. I am giving an honest opinion. Military technology does not come overnight.

That is about how to translate a night! For example in a night Ahmadi Nejad became a president and for 8 years while he was destroying Iran's industry, Turkey advanced at high speed every night of that damn 8 years!
OK mate.
What do we know about yildrim3 after 6 years of so called unveiling.
My two cents: there is no yildrim 3. Just propaganda.

Look at the end of anka A and echotorq car engine.

Look at air defense specs from roketsan. 10000 km altitude..... Seriously
They are making jokes of you mate. Wake up. Don't defend them without knowledge.

I hope I did not make you mad or sad this time. I want to be your friend after all.

My years old brother would understan that 10000km is a typ fault and should be 10000 m.
Like i said my 2 years old brother would have gotten that. So where does that leave your intelligence?

Bye bye troll.
OK mate.
What do we know about yildrim3 after 6 years of so called unveiling.
My two cents: there is no yildrim 3. Just propaganda.

Yaaa, why do not they build a plastic mockup of "peacekeeper rocket" and reveal it along with fire works! why? damn it, Turkey's industry is too week!

Look at the end of anka A and echotorq car engine.

Yaaa, why the hell they tell the troth to nation. they could keep nation unaware of development process. Who knows why every country who has military relation with Turkey is interested in ANKA!

Look at air defense specs from roketsan. 10000 km altitude..... Seriously

Seriously, they could claim that they are able to develop a high altitude SAM system like S300 at a moment instead of typo mistakes! If they have your wisdom farag!
When will you guys learn not to respond trolls?

Bro, it's mods duty to deal with the trolls but they are doing nothing. So people here try to answer his false accusations and this causes derailing of the Topic.
10000 km altitude is several times better than S300.
Is that another AKP propaganda?
Would you please let us know how it works. You are hitting sattelites with your air defense?

Can't you read? It say's low and medium altitude. Plus who said it is better than the S300?

We can see your lack of knowledge in this field, hence if you have any questions you can ask any informative members.

Don't forget you should not be ashamed of not knowing.
Secrecy is vital for institutes who is working for serious key technologies.(Mollah doesn't need. They always talk about secrecy as a reason of blury images, When they wanted to introduce a tactical UAV as MALE, a corvette as Destroyer) It doesn't mean that Turkish defence industry is not clear to reach necessary informations but The specifications revealed to public is limited with What officials want you to know. Because Rest of detail information are out of comprehension of your brain power and may cause a gap in Turkey's national security When related systems are joined into inventory so Most of products are revealed with downgraded performance items instead of overrated propaganda speeches Mollah likes. I mean The informations, development steps and schedules are quite clear and never have a propaganda purposes like Mollah doing everyday. Most of Roketsan projects always proceed with a deep secrecy. It is same for Tubitak SAGE's missile programs. Aselsan's Radar&Electronic warfare&Intelligence Department projects also proceed so serious and secret. You can't see anyhing until the designs reach a level of maturity. For exm. Until this date, Nobody can see any single design part of ATMACA Anti-ship missile or AKYA torpedos. It is normal for all World countries who is working serious on critical technologies which will protect the future of 75 million nation against enemies.

Never, I am just introducing How your b@ttpains seems you stupid with all contradictions your always come up. You don't have any idea What you are talking but coming here for babbling and trolling. At least, Think over the subjects you are going to type to seem more smart. Otherwise, Hema or Otosan Puma like examples will make you fall into more desperate situations...

You said no country reveals its missile secrets.
Would you mind looking at Indian brahmos or Russian iskander or pakistani Babur.
Provide the same amount of information for yildrim 3.
That is about how to translate a night! For example in a night Ahmadi Nejad became a president and for 8 years while he was destroying Iran's industry, Turkey advanced at high speed every night of that damn 8 years!

Overnight means
1. Having ww2 style plastic mock ups for karayel and hurcus but planning to build a fifth generation TFX in 10 years.
2. Making anka computers in a short time after newspapers revealed the computers are Israeli. If they could make it that fast why did not they make it the first time and imported it.

I don't know how nejad economy policy is related to me or this thread but since you insist:

You should compare economy of nuclear states like Pakistan or Iran to their peer nuclear states. Pakistan economy is weaker due to sanctions but they are nuclear and can take out the army of the rest of the Muslim world.
That is about how to translate being Transparent. For example when developing version of ANKA failed, they have bravely reflected the troth to the nation.

Being transparent does not mean being uncovered in every military project. Every nation has secret projects for example USA.

Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk:
Introduction October 1983 but revealed to the world in November 1988.

Please be sure you do not mixed the meaning of being unable to save military secrets and Transparency.

Now, Why a long range rocket should be a secret project? Because world is very sensitive about this weapon. In my personal opinion the long range rocket project technology will be followed by The project named as "Space Center" which schedules be ready within 10 years. If you could launch heavy satellite to far orbits you are not very far from ICBM technology.

When I said they are Transparent I did not mean they are naive!

Based on your own reasoning India should not have revealed its long range 5000 km missile not to make sensitivity.
Yildrim 3 is only 900 km. Not a big deal.
How about: no turkey does not make missiles close to that range. It is more believable.
Yaaa, why do not they build a plastic mockup of "peacekeeper rocket" and reveal it along with fire works! why? damn it, Turkey's industry is too week!

Yaaa, why the hell they tell the troth to nation. they could keep nation unaware of development process. Who knows why every country who has military relation with Turkey is interested in ANKA!

Seriously, they could claim that they are able to develop a high altitude SAM system like S300 at a moment instead of typo mistakes! If they have your wisdom farag!

No country has made such a bluff about its missiles so far.
Propaganda does not make deterrance mate.
Just reveal 10% of what Pakistan reveals about its ballistic missiles.

No one in this forum knew about failure of all made in turkey engines before. Cabatli was saying turkey makes all kinds of engine. So turkey was not clear at all.
Please Google scholar ford ecotorq and read the article.
By the way, no single platform in the world uses Turkish engine.

Typical Turkish members here think:
Turkey makes car engine because she exports cars.

Turkey makes engine for Anka. It is not German.

Turkey makes computers for UAVs. It is not coming from Israel.

Typical Turkish members here do not know the difference of anka and global hawk style drones.
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