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Turkish Missile Programs

Ok short versıon YILDIRIM 3 is possibly BORA @cabatli_53

and YILDIRIM 4 is top secret
people say that it is highly classified and crime to leak range information.


B-611 was Yildirim I below

Copyright - Tolga


Animation and explanation :

UAE does have Air tractor... and UAE did buy some...
So could be test footage from the UAE ari force...
Well, i noticed it now you have a general view at 1:16, it definately is Air Tractor your guess is very likely.
Also the environment when the target gets hit looks like desert.
A better picture without watermark

Do you trust the Roketsan poster ? Where is BORA ?

Turkey reveals 'Bora' ballistic missile
Kerry Herschelman, Washington D.C. and Nicholas de Larrinaga, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
09 February 2017

Turkey has made public it has been developing a long-range surface-to-surface missile system called 'Bora' (Storm).

The Undersecretariat for Defence Industries (SSM) stated that the Project 'B' missile system had been developed by Roketsan in order to "meet the long range surface-to-surface missile requirement of the Turkish Land Forces Command [TLFC] through local design and production."

The SSM added that an agreement to design, qualify, and serially produce the missiles was signed with Roketsan in November 2009.

"Delivery of the missiles continues in line with the schedule," it said, but did not provide any images or further details of the system, such as its range or payload.


JANES ! and not Burak Ege Bekdil

F-22 in the background

What is the meaning of " long range " ?

Was that a big lie ? I believe the infos are secret and classified

Tübitak Director Prof. Altinbasak 14 Jan. 2012

We delivered TSK a missile with 500 km range and 5 meter CEP our goal is 2500 km in 2 years !

"500 kilometre menzilli füze projesini tamamlayıp TSK’ya teslim ettik. 10 metre sapma ile hedefi vurması istenen füze testlerde 5 metre sapma ile hedefi imha edebildi "
Is Turkey developing a 1000km range ballistic missile?

Anything less than 1000km is not worth calling a ballistic "missile"---it's a mere rocket with few hundred km range.

Let's see. Hopefully our Pakistani scientists and engineers share their knowledge and expertise in the field with Turkey, if Turkey is really trying to develop a 1000km+ ballistic missile system
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