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Turkish Missile Programs

Could you inform us.
What are the differences between KHAN and BORA missiles?
AFAIK either ballistic and have 300km range and same diametr.

BORA is ballistic missile and has 1000km range???
Topsecret info:)

The Khan missile is the export version,the range may not exceed 300km(MTCR).

It seems Khan is the export variant of Bora missile.
Damn bro,you beat me to it.
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worst design ever. i want to know anybody saw a syria or iraq footages while decision progress? i saw a video, a guy was hitting a t-72 s 12.7mm gun with AK-47, what we do when an sniper or rocket hit this launcher?

Put some cover!!!

Most cal.50 long range sniper rifles have antimaterial ammo. Nothing to do

Bro. You changed your flag to Usa
Atmaca ship to ship cruise missile

View attachment 389885

Lens correction
Please read this, unbelievable Turkish SOM - Cruise Missile Family



SOM- A aircraft launched, active on F-4 2020 and F-16 s

developed 2011.

SOM - B developed 2013, serial production begins 2017 also variants with penetrating warhead

Integrated INS, GNSS and Terrain Following.


SOM - J for F-35


SOM - J with different warheads, penetrating and HE combined warhead available

Serial production 2019. Expected use at Turkish Navy 2020.


SOM D ( Navy) and SOM DA (Sub launched) , vertical launched for Turkish Navy and possibly also Turkish Airforce,

to be operated together with ATMACA.

Atmaca and SOM will not be enough, Turkish Navy needs 900 nm capable Mach 5 speed medium and short range missiles too !

SOM D needs only an additional solid rocket booster, SOM DA - a launch capsule

SOM D will have secondary passive radar guidance ( anti radiation), vertical and land based launch capability


and finally

Comparable to SOM - J sub launched Norwegian JSM picture



1. http://www.sage.tubitak.gov.tr
2. http://www.roketsan.com.tr
3. Tübitak Bülten - Sayı: 155, 2014 (Kasım)
4. Tübitak Basın Bülteni - Tübitak Sage Tarafindan Geliştirilen Türkiye’nin İlk Seyir Füzesi Yoluna Devam Ediyor, 2013 (07.05)
5. https://www.flightglobal.com/news/a...ketsan-shoot-for-som-j-first-flight-i-416821/
6. The Stand-Off Missile-JSF Program, 2017, Scott McClean - Bill DeMaso
7. F-35 Program Status and Weapons Roadmap Precision Strike Annual Review, 2012, Mark Werth
8. DSEI daily, 2015 (18 Eylül)


Atmaca vs Harpoon with booster

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15 km range for akya seems to be short,but it may represent full speed range so at slower speeds range will up more than 2 times as we see on many heavy torpedos,infact true range of torpedos are generally top secret,additionally fiberoptic wired torpedos does not need speed because speed make noise,its client and resistant to ew its really a ship killer
Lens correction
SUB-ATMACA or similar anti-ship missile will be fired from submarines very far away,it will swim and fired accordingly,roketsan working hard on this matter7th navy systems workshop,from MSI journal

roketsan also working on torpedos that they will link each other will attack like a wolfs against targets thats a miracle
SOM D ( Navy) and SOM DA (Sub launched) , vertical launched for Turkish Navy and possibly also Turkish Airforce,

to be operated together with ATMACA.

Atmaca and SOM will not be enough, Turkish Navy needs 900 nm capable Mach 5 speed medium and short range missiles too !

SOM D needs only an additional solid rocket booster, SOM DA - a launch capsule

SOM D will have secondary passive radar guidance ( anti radiation), vertical and land based launch capability

There is no such thing as SOM D or SOM DA.

You are just quoting (and misinforming) an anonymous blogger although he himself admitted that it's just his fantasy.

Henüz bu yönde bir çalışmanın varlığı resmen açıklanmış olmadığı için burada SOM-D ve SOM-DA olarak ifade edilen füzeler şimdilik sadece varsayımdan ibarettir ki tahmin edilebileceği üzere kullanılan kısaltmalar "D" deniz ve "DA" denizaltı anlamındadır.

Most probably supersonic naval strike missile to neutralize advanced naval threats (As SSM mentioned in official page)



Having typical ramjet air intakes on sides, simple outline and back large fins...


No offtopic posts please!

Best ramjet picture of Turkish missiles. Thank you brother

And now a quote :

Thank you OCAY
  • CLEARANCE: Confidential

"Various Air Launched Bombs/Missiles

1. Paveway-2T. Since mid 1990s Turkish ASELSAN produced Paveway-II bomb kit.

2. LGK: new generation laser guidance kit for Mk series bomb, instead of bang-bang guidance like the one in Paveway-II; it has propotional guidance system. Last year Turkish Airforce ordered 1400 LGK Kit. Both Mk84 and Mk82 kits as well as NEB 2000lb Bunker Buster Kits in production

3. HGK Series. Developed since mid 2000 from TUBITAK SAGE; HGK is now in full use in Turkish Air Force. Basic HGK use INS/GPS guidance and various terminal seekers developed

HGK-1: Inital model 2000lb, Mk84 or NEB Bunker Buster
HGK-2: Late model 2000lb, Mk84 or Bunker Buster
HGK-3: 500lb Mk82 or NEB-82 Bunker Buster
HGK-4: 1000lb Mk-83 or NEB-83 Bunker Buster

There is recently qualifed laser terminal guidance for HGK Series; HGK with semi active laser seekers called "L-HGK" so we have also



4. KGK Series. It is wing kit and guidance kit is identical to HGK series guided bomb.

KGK-82 and L-KGK-82 for Mk82 500lb
KGK-83 and L-KGK-83 for Mk83 1000lb
KGK for Mk20 Rockeye bombs

The wing kits gives up to 110km range, basically a very good stand off range beyond most airdefence system's range

5. DEMET-A: Unguided Cluster Muntion family devloped in 2000s; no more in production.

6. SOM Family; light cruise missile family which is under production for Turkey and allied countries. Developed by TUBITAK SAGE and produced by ROKETSAN. It has range around 300km.

SOM-A: Basic SOM; with HE Warhead INS/GPS guidance with TERCOM
SOM-B1: SOM Missile with HE Warhead; INS/GPS Seeker, TERCOM and IR based Navigation with ATA capabilty
SOM-B2: Similar to SOM-B1 with penetrator warhead
SOM-C: Planned SOM-B with various datalink/networking capabilty.
SOM-J: Antiship variant specially developed for F-35s with Block4 Software. Developed by ROKETSAN and SAGE. It is main competetor against Kongsberg JSM Missiles.
SOM-ER: Extended Range variant of SOM Missile

7. Göktuğ Air-Air Missile Family:

Devloped by ROKETSAN and SAGE. The missile family consist of both IR and Radar guided variant. To be operational following years. Details unknown.

8-) ROKETSAN Teber. It is combined SAL and GPS-INS Guided bomb family. Inital models for Mk81 and Mk82 light bombs. F-16 integration has completed

9-) ASELSAN Milli Mini Mühimmat. Turkish equivalant of American SDB
Rumoured/Uncomfirmed Projects

1. A TV guided Missile similar to Popeye developed by Roketsan
2. An Anti-Radar missile
3. IR Terminal Seeker for HGK and KGK Family
4. A Ramjet Missile
5. Thermobaric warheads for various missile/bomb (TENDUREK Project)
6. Turkish-Pakistani Cluster Munition Project
7. SOM Naval and Land Launched Variant

Some other projects:

1. J Missile or Yıldırım-I: 150km range SRBM similar to Chinese B611

2. J+ Missile Further development of Yıldırım-I

3. Altough unconfirmed Yıldırım-2 with 300km; Yıldırım-3 with 800km planned, even could be operational

4. Gezgin: Turkish cruise missile for Navy and for ground launchers. It has been underdevelopment for years, it is estimated that it has range around 1000km

5. Atmaca: Turkish antiship missile with TJ. Probably it has more than 200km range, with multiple seeker and datalink options. Test fires continue; inital production will be in 2018.

6. Kargı: Turkish Anti-Radar Drone. It has both passive radar seeker and FLIR. Probably it has light weight piston engine, similar to IAI HAROP

7. Akya: Turkish 533mm wire guided torpedo for submarines and surface vessels. Devlopment completed, serial production contract signed.

8. TORK: Anti-Torpedo Torpedo being developed by ASELSAN

According to Savunma ve Havacilik Magazine Turkish Balistic Missile Programme targets in late 1990s as follows:

Project-J: 150km class Balistic Missile turn out to be Yildirim, 220km range J+ missile entered service.
Project-K: 100km class MLRS turn aout to be Kasirga, now 120km K+ Missile entered service
Project-L: 300km Class SRBM, initially co development with Ukraine considered; but it has been cancelled due to high cost (the Project evolved as GROM Missile). Instead of Project-L, Project-B launced ant it's turn out to be Bora Missile (360km range, where as Khan is export derivative 280km)
Project-M: 500km SRBM, with cooperation with Pakistan, a missile system based on Shaheen Missile. There is no information available on Project-M. Most likely cancelled.

On the other hand Turkish Balistic Missile Programe aims 800-1000km range very highly accurete (like Bora Missile, less than 50m CEP) ballistic miissile. This goal might be already accomplishe
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