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Turkish Missile Programs

@Combat-Master bro, do you have supersonic missile design in your hand?

Brother from Aydin (banned) ,

his project from 2008 presented via Prof. Seckiner Görgün to TÜBITAK


Quote Ocay :

Naval Göktuğ dediğimiz şeyin yanında 7. Deniz Sistemlerinde Hisar A ve O nun deniz kuvvetleri ihtiyaçlarına göre şekillendirilmesi yapılacakların en tepesine konmuş.

Naval Göktug is at top of so called 7.th naval systems beside Hisar A and O.

İ-Sınıfı çok şanslı gemi olacak. Elimizde ESSM Block2'sen Hisar ve Göktuğ'a kadar zengin bir füze ailesi olacak.

I class frigate will be very interesting beside ESSM , Hisar and Göktug family are possible integrated.

Açık kaynakta bilimsel makalelere bakıldıgında milli hava hava füzessinde R77'deki gibi grid fin ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grid_fin ) kullanılma olasılığını yüksek görüyorum. Ayrıca hem konvansiyonel dual pulse hem ramjet konfigürasyonu aynı anda geliştiriliyor olabilir

Open sources analysis I did show that we will present R77 grid fin, maybe that dual piöse and ramjet is developed parrallel.

I got that PDF just now


2011 nightshade mentioned you positive @cabatli_53


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@1683 please stop posting Turkish or translate them.

Was surprised to find the sources from 2011. Translations will follow but its not easy technical terms. Keep patient

He claimed years ago that I - class frigates will be happy cause he believes that dual pilse and ramjet development in Turkey is going on.
Roketsan supersonic naval missile combined body and fin design

View attachment 390504

Thank you. Great.
But keep patience some time.
If I am on mobile I can't not use easy google translate.


Gururag Kalanidhi, Observer and Independent Analyst
Updated 5 Sep 2015

The operational Hypersonic missiles around the world are:

J-600T Yıldırım (150–900 km) Turkey



by Roketsan Türkiye


Posted 2010 by AVCI



http://library.metu.edu.tr/search~S...missile&SORT=D&SUBKEY=cruise missile&8,8,,1,0

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My God ! Speed : up to Mach 3 or Mach 3+ :cheesy:

Just after the possibility of having also a BVRAAM may be over Mach 4.


Ramjets generally give little or no thrust below about half the speed of sound, and they are inefficient (less than 600 seconds) until the airspeed exceeds 1,000 kilometres per hour (280 m/s; 620 mph) due to low compression ratios.
However, ramjets generally outperform gas turbine-based jet engine designs and work best at supersonic speeds (Mach 2–4).

Link 16 data link processor card for SOM-J to be produced by Meteksan Defense

Link-16 Data Link Card Procurement Agreement signed between TUBITAK SAGE and Meteksan Defense in December 2016, and Link-16 Data Link Operator Card Meteksan Defense of SOM-J ammunition to be developed for F-35 Joint Shooter (JSF) will be produced by Meteksan Defense.

SOM-J, a high-precision navigational fuselage, will meet the navigation requirements of the Turkish Air Force for the Joint Flyer F-35 and will be the project partner of Turkey, one of the most important striking forces of the F-35 fighter aircraft to be used by many allied countries. Someone will be.

The Link-16 Data Link CPU hardware solution required for network-assisted ammunition features critical to navigation needs will be brought to SOM-J nationwide by Meteksan Defense. In this context, we will also produce the first national tactical data link processor hardware. The relevant equipment will be delivered in a closed box and the ammunition will have features that meet the environmental requirements.

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