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Turkish Missile Programs

The mysterious bomb strikes north Iraq again.

Türkiye 40 savaş uçağıyla Kandil'i vurdu

:D That's .. it I know what it is now..

Such a sharp and high degree maneuvering...
How type a missile TurAF is using. It can't be a Maverick.
If the missile we are talking is something like domestic ALAS, I won't be surprised. Such sharp maneuvering and precision on terminal phase, It reminds me something like a derivative of Atmaca design modified for AG roles. Take a look second video in N.Iraq operation... Before explosion, Missile is really making a maneuvering show. I think It requires such big fins...

@Combat-Master Brother, Remember a video capture image showing a AG missile illustration (shared 3-5 years ago) which looks like Serbian ALAS. Can you find the image of it ? I couldn't find in my achieve.
What the hell is it ?
Yes up to 0 to 0:15 in video I can see very highs speed and sharp maneuvering missile,
after the blast you can see the second missile passing with high speed 1:10 to South .

Second missile ? I will watch it again...

What the hell is it ?
Yes up to 0 to 0:15 in video I can see very highs speed and sharp maneuvering missile,
after the blast you can see the second missile passing with high speed 1:10 to South .

Not one, but two more missiles are passing from left hand side of blast !
Would a Popeye missile be too easy of a solution? No idea personally but I've seen it being mentioned.
Difficult to hit targets are engag with highly manuaverable missiles, i saw a projects on the internet about hitting difficult target in valleys. I wil try to find it.
Now I saw 2 missiles after the blast at 1:10 in the video :tup:
Possibly our guys are on the ground ?
God bless them. Good hunting.

There are three missile passing towards South. Pay attention to blast time one more time !
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