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Turkish Missile Programs

UMTAS (Helicopter launcable AT missile) test area

Cabatli bro, I have a question on T-MAIADMIS...

Is there any indication of its speed, will it reach Mach 3 like Aster-15?
Cabatli bro, I have a question on T-MAIADMIS...

Is there any indication of its speed, will it reach Mach 3 like Aster-15?

About T-MAIADMIS, Feasibility reports indicated that Turkish defence industry have knowledge enough to develop a medium altitude missile system domestically. Roketsan-Aselsan team was also too ambitious to develop those air defence missile systems domestically cause of importance of such systems for the future of nations. Despite Roketsan-Aselsan team, SSM had intended to work with foreign contactors under an offset agreement but Turkish defence institues have strongly rejected SSM. At final, SSM has to cancel both T-LAIADMIS and T-MAIADMIS air defence missile programs obliging to work with foreign contactors and agreed on development of those missiles domestically.

At current statues of programs, We know that Both missile will have high resolution IIR seeker with latest generation Aselsan QWIP IR detector technology. Thanks to QWIP technology, The sight range of seekers would have been increased.

In additions, Both Missiles will have TVC controls to perform sharp manouvres towards targets While following. The propulsion technology will make the differences between Low-Medium altitude missiles. The jet engine of Medium altitude with fuel amount will help missile to reach much longer ranges than low altitude one... The rests such as seeker, fuse, guidance will have been developed with similar technologies.

Remember UMTAS-OMTAS AT missiles development example. Both have lots of similar technologies applied by Roketsan-Aselsan team...

Those are all We know about those programs at the moment.
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Thanks bro. I have another question, will the Roketsan Cirit be equipped with fixed-wing aircraft?
Thanks bro. I have another question, will the Roketsan Cirit be equipped with fixed-wing aircraft?

Bro, Anka Block-B will be equipped with Cirits'. If TuAF describe an armed Hurkus basic trainer similar with Embraer Super Tucano, Cirits can be integrated on Hurkus's simply.
Thanks bro...another question, but regarding Atmaca...

Is it possible that Turkey will design Atmaca along the same lines as the Norwegian Naval Strike Missile (NSM)? In other words, instead of a conventional design, have Atmaca designed as a stealthy missile?
Thanks bro...another question, but regarding Atmaca...

Is it possible that Turkey will design Atmaca along the same lines as the Norwegian Naval Strike Missile (NSM)? In other words, instead of a conventional design, have Atmaca designed as a stealthy missile?

Bro, Before Atmaca program revealed into public, It was known that Turkish officials/engineers have visited both Norway and Sweden to find cooperation posibilities. I do not know whether it was about technological cooperations/assistance to apply for Atmaca's or choose a foreign SSM to produce them into Turkey to benefit their technologies and deploy them on Milgem's.

Besides, It is known that Sweden is more willing to share their technologies with Turkey than others so opened an office in Turkey to tell their cooperation ambitious with Turkish side on multiple defence programs including SSM's. They have participated into IDEF 2009 with their RBS-15 mk3 missiles as well but The meeting with Norway to participate into NSM program has been failed cause of disagreements over the rights of NSM. Atmaca SSM development has been officially started before those meetings occured the agenda so It is a big question wheater Aselsan-Roketsan will benefit fom a foreign technology...

About Stealth design of Atmaca, I think Atmaca will looks more like Exocet or Harpoon instead of NSM. You know Atmaca seeker head was introduced in IDEF 2009 by Aselsan and It is recalled me a Harpoon or Exocet equivalent in terms of design...
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Ongoing Turkish Missile/Torpedo Development Programs and budgets...

Atmaca anti-shiping Missile project (Started in 2008)
-Main Comntactor: Roketsan
-Budget= 80 million Euro

AKYA 533mm Heavy Torpedos project
-Main Contactor: ARMERKOM
-Budget= 24 million $

AKYA Light Weight Torpedo project
-Main Contactor: ARMERKOM
-Budget=Not known

Stand-Off A-G munition program (Prototipe trials phase)
-Main Contactor: Tubitak SAGE
-Budget= 60 million $

UMTAS AT missile (Prototipe Trials phase)
-Main Contactor:Roketsan
-Budget= 44 million $

OMTAS AT Missile (Prototipe production phase)
-Main Contactor: Roketsan
-Budget= 23 million $

KMTAS AT Missile (Design phase)
-Main contactor: Roketsan
-Budget= Around 20 million $

Cirit 2.75 Laser Guided Missile Program (Serial production phase)
-Main Contactor: Roketsan
-Budget=25 million $

HGK-ER (JDAM equivalent) Direct Attack A-G Munition (Prototipe trials phase)
-Main Contactor: Tubitak SAGE
-Development cost: 25.9 million $

Bunker Buster A-G Glide Bomb
-Main Contactor:Tubitak Sage, SubContactor: MKEK
-Budget: 6.8 million $

Demet Cluster Bomb
-Main Contactor: Tubitak SAGE
-Budget: Not known

Low Altitude Air Defence Missile Program (Development phase)
-Main Contactor: Roketsan
-Budget: Not known

Medium Altitude Air Defence Missile Program (Waiting for signiture)
-Main Contactor: Roketsan
Demet Cluster Bomb
-Main Contactor: Tubitak SAGE
-Budget: Not known

Do we have any specs on the cluster bomb or a video demonstration of how it works.

If I recall correct Israel used something like a cluster bomb on civillian and buildings with phospher in it, which caused high amount of casualties.

Will these be used in urban warfare or are their capabilities meant for different type of warfare.
Do we have any specs on the cluster bomb or a video demonstration of how it works.

If I recall correct Israel used something like a cluster bomb on civillian and buildings with phospher in it, which caused high amount of casualties.

Will these be used in urban warfare or are their capabilities meant for different type of warfare.

Turkish cluster bomb called Demet carries 400 bomblets each. It works similar principles with Israeli phospher bombs used on Gazze war but Instead of phospher firing, It spreads explosive bomblets before It reaches the target.

Actually, Usage of Cluster bombs have been prohibited cause of creating civilian damages and Many countries have signed this restricting of cluster bomb usage agreement but Turkey and some Other countries rejected to sign this agreement...

Demet in wing tunnel...

Working Principles of Clusterbombs are same...
YouTube - CBU-97 Sensor Fuzed Weapon Cluster Bomb
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