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Turkish man rapes and murders Japanese Tourists

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InshAllah my Sri Lankan brother InshAllah our Tourism sector will get better with this new elections I have a feeling Roohani will do good things. If people can just get to know Iran they will love the country but like I said the western media does there best to potray us as bad as they can and the Iranian government is not doing too much in this area to help but inshAllah it will get better with time.
According to this sick indivual;

While he was driving, 2 Japanese girls hits his car with "their bicycle ". SO he gets angry, but girls attack him, so he takes out his knife , swings a bit,one girl collapse, he freaks out and decides to rape other girl in his car. Than he dumps her in a secluded place when he finishes with her.

At the night of this this issue. He went to his fiancees house with his family, two propose marriage....
Ḥashshāshīn;4773848 said:
Sick, frustrated individual.

This is why death penalty is needed everywhere.

Individual??? Then who are his supporters outside, thrashing Japanese press??
Hostility towards foreigners (tourists) in Turkey has increased dramatically in the past couple of years. A couple of months ago a young female American tourist traveling Europe came to Istanbul and went missing for a long time, the Turkish police recently found out she was raped first then murdered locals found her body in a garbage bin. So much for Turkish hospitality...:lol:

First supporting Jehadis in Syria, now these stories coming out showing current Turkish govt's intent to converting Turkey into land of pure.
First supporting Jehadis in Syria, now these stories coming out showing current Turkish govt's intent to converting Turkey into land of pure.

Individual??? Then who are his supporters outside, thrashing Japanese press??

Before jumping onto conclusions, first try to anaylze the situation. If you can't.... try to ask....

Those people are not supporters but family of the "attacker"....

Another point is, the first suspect who was taken into custody was innocent.Police later released him and caught the real culprit. So family of the man who taken into custody outraged because they knew that he was innocent.

You second post is absolutely rubbish hence, I'm not going to reply it... as you try relate an individual criminal act with the policy of the Turkish government.
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