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Turkish LHD Program | News & Discusions

Simultaneously or iether jets or choppers depending on mission?
Its simultaneously in mixed role. There are rumours it can carry up to 12 F35B or 16 depends below deck configuration.

what is the projected tonnage for the Turkish LHD ?

Adding in F35B will leave it inadequate for fixed wing and for helicopters

Unless Turkey seriously expands the tonnage of the LHD it's going to be hard to mix fixed wing and helicopters on a 30,000 ton platform

F35B can only take two landing spots on America Class and that is pretty much a mini carrier

Unless Turkey adds another LHD to its naval programme to accommodate helicopters it will be short changed trying to mix both fixed wing and helicopter on a single platform of that size

It's like buying a sports utility vehicle 4x4, you can't take it off road and it's not really sportscar
Pretty much a standard layout and a good one

Aviation hanger with larger light cargo holding area

A lower deck heavy cargo holding area

Well deck which will have access to the heavy loading area via internal ramp

The aviation hanger/light cargo holding area would have access to dockside via side ramp

The thing that they missed is that with F35B they will need lots of weapons, fuel and spares storage inside as well as extra equipment for flight deck operations

Certainly the elevator can hold F35B

Building a fleet of 2-4 x LHD would ensure the Eastern Mediterranean belongs to Turkey

Having a Multi configuration LHD could complicate deployments and the "swtich" between light carrier and amphibious lift could cost valuable time

If they can fit one out for air centric missions and one for amphibious assault well time will tell
what is the projected tonnage for the Turkish LHD ?

Adding in F35B will leave it inadequate for fixed wing and for helicopters

Unless Turkey seriously expands the tonnage of the LHD it's going to be hard to mix fixed wing and helicopters on a 30,000 ton platform

F35B can only take two landing spots on America Class and that is pretty much a mini carrier

Unless Turkey adds another LHD to its naval programme to accommodate helicopters it will be short changed trying to mix both fixed wing and helicopter on a single platform of that size

It's like buying a sports utility vehicle 4x4, you can't take it off road and it's not really sportscar

The project for second one will commence in 2017.
Pretty much a standard layout and a good one

Aviation hanger with larger light cargo holding area

A lower deck heavy cargo holding area

Well deck which will have access to the heavy loading area via internal ramp

The aviation hanger/light cargo holding area would have access to dockside via side ramp

The thing that they missed is that with F35B they will need lots of weapons, fuel and spares storage inside as well as extra equipment for flight deck operations

Certainly the elevator can hold F35B

Building a fleet of 2-4 x LHD would ensure the Eastern Mediterranean belongs to Turkey

Having a Multi configuration LHD could complicate deployments and the "swtich" between light carrier and amphibious lift could cost valuable time

If they can fit one out for air centric missions and one for amphibious assault well time will tell
There is no doubt ,they can store weapons and fuel. Both for aircraft and helicopters.
Additionally, such ships cover maintenance for stationary equipment such as helicopters and aircrafts which relies on ship to operate.
Erdoğan, törende yaptığı konuşmasında şunları söyledi:

"Bugün Anadolu'nun ülkemiz, milletimiz, Deniz Kuvvetlerimiz, ordumuz için hayırlı olmasını temenni ediyorum. Türkiye'nin F-35 tarzı uçakların iniş-kalkış yapabileceği Anadolu'da emeği geçen herkese teşekkür ediyorum. Gerektiğinde dünyanın her köşesinde askeri ve insani operasyon yürütebileceğimiz için çok önemlidir. Önümüze bu proje geldiğinde çok heyecanlanmıştım. Biz bunu çok daha ileriye taşımamız gerekir demiştim. Güçlenen, gelişen Türkiye'nin kendi sınırları dışında da varlık göstermesi gerekiyor. Ülkemize yönelik tehditlerin büyüdüğü bir dönemde atılan bu adımı geç kalmış bir adım olarak görüyoruz. bu millet kendi göbeğini kendisi kesmek durumundadır. Savunma sanayisindeki gelişmeleri takip ederken, ülkemizin yeni konumuna hazırlıkları süratlendirmeliyiz. Türkiye'nin modern nükleer bir uçak gemisine sahip olamamızı eksiklik olarak görüyorum. Silahlı insansız hava araçlarının aldıkları neticeden dolayı mutlu olduğumu ifade etmek istiyorum. bunun gerisinin geleceğine inanıyorum.

Nükleer santral inşaasına da yeni geçtiğimizin farkındayım. Bu tür projeleri sonuçlandırmak 5 yıl kapsamlı çalışmayı gerektiriyor. Arkadaşlarımla kapsamlı bir analiz yaptık. Savunma sanayine önem vermemiz gerektiğine vardık. Her biriyle özel olarak ilgilendim. Önümüze öyle engeller çıkarıldı ki, öngördüğümüzden daha yavaş ilerleme kaydettik. Bürokratik oligarşiden neler çektik, neler. Belki de bu gemiyi bitirme noktasına gelecektik. Ülkenin içinde bulunduğu istikrar ve güvenle projeler birer birer sonuçlanmaya başladı. 2002 yılında yüzde 80'lerde olan dışa bağımlılık bugün yüzde 40'lar seviyesine düşmüş durumda. 2023'te hedefimiz dışa bağımlılığı kaldırmaktır. Tüm dost ve kardeş ülkelerin de destekçisi, tedarikçisi olacağız.

Geçtiğimiz yıl bu hedef doğrultusunda ilerlemesini sürdürüyor. 31 milyar dolarlık projesiyle çalışmalarını yürüten savunma sanayimiz ar-gede 1 milyar dolara ulaştı. İleri teknoloji gerektiren konularda, uluslararası konularda işbirliklerimiz de olacaktır. Araştırma, geliştirme, modernizasyon, test gibi konularda kendi kendimize yeter haline gelmeliyiz. Bugünü ilk adım olarak görüyorum. Atak helikopterlerimiz içgüvenlik alanında etkin şekilde kullanılıyor. Altay için yakında seri üretime başlanacak. Silahsız, insansız hava araçlarını devreye girmesiyle içgüvenlikte rahatlama sağlanacağına inanıyorum"

Briefly says 5,5 years is so long, I want you to finish Anadolu LHD at 4 years. And this is a beginning for us. Also we had to have a Nuclear Aicraft Carrier, Altay will be serial production very soon...
Briefly says 5,5 years is so long, I want you to finish Anadolu LHD at 4 years.



"Turkey's defense industry needs to be 100 percent self-sufficient, Erdoğan says

Turkey's defense industry needs to be 100 percent self-sufficient at a time of increased threats, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said Saturday.

Speaking at a ceremony marking the inauguration of the building phase of TCG Anadolu, Erdoğan said Turkey's reliance on foreign components in the defense industry had fallen down to around 40 percent from 80 percent back in 2002.

"Our goal is to be totally self-sufficient by 2023," he said.

Noting that building this ship was the first step on the road towards building the world's best aircraft carrier, Erdoğan underlined Turkey's need to have a more active presence outside its borders." Daily Sabah
>> Turkey Started the Construction of its future LHD TCG Anadolu.

Turkey began the construction of its first LHD / amphibious assault ship on Saturday, April 30th. The first steel cut ceremony was held at Sedef shipyard in Tuzlay Bay close to Istanbul. During the ceremony President of Turkish Republic Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared that "TCG Anadolu will be the first ship in the navy from which F-35B SVTOL will be operate and would be delivered in 4 years (compared to the originally planned 5 years and a half).

>> Let's have a look at Turkish Navy LHD Specifications
Length overall: 231 meters
Maximum beam: 32 meters
Draught: 6.8 meters
Height: 58 meters
Maximum speed: 21 knots
Range: 9,000 miles @ economical speed
Electric propulsion with 2x 11 MW Siemens eSIPOD; 5x MAN 16V32/40 Diesel GenSets and 2x bow thrusters
Complete hospital and sick bay

>> Combat systems:
Genesis Advent CMS with amphibious and joint operations capability
Link 11/16/22/JRE/VMF
1x SMART-S Mk2 3D Search Radar
2x LPI radars
2x Navigation radars
1x Air traffic and control radar
1x PAR radar
4x 25mm Aselsan STOP
3x 12.7mm Aselsan STAMP
2x Raytheon Phalanx CIWS
Aselsan R-ESM
Aselsan jammers
Chaff/IR Decoy launching system
Aseslan TORK torpedo countermeasure system
HF/VHF/UHF and satellite communication systems

>> Amphibious capacity and force projection:
Garage for heavy loads: 1410 m² (MBTs, AAVs, TEU containers...)
Dock: 1165 m² (4x LCMs or 2x LCACs)
Light cargo garage: 1880 m² (AAVs, ZPTs, TEU containers...)
Aviation hangar: 900 m² (S-70B, AW-149, CH-47 etc.)
Flight Deck: 5440 m² (6 landing spots)

>> Turkish Navy LHD Mission Profiles and Capabilities

The ship is to be designed for four mission profiles:
» Amphibious ops: Capable of transporting a marine infantry force to carry out landing and support operations.

» Force Projection: Transporting forces to a theatre of operations.

» Aircraft Carrier: A platform for carrier-based naval aircrafts, acting as a flight deck for strategic projection airborne vectors (Navy's Air Wing).

» Humanitarian air ops: MOOTW (Military Operations Other Than War), humanitarian assistance, evacuation of crisis area, hospital ship in areas affected by natural disaster, etc.

The future LHD would serve as an aircraft carrier capable to deploy the F-35B, the short takeoff and vertical landing (STOVL) variant of the Lockheed Martin built Joint Strike Fighter. The vessel should be delivered to the Turkish Navy by 2019.
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