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Turkish LHD Program | News & Discusions


The statement reflects the view of the secretary of the League however it doesn't represent the official stance of the country members as noted in the article you posted. “The statement issued... on behalf of the Arab League was not discussed with the League member-states before it was released”.

Is this normal? Without consultation to bring a statement?
Not Impossible!. Ex-Clemenceau class aircraft carrier which has CATOBAR is currently in service of the Brazilian navy. Displacement wise its much lighter(22.000tons vs 28.000tons ) and has much shorter flight deck then our Juan Carlos(165.5m vs 202m). Although obviously we miss one crucial factor: take-off distance/landing distance. If the take-off/landing distance information of the F-35C was public we could have a proper conlusion.

Though honestly i highly doubt we will opt for F-35C. Why bother with all the CATOBAR structure changes and modifications when you can just buy a F-35B. Seems way more logical :)

Surprisingly the lists of each passing year actually are starting to look way more realistic and accurate. I cant remember how many times i said that S.Korea should be on that list. To be honest i dont know why Turkey is in the top 10, considering our current weaponry and systems inventory we wont stand a chance against alot of counties. But ofcourse the list is almost entirely based on quanitity so please dont use GFP as a reliable source.

It is not possible to compare lightweight .A-4 Sky Hawks from the 60s and a unit Price of 800.000 USD.

The engines of the F-35 are so hot exhausting that the decks must be modified !

Impossible is nothing

But that design is very interesting no jump ski

Navy's Newest Assault Ship Moonlights as Pint-Sized Aircraft Carrier | WIRED

If America and her sister possess a weakness, it’s the small number of planes currently available to fly off them. The ships do not have catapults like the nuclear carriers do, so only the aging Harrier and the future F-35B — both of which can take off and land vertically — can make use of their flight decks. Just 100 or so Harriers are in frontline service. Last month eight Harriers were destroyed in a daring Taliban raid on a base in southern Afghanistan. The F-35B is still struggling with design problems and could be years away from joining operational squadrons. Without the F-35B “our nation will lose a great capability,” Gen. James Amos, the Marine commandant, said last year.
With the two light carriers in place of two traditional assault ships, the Pentagon apparently believes it has struck the right balance for the future. For copies of the America class after Tripoli, the Navy said it will restore the well deck

Is this normal? Without consultation to bring a statement?

No !

But there is Iraq (Influence of Iran and Kurds), Algeria (Influence of Russia and Iran), Libanon (Influence of Iran), Tunisia (Currently nonexistent), Libya (Nonexistent). It is very very complicated…

That's why us (KSA and GCC) act with others (Egypt, Jordan, Morocco - example : Yemen -) now without asking permission from anyone.

No !

But there is Iraq (Influence of Iran and Kurds), Algeria (Influence of Russia and Iran), Libanon (Influence of Iran), Tunisia (Currently nonexistent), Libya (Nonexistent). It is very very complicated…

That's why us (KSA and GCC) act with others (Egypt, Jordan, Morocco - example : Yemen -) now without asking permission from anyone.


Never underestimate the different culture, mentality and ethnic structure of Maghrib Arabs vs. NE Araps ! Same Religion and similiar language is not enough.
Compare it with the almost 200 Million muslim and Turkish World!
Not Impossible!. Ex-Clemenceau class aircraft carrier which has CATOBAR is currently in service of the Brazilian navy. Displacement wise its much lighter(22.000tons vs 28.000tons ) and has much shorter flight deck then our Juan Carlos(165.5m vs 202m). Although obviously we miss one crucial factor: take-off distance/landing distance. If the take-off/landing distance information of the F-35C was public we could have a proper conlusion.

Though honestly i highly doubt we will opt for F-35C. Why bother with all the CATOBAR structure changes and modifications when you can just buy a F-35B. Seems way more logical :)

It is :lol:. I meant the procurement possibility of C variant to Turkish Navy, that's impossible for Levent :lol:. As for comparison of takeoff distances I think it can't be shorter than F-18 Hornets. In a normal runway F-18 requires a length of 515-520 meters to takeoff whereas if you're aboard a CVN that distance can be as short as 75 meters. F-35B requires 138 meters for short takeoff with ski-jump assist which pretty much is enough for a LHD with a length of 200-220 meters. Not official yet but it is unofficially confirmed that the studies and platform interoperability for F-35B at ARMERKOM is to be started by the first half of 2016...which crosses out any other variants to get.

Maybe the Air Force is comparing the A and C variants performance wise..wouldn't surprised if a significant amount of Air Force combat fleet was to be composed by carrier-based aircraft just like the air forces of Spain or the Aussies.
It is :lol:. I meant the procurement possibility of C variant to Turkish Navy, that's impossible for Levent :lol:. As for comparison of takeoff distances I think it can't be shorter than F-18 Hornets. In a normal runway F-18 requires a length of 515-520 meters to takeoff whereas if you're aboard a CVN that distance can be as short as 75 meters. F-35B requires 138 meters for short takeoff with ski-jump assist which pretty much is enough for a LHD with a length of 200-220 meters. Not official yet but it is unofficially confirmed that the studies and platform interoperability for F-35B at ARMERKOM is to be started by the first half of 2016...which crosses out any other variants to get.

Maybe the Air Force is comparing the A and C variants performance wise..wouldn't surprised if a significant amount of Air Force combat fleet was to be composed by carrier-based aircraft just like the air forces of Spain or the Aussies.

Have you heard of any interest for V-22 Osprey, there were rumors but nothing clear..
It is :lol:. I meant the procurement possibility of C variant to Turkish Navy, that's impossible for Levent :lol:. As for comparison of takeoff distances I think it can't be shorter than F-18 Hornets. In a normal runway F-18 requires a length of 515-520 meters to takeoff whereas if you're aboard a CVN that distance can be as short as 75 meters. F-35B requires 138 meters for short takeoff with ski-jump assist which pretty much is enough for a LHD with a length of 200-220 meters. Not official yet but it is unofficially confirmed that the studies and platform interoperability for F-35B at ARMERKOM is to be started by the first half of 2016...which crosses out any other variants to get.

Maybe the Air Force is comparing the A and C variants performance wise..wouldn't surprised if a significant amount of Air Force combat fleet was to be composed by carrier-based aircraft just like the air forces of Spain or the Aussies.

I know i know. Really that was probably the most half-assed comment i wrote this year :D
Have you heard of any interest for V-22 Osprey, there were rumors but nothing clear..

Unfortunately nothing more other those I had written back there in Naval Programs thread. If I get the chance to learn reliable information, I will share it again with you fellas but somehow I think we might not see any procurements of heavy transport choppers on plans until Levent gets laid down to sea but who knows we weren't expecting any ski-jump or F-35B either, and look where we are now.

I know i know. Really that was probably the most half-assed comment i wrote this year :D

It's OK, I don't know the Netherlands but weather here in Ankara hits my head sometimes :D
@cabatli_53, @Neptune


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Quote :

L'Égypte achète les deux Mistral non livrés à la Russie

23/09/2015, 13:34

L'Elysée vient de confirmer l'information que La Tribune avait anticipée mardi. Il s'agit des des deux bâtiments de projection et de commandement dont la vente à la Russie, conclue en 2011, avait été annulée en début août.

La Tribune avait révélé la tenue de négociations dès mardi. Mercredi 23 septembre, l'accord a été conclu, et l'annonce a été officialisée. L'Egypte va acquérir les deux navires Mistral que la France devait initialement livrer à la Russie, avant que l'accord soit annulé, a déclaré la présidence de la République mercredi dans un communiqué.

« Le Président de la République s'est entretenu avec le Président Sissi. Ils se sont accordés sur le principe et les modalités de l'acquisition par l'Egypte des deux bâtiments de projection et de commandement de classe Mistral", a indiqué l'Elysée. »

950 millions d'euros remboursés aux autorités russes

La France avait annoncé début août l'annulation de la vente à la Russie des deux bâtiments de projection et de commandement (BPC) Mistral conclue en 2011 sous la présidence de Nicolas Sarkozy, une décision dont le coût est de 950 millions d'euros, la somme remboursée aux autorités russes.

Des négociations étaient depuis lors en cours avec une dizaine de pays, dont l'Egypte.

(Avec AFP et Reuters)

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@cabatli_53, @Neptune


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“Google Translate”

Link: Google Translate

Quote :

L'Égypte achète les deux Mistral non livrés à la Russie

23/09/2015, 13:34

L'Elysée vient de confirmer l'information que La Tribune avait anticipée mardi. Il s'agit des des deux bâtiments de projection et de commandement dont la vente à la Russie, conclue en 2011, avait été annulée en début août.

La Tribune avait révélé la tenue de négociations dès mardi. Mercredi 23 septembre, l'accord a été conclu, et l'annonce a été officialisée. L'Egypte va acquérir les deux navires Mistral que la France devait initialement livrer à la Russie, avant que l'accord soit annulé, a déclaré la présidence de la République mercredi dans un communiqué.

« Le Président de la République s'est entretenu avec le Président Sissi. Ils se sont accordés sur le principe et les modalités de l'acquisition par l'Egypte des deux bâtiments de projection et de commandement de classe Mistral", a indiqué l'Elysée. »

950 millions d'euros remboursés aux autorités russes

La France avait annoncé début août l'annulation de la vente à la Russie des deux bâtiments de projection et de commandement (BPC) Mistral conclue en 2011 sous la présidence de Nicolas Sarkozy, une décision dont le coût est de 950 millions d'euros, la somme remboursée aux autorités russes.

Des négociations étaient depuis lors en cours avec une dizaine de pays, dont l'Egypte.

(Avec AFP et Reuters)


I say whoaa.. By Sisi taking over, being a leader with vast military background, his administration put higher emphasis on regional ambitions and if this is true as written (my French doesn't suck :lol:) it will not be limited with regional ambitions. If I were to consider it confirmed with Russia's approval. Some pros and cons rise up that may even relate with Leven-class LHD project. As a matter of fact naval procurements can oftenly be familiarized with the Butterfly Effect.

For Egypt:

- Buying two -not one- large hull amphibious assault ships for a Navy like Egypt's means you need to procure a batch of frigates with significant AAW capabilities which eventually points out foreign funding. Otherwise I doubt their budget would survive that. As you have stated before Saudi financing is likely to be going on under the table.

- Egyptian Navy currently lacks the logistical infrastructure and capability to support two 20,000 tonnes weight beauties that will be a logistical nightmare if you include the flotilla that is supposed to escort it. But this is not something that is related with naval power. Egypt has short coastline that is easy to defend. But it controls one of the most critical passage lines in the World if not the most critical one. Having heavily land orientated military. Egyptian Navy has relevantly a very large mine warfare fleet due to nature of controlling the Suez Canal and other factors.

- There are also other requirements. As far as I know, Egyptian Navy does not have a marine Force, but your Army must have a unit specialized on amphibious warfare and yet we are talking about accommodation of neary 1,500-1,900 strong marines.

- The main question for the Egypt-relevant part of the matter is that for what reason they need it? My best guess is something similar to MLF proposal by United States to NATO is bound to happen..but by some sort of an Arabic group maybe.

To Turkey:

- As long as AKP stays in power (including forming a coalition government) due to the political drift between the current governments of Turkey and Egypt, this transfer might lead to domestic political pressure to boost the construction of our very own LHD. But I believe this isn't likely to effect the project much since TCG Levent will await stationing of F-35B, more SH-60 Seahawks orders and the formal of a fully operational amphibious expeditionary force consisting of MBTs, AAVs, IFVs and more. Also for such a complex platform (TCG Levent) that has its own surgery clinic, two separate CICs,..etc. I think the acceptance into DZKK (TUR Navy) after trials may take a very long time. @isoo is the man for that.

- I believe on a strategical picture there is nothing to worry about. But tactically, we better start doing doctrinal reforms and relevant procurements. Until the ship is commissioned I think the planned expeditionary force should be formed way before than 2020 to gain experience and interoperability. Unless there's a national development for AAVs, they must be inducted. The planned expansion of the Marine Brigade is bound to happen. But what what I am curious at most is that what will replace the old M60s in service of DZKK. As I said before, it'll either be M-60T Sabra or Leopard 2A4s which may eventually lead to NG upgrade by Aselsan.

These are all I can remember for now :)
I say whoaa.. By Sisi taking over, being a leader with vast military background, his administration put higher emphasis on regional ambitions and if this is true as written (my French doesn't suck :lol:) it will not be limited with regional ambitions. If I were to consider it confirmed with Russia's approval. Some pros and cons rise up that may even relate with Leven-class LHD project. As a matter of fact naval procurements can oftenly be familiarized with the Butterfly Effect.

For Egypt:

- Buying two -not one- large hull amphibious assault ships for a Navy like Egypt's means you need to procure a batch of frigates with significant AAW capabilities which eventually points out foreign funding. Otherwise I doubt their budget would survive that. As you have stated before Saudi financing is likely to be going on under the table.

- Egyptian Navy currently lacks the logistical infrastructure and capability to support two 20,000 tonnes weight beauties that will be a logistical nightmare if you include the flotilla that is supposed to escort it. But this is not something that is related with naval power. Egypt has short coastline that is easy to defend. But it controls one of the most critical passage lines in the World if not the most critical one. Having heavily land orientated military. Egyptian Navy has relevantly a very large mine warfare fleet due to nature of controlling the Suez Canal and other factors.

- There are also other requirements. As far as I know, Egyptian Navy does not have a marine Force, but your Army must have a unit specialized on amphibious warfare and yet we are talking about accommodation of neary 1,500-1,900 strong marines.

- The main question for the Egypt-relevant part of the matter is that for what reason they need it? My best guess is something similar to MLF proposal by United States to NATO is bound to happen..but by some sort of an Arabic group maybe.

To Turkey:

- As long as AKP stays in power (including forming a coalition government) due to the political drift between the current governments of Turkey and Egypt, this transfer might lead to domestic political pressure to boost the construction of our very own LHD. But I believe this isn't likely to effect the project much since TCG Levent will await stationing of F-35B, more SH-60 Seahawks orders and the formal of a fully operational amphibious expeditionary force consisting of MBTs, AAVs, IFVs and more. Also for such a complex platform (TCG Levent) that has its own surgery clinic, two separate CICs,..etc. I think the acceptance into DZKK (TUR Navy) after trials may take a very long time. @isoo is the man for that.

- I believe on a strategical picture there is nothing to worry about. But tactically, we better start doing doctrinal reforms and relevant procurements. Until the ship is commissioned I think the planned expeditionary force should be formed way before than 2020 to gain experience and interoperability. Unless there's a national development for AAVs, they must be inducted. The planned expansion of the Marine Brigade is bound to happen. But what what I am curious at most is that what will replace the old M60s in service of DZKK. As I said before, it'll either be M-60T Sabra or Leopard 2A4s which may eventually lead to NG upgrade by Aselsan.

These are all I can remember for now :)

A good evaluation of the situation mate.

To remark some points i can add that , as you said when we consider lack of backbone needed for operation of LPD's in Egyptian navy,we can say that they have a long way ahead. With a high possiblity due to manipulation of Sisi , those mistrals can be in operation and divisions in navy can be founded even before than our TCG levend is launched. But in fact, the reality will be that,they will never be maturized on operation of LPDs before than 2025-2030s, means way later than us.

When the news came out,i directly shouted out that egypt does this maneuver due to worries in region. Everyone has seen expression of israel when we got signs for LPD, and i guess they are using egypt as a buffer in the region (in sea) against Turkey.

Sadly that will be a disaster for Egypt, waste of money ,waste of energy ,waste of resources in solid and abstract way , when they struggled on using this ship as they are purposed.

When it comes to TCG levend, the project even may be late 1 year , unless as i expected, the procedure has changed to focus on intensive training of departments on design and construction of a LHD,which gives me senses of,we might go even for a 3rd and larger monster. If that was only about 2 ships ( 2nd one is confirmed as i heard) they wouldnt waste 1-2 years on training (i trust in SSM in this matter ).

On the other side,we know the fact that mistrals will be never operational as their price , as i assume if we consider that the design was special for russia ( also considering the deck loading plans prepared in their needs ) egypt can utilize these ships as if a half cost regular LPD. Can not be compared to Levend in anyway.

Still thats a good oppurtinity for them to create a marine force division,and using these ships as a training base.
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