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Turkish LHD Program | News & Discusions

@Neptune. Sorry. Is C not a wingfoldable and Harrier type. Vtol?

Definition faults from me or Janes Def. ?

First seems a fake

F35 Vertical Takeoff and Flip - YouTube

But that seems real

F-35 Capabilities | F-35 Lightning II

I believe I made a mistake. I thought that C is a full VTOL and wingfoldable version. But how could it start with payload only with Vertical engine thrust?​

C variant is designed for catapult assisted take off and arrested landing in which we can't use it on TCG Levent. Whereas the B variant known as the big fatty, is short takeoff and vertical landing variant specifically designed for ships like Queen Elizabeth-class, America-class LHA, L-61 JCI and in our case, Levent-class LHD. If there's such an interest, its likely for the Air Force, a similar approach like what the Spanish and Australian did with procuring F-18.



@Neptune. Thank you sailor. I appreciate to learn from your expertice. I only have a captains patent for vessels up to 25 meters from Europe and lack UHF/VHf licence. :( Does SG controls that licence ?
Saudi Arabia is one of the biggest trade partner of Turkish industry so Thinking Saudi Arabian procurements as a message to Turkey is not true but Egyptian Sisi may have some problems with current Turkey's management. He is trying to prove himself with trying to be active on foreign policy, trying to approach big players with pouring money on their strategic toys, While bashing Turkish officials so Sisi's procurement policies may be thought as a response to Turkey. It has nothing to do with our Egyptian brothers but Sisi.

Secondly, Franch Mistral(199m, 21000ton) doesn't suit our requirements because What Turkey needs is not an amphibious helicopter ship but an amphibious vessel with mini aircraft carrier roles so deplacement(28000tones) must be bigger, Length (231m) must be longer, deck must be stronger with ski-jump.


Turkish LHD protected by a group of frigates, will carry the flying units which is able to hunt the strategic naval vessels of enemies posing threat to Turkey's interests in Mediterranean and Aegean sea. If someone needs to give a direct message to Turkey, Guys should do better than ordering FREMM (without EW sensors + limited VL missiles) + Mistral.

It is the main reason Som-J integrated on F-35B inner sections to be taken off from Levend LHD, will be primarily used as anti-ship cruise missiles by Turkish Forces.


My Brother,

Sisi is absolutely nothing without us (KSA and GCC). It is us (GCC) who decide now and in the future (It is our money - tens of billions of dollars -).

I gave you the 'real reasons' for those purchases. No acquisitions do not threaten Turkey, never.

Turkish LHD Program | News & Discusions | Page 25

Turkish LHD Program | News & Discusions | Page 26

As for the future FREMM Saudis, ours (6) will not be limited in their capabilities. I can assure you.

Egypt, Saudi Arabia Eye French Mistral Warships

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@Bubblegum Crisis. Sükran brother. Help us to overcome LAWRENCE trauma and find to join together again. My grandfathers dad is a SEHIT in Yemen protecting against imperial nations. His body was never found . We only have a medal of honour.
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@Neptune. Thank you sailor. I appreciate to learn from your expertice. I only have a captains patent for vessels up to 25 meters from Europe and lack UHF/VHf licence. :( Does SG controls that licence ?

Better than not! It makes me feel better when seeing nationals up to sea stuff, sth that should increase and expand beyond yachts of rich people :)..I don't know but it can be Ministry of Transportation, Communication and Maritime as well.

We set up gradually an Arab army coallition (GCC, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco etc...) capable of defending us. It does not turn against our Turkish brothers, never.

On the contrary, it will us reinforce mutually.

man , just stop lying , you talking nonsenses , egypt is an enemy of turkey , and you Saudis support this enemy country , that's mean Saudi Arabia is also a threat to turkey and Turkish interests

read this

Turkey condemns Arab League’s statement on PKK operations

Turkey condemned and rejected a statement by the Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi on the Turkish military’s operations against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) positions in northern Iraq.

A written statement by the Foreign Ministry cited PKK presence in northern Iraq and recalled that these hideouts are closed, despite cooperation efforts with Baghdad, with the group continuing to stage attacks against Turkey.

Ankara criticized al-Arabi for not raising its voice when the PKK “declared an autonomous canton in some parts of the Iraqi lands.”

The statement was not discussed among the member countries and solely reflects the views by the secretary general, said Turkey, in a statement released.

Turkey’s Foreign Ministry summoned the Ankara representative of the Arab League, Muhammed El Fettah Naciri, while expressing Turkey’s views on the matter, added the statement.

Qatar has broken ranks with the Arab League to give its close ally, Turkey, full support for air strikes in northern Iraq, according to another official Foreign Ministry statement.

On Aug. 4, the Arab League condemned Turkey’s actions and called on Ankara to recognize the sovereignty of Iraq.

The Arab League, which Qatar has been a member of since 1971, also called on Turkey and Iraq to increase cooperation in order to try and preserve peace.

In a statement released by Qatar’s official news agency late Aug. 5, however, Doha distanced itself from the Arab League declaration.

“The statement issued... on behalf of the Arab League was not discussed with the League member-states before it was released,” it read.

“Qatar reiterated its full solidarity with the Republic of Turkey for its actions and measures to protect its borders and preservation of its security and stability.”


you support pkk terrorist against turkey , the only arab country that support turkey is Qatar
Better than not! It makes me feel better when seeing nationals up to sea stuff, sth that should increase and expand beyond yachts of rich people :)..I don't know but it can be Ministry of Transportation, Communication and Maritime as well.

@Neptune Cok sagol, Hirvatistanda tekne kiraladim; telsiz olmayani verdiler. Teknede telsiz olursa lisans da gerekiyormus :);
öyle dediler. AB genelgesi imis
man , just stop lying , you talking nonsenses , egypt is an enemy of turkey , and you Saudis support this enemy country , that's mean Saudi Arabia is also a threat to turkey and Turkish interests

read this

Turkey condemns Arab League’s statement on PKK operations

Turkey condemned and rejected a statement by the Arab League Secretary General Nabil al-Arabi on the Turkish military’s operations against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) positions in northern Iraq.

A written statement by the Foreign Ministry cited PKK presence in northern Iraq and recalled that these hideouts are closed, despite cooperation efforts with Baghdad, with the group continuing to stage attacks against Turkey.

Ankara criticized al-Arabi for not raising its voice when the PKK “declared an autonomous canton in some parts of the Iraqi lands.”

The statement was not discussed among the member countries and solely reflects the views by the secretary general, said Turkey, in a statement released.

Turkey’s Foreign Ministry summoned the Ankara representative of the Arab League, Muhammed El Fettah Naciri, while expressing Turkey’s views on the matter, added the statement.

Qatar has broken ranks with the Arab League to give its close ally, Turkey, full support for air strikes in northern Iraq, according to another official Foreign Ministry statement.

On Aug. 4, the Arab League condemned Turkey’s actions and called on Ankara to recognize the sovereignty of Iraq.

The Arab League, which Qatar has been a member of since 1971, also called on Turkey and Iraq to increase cooperation in order to try and preserve peace.

In a statement released by Qatar’s official news agency late Aug. 5, however, Doha distanced itself from the Arab League declaration.

“The statement issued... on behalf of the Arab League was not discussed with the League member-states before it was released,” it read.

“Qatar reiterated its full solidarity with the Republic of Turkey for its actions and measures to protect its borders and preservation of its security and stability.”


you support pkk terrorist against turkey , the only arab country that support turkey is Qatar


The statement reflects the view of the secretary of the League however it doesn't represent the official stance of the country members as noted in the article you posted. “The statement issued... on behalf of the Arab League was not discussed with the League member-states before it was released”.

Who is the most powerful influential country in the Arab League after all ? Saudi Arabia...

Quote :

Saudi king backs Turkish military action

Published: 09:46 August 3, 2015

Saudi King Salman has expressed support for Turkey after it launched air strikes against Daesh in Syria and Kurdish militants in Iraq, state media reported on Tuesday.

The king told President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday that he backed Turkey’s right to self-defence, the official Saudi Press Agency said.

Erdogan had telephoned Salman to brief him on the air strikes it launched last week after a deadly bombing inside Turkey blamed on Daesh and a reprisal killing of police by Kurdish militants.

The king condemned the attacks and said he “supports Turkey’s right to defend itself and protect its citizens from terrorist acts” which pose a threat to the security of the region and the world, SPA said.

Saudi Arabia is part of a US-led coalition that has been carrying out air strikes against Daesh in Syria since last September.

But Turkey had previously stood aloof, prompting accusations - strongly denied by Ankara - of complicity with the terrorists.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia have had strained relations since 2013 when Riyadh supported the overthrow by the Egyptian army of Ankara-backed Islamist president Mohammad Mursi.

But SPA said the two leaders “emphasised the excellent relations” between their countries in their telephone call.

Saudi king backs Turkish military action | GulfNews.com

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The statement reflects the view of the secretary of the League however it doesn't represent the official stance of the country members as noted in the article you posted. “The statement issued... on behalf of the Arab League was not discussed with the League member-states before it was released”.

Who is the most powerful influential country in the Arab League after all ? Saudi Arabia...

Quote :

Saudi king backs Turkish military action

Published: 09:46 August 3, 2015

Saudi King Salman has expressed support for Turkey after it launched air strikes against Daesh in Syria and Kurdish militants in Iraq, state media reported on Tuesday.

The king told President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday that he backed Turkey’s right to self-defence, the official Saudi Press Agency said.

Erdogan had telephoned Salman to brief him on the air strikes it launched last week after a deadly bombing inside Turkey blamed on Daesh and a reprisal killing of police by Kurdish militants.

The king condemned the attacks and said he “supports Turkey’s right to defend itself and protect its citizens from terrorist acts” which pose a threat to the security of the region and the world, SPA said.

Saudi Arabia is part of a US-led coalition that has been carrying out air strikes against Daesh in Syria since last September.

But Turkey had previously stood aloof, prompting accusations - strongly denied by Ankara - of complicity with the terrorists.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia have had strained relations since 2013 when Riyadh supported the overthrow by the Egyptian army of Ankara-backed Islamist president Mohammad Mursi.

But SPA said the two leaders “emphasised the excellent relations” between their countries in their telephone call.

Saudi king backs Turkish military action | GulfNews.com


you just playing dirty game , you need turkey in the syrian issue , but i have no doubt that you are a threat to turkey and turkish interests

your egyptian friends need to know that turkey have the military might to crush them if they ever dare to hurt turkish interests in the region
Impossible... I know that TRADCOM has integration plans for F-35B and Naval personnel is among the first delegation to train for JSF in US. But catapult assisted variant can't be true.

Not Impossible!. Ex-Clemenceau class aircraft carrier which has CATOBAR is currently in service of the Brazilian navy. Displacement wise its much lighter(22.000tons vs 28.000tons ) and has much shorter flight deck then our Juan Carlos(165.5m vs 202m). Although obviously we miss one crucial factor: take-off distance/landing distance. If the take-off/landing distance information of the F-35C was public we could have a proper conlusion.

Though honestly i highly doubt we will opt for F-35C. Why bother with all the CATOBAR structure changes and modifications when you can just buy a F-35B. Seems way more logical :)

Surprisingly the lists of each passing year actually are starting to look way more realistic and accurate. I cant remember how many times i said that S.Korea should be on that list. To be honest i dont know why Turkey is in the top 10, considering our current weaponry and systems inventory we wont stand a chance against alot of counties. But ofcourse the list is almost entirely based on quanitity so please dont use GFP as a reliable source.
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