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Turkish Industry, Science and Technology

Teknopark Istanbul 3rd phase


In addition, the following institutions will probably build an R&D building at Teknopark Istanbul:

Delta V
BMC Power
Yıldız Technical University
Maltepe University
Yeditepe University (construction is about to be completed)
Hotel and congress center
A tragic irony waits for minds to discover ...

Teknopark Istanbul 3rd phase

View attachment 533253 View attachment 533252

In addition, the following institutions will probably build an R&D building at Teknopark Istanbul:

Delta V
BMC Power
Yıldız Technical University
Maltepe University
Yeditepe University (construction is about to be completed)
Hotel and congress center

GES Engineering’s Indigenisation Efforts Continue with Extractor Fan Designed for Armoured Vehicles

16 Ocak 2019

Through a variety of design and development activities, GES Engineering continues its efforts to indigenise various subsystems used by the Turkish defence and aerospace sector. One of the latest steps taken by the company in this regard is the extractor fan developed for use in armoured vehicles equipped with weapon turrets. A wholly GES Engineering designed and developed product, the extractor fan successfully passed its functional tests on November 1 in a test run held with the participation of FNSS officials.

The extractor fan, which was developed upon a request from FNSS, prevents the accumulation of toxic gunpowder gases in the armoured vehicle’s weapon turret that are emitted following the firing of ammunition, causing potential harm to the personnel inside. During the tests, a comparison was made between the extractor fan currently used by FNSS and the one developed by GES Engineering, based on such parameters as flow rate, current drawn from the power source, number of revolutions per minute and the level of noise. The GES Engineering solution was found to be superior to its rival in each of these test criteria.


High Performance Brought by Fan Blade Design

GES Engineering’s extractor fan enjoys a far better optimised form, enabling higher performance with a lower number of revolutions. This ensures the fan is less noisy, while also reducing the current drawn from the armoured vehicle’s batteries, meaning more power is available to feed other systems on the vehicle. The new fan also generates a higher air flow rate, meaning that it has to operate for a shorter period to extract a fixed amount of gas to the vehicle’s exterior.


These improvements were made possible by GES Engineering’s approach to the fan blade. When designing the blades of the fan, GES Engineering followed a similar process to the one adopted in the design of wing profiles (or airfoils) to enhance blade efficiency. Prior to prototype production, the airflow generated by the fan was investigated using computational fluid dynamics. The product has passed EMI/EMC tests, and unlike foreign-sourced fans, has been designed taking into account the final location in which it will be positioned aboard the vehicle.

GES Engineering has also indigenised the track adjuster system used on tracked vehicles to adjust track tension, and the product has received full marks following tests aboard various vehicles.



FNSS requested this extractor fan to be made. If it were Otokar they would have 100% sourced it from a foreign company. On top of that FNSS is 49% is owned by BAE Systems. We need to indigenize every sub-system if possible on land-vehicles and become completely self sufficient.
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Türkiye'yi Uzaya Çıkaracak 'KILIÇ' Projesi Başlatıldı
Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı yönetiminde Kılıç Küp Uydusu (KILIÇSAT) ismiyle yeni bir Ar-Ge projesi başlatıldı.
SDE Editör
22 Ocak 2019 11:42



Projeyle, yerli ve milli olarak geliştirilen X-Bant LNA (Low Noise Amplifier-Düşük Gürültülü Yükselteç) modülüne uzayda tarihçe kazandırılacak, seyir halindeki gemiler ile diğer kaynaklardan yayınlanan AIS (Automatic Identification System-Otomatik Tanımlama Sistemi) verileri toplanarak yer istasyonuna indirilecek. Bu amaçla Alçak Dünya Yörüngesi'nde görev yapacak bir küp uydu geliştirilecek.

ASELSAN'ın koordinasyonundaki proje, Gümüş Uzay Savunma Havacılık, Meteksan Savunma ve Türk Hava Kurumu Üniversitesi iş birliğiyle yürütülüyor.

Proje kapsamında KILIÇSAT'ın tasarımı, diğer bir Ar-Ge projesiyle yurt içinde geliştirilen X Bant LNA modülünün deneysel görev yükü haline getirilmesi, küp uydunun kalifikasyon ve uçuş modellerinin üretimi, fırlatma ile yer istasyonu kurulumu ve görev ömrü boyunca uydunun işletilmesi planlanıyor.

Gümüş Uzay Savunma Havacılık'ın milli imkanlarla geliştirilen küp uydu platformu vasıtasıyla, Meteksan Savunma tarafından yine milli imkanlarla ortaya konulan Düşük Gürültülü Yükselteç'in uzayda kalifiye edilmesi ve uluslararası piyasada ihracat ürünü haline getirilmesi hedefleniyor.

Proje kapsamında kurulacak ve işletmesini Türk Hava Kurumu Üniversitesinin yapacağı yer istasyonuyla üniversite öğrencilerinin mesleki ve teknik öğretimi desteklenecek. Bu sayede, Türkiye'nin uzay alanında ihtiyaç duyduğu nitelikli insan kaynağına katkı sağlanacak. Kurulacak yer istasyonu aracılığıyla Türkiye'ye ait diğer küp uydular işletilebilecek.

Otomatik Tanımlama Sistemi vasıtasıyla gemilerin konum, rota ve kimlik bilgileri elde edilebilecek.

Kılıç Küp Uydusu'nun 2021'in ikinci yarısında uzaya fırlatılması planlanıyor.
An active GPS antenna was developed by TÜBİTAK SAGE operating in L1/L2- GPS bands to be used for the precision guided kits by using entirely national sources.
i.e SG-KONUM-01 will be used on HGK and KGK

tests were done in 401. filo

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