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Türkiye'nin Otomobili Girişim Grubu Sanayi ve Ticaret AŞ
19% Anadolu Grubu
19% BMC
19% Kök Grubu
19% Turkcell
19% Zorlu Holding

This lineup of investors are pretty good and they all (except Kök group, no clue what they are about) have their own field of expertise and provide services for Turkey's Car ambitions. Turkcell can provide connectivity services, Zorlu can provide electronic parts, electric motors, LCD screens and batteries, BMC could build and assemble chassis, Anadolu group can provide automotive parts required, headlights, locking mechanisms etc...

Turkey's Zorlu, China's GSR Capital sign $4.5B deal for battery production

Zorlu Holding has signed a preliminary agreement with GSR Capital, a Chinese investment and private equity firm, consisting of $4.5 billion in investments in two areas. As a result of the agreement, GSR Capital will partner with Vestel, a Zorlu Group subsidiary, to have a 50 percent share of a mega-battery plant with a potential capacity of 25,000 megawatts (MW) for electric cars and energy storage batteries.

GSR Capital will also form an equal partnership with Meta Nickel Cobalt Mining Industry and Trade Inc., another subsidiary of the Zorlu Group, which is engaged in search, operation, exports, research and development (R&D), and investment activities with a view to introduce Turkey's nickel potential to the national economy.

Investments to be made in the framework of this partnership agreement will bring $6 billion in high value-added export revenues to the Turkish economy and create 4,000 jobs in the long term.

Under the agreement, the two groups aim to establish R&D centers in China and Turkey in the field of materials, mechanics and software. They also aim to begin the battery packaging process in 2018 and complete investments in the production of battery packs over the next four years.

The investment in the facility will start in 2018 and will be completed in 2023. It will cover all processes in battery production, from intermediate products to software and will produce 25,000 MW of battery per year. With the R&D potential an

d "know-how" that they create, both investments are aimed at making Zorlu Holding one the global groups that will set trends in the smart world of the future.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, Zorlu Holding CEO Ömer Yüngül said a total of $4.5 billion will be invested by 2023 within the framework of the partnership in two areas with GSR Capital, adding: "This is an industrial transformation project. The investments in the framework of this partnership agreement will bring $6 billion in high value-added export revenues to the Turkish economy and create 4,000 jobs in the long term."

According to Yüngül, the 25,000-MW battery plant that will become operational in 2023 will provide batteries for 500,000 electric cars. "GSR Capital will form a 50-50 partnership with Meta Nickel Cobalt Mining Industry and Trade Inc., the first nickel-cobalt processing plant in Turkey and Europe, which our group founded with an entrepreneurial spirit and industrial identity. As a result of the investments to be made in the framework of this partnership, we plan to increase our capacity to 40,000 tons from the current 10,000 tons," Yüngül said.

Indicating that the plant is currently producing concentrated nickel in Gördes, Yüngül said within the scope of the partnership, it would start to produce nickel sulfate and cobalt sulfate, which are used in batteries. The group will also invest in a new facility to produce sulfuric acid, which is already being imported for use in nickel production. On the other hand, it will build 20,000 tons of nickel sulfate and cobalt sulfate plant in Eskişehir in an attempt to quadruple the capacity of the Meta nickel plant and to further boost the added value of the nickel produced. "This will be one of the few capacities of this size in this world. It will be unique in Turkey and Europe," Yüngül stressed.

GSR Capital Co-President Jianghua Su noted that GSR Capital has been focusing on the industrial-scale production of new energy technologies for decades, adding, "We believe in the strength, dynamism and potential of Turkey. This partnership with Zorlu Holding, one of Turkey's most innovative groups, will be one of the most important parts of our business development efforts in Europe that will carry us into the future."

Highlighting that Turkey has quite a successful industrial chain, Jianghua explained that their reason for investment is the strong production capacity and integration power of Turkey, which has the nickel and cobalt mine required for battery production. "Therefore, we take a bright view of electric cars in the future of Turkey," he added.

Underlining that Turkey is one of the countries in the world that can develop electric cars in the best way, Jianghua said, "Another reason for us to invest is Turkey's special position as an advantageous transportation center. Investing in Turkey means a gateway to Europe. Through our investments in Turkey, we will be able to appeal to both Europe and neighboring countries. The most important reason for investing is to have an extraordinary partner like Zorlu Holding."

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Tuzaklı mayınlar yeni nesil dedektörlerle bulunacak

12.06.2018 IHA

Türkiye’de ilk kez yapay zeka teknikleri ve pasif algılama yöntemi kullanılarak yeni nesil mayın dedektörü geliştirildi.

Hitit Üniversitesi, Gazi Üniversitesi ve Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi işbirliğinde gerçekleştirilen savunma sanayi projesi kapsamında yapılan “Manyetik Anomali Yöntemi İle Gömülü Cisimlerin Tespit Edilmesi (Mayın Tespit Sistemi)” çalışması neticesinde her türlü mayını ve gömülü el yapımı patlayıcıyı (EYP) tespit eden mayın dedektörü prototipi gazetecilere tanıtıldı.

Hitit Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP) kapsamında desteklenen projeye 14 bin liraya mal olurken proje Gazi Üniversitesi’nden Doç Dr. Cemal Yılmaz, Yusuf Sönmez ve Dr. Salih Söyler, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi’nden Doç. Dr. Hamdi Tolga Kahraman, Hitit Üniversitesi’nden Dr. Öğretim Üyesi Yusuf Sönmez ile Araştırma Görevlisi Çağrı Suiçmez görev aldı.

Ar-Ge çalışmaları 3 yıl süren ve yazılımına kadar tamamı milli olan yeni nesil mayın dedektörüyle, pasif sinyal özelliği ile mayın araması yapan operatörü patlamalara karşı koruyan ve hatalı alarm oranını minimuma indiren dedektör, yapay zeka algoritması sayesinde el yapımı patlayıcıları büyüklüğüne göre ayırt ederek sınıflandırabiliyor.

Gazi Üniversitesi Doç. Dr. Cemal Yılmaz, yeni geliştirilen mayın dedektörünün kullanım teknikleri, yapay zeka teknikleri ile akıllı bir dedektörü olduğunu belirterek, zaman zaman mayın aramalarında yaşanan olumsuzlukların önüne geçmeyi sağlayacak yenilikleri de bünyesinde barındırdığını söyledi.

Türkiye’de mayından arındırılmak istenen çok sayıda bölgenin olduğunu dile getiren Doç. Dr. Cemal Yılmaz, “Ülkemizin güne bölgesinde mayından arındırılmak istenen çok büyük bir bölge var. Zaman zaman çok büyük sorunlarla karşılaşılıyor. Bu problemlere çözüm üretebileceğimizi ve yapılan çalışmalar katkı sağlayabileceğimizi düşünüyorum. Kullandığımız yöntemler hem yazılım hem yöntem olarak yeni yöntemler. Mevcut sistemdeki dedektörlere farklı bir bakış açısı ve sistem getirdik. Bunu yaparken de milli imkanlarla milli yazılım geliştirdik” dedi.

Cihazı kullanılabilecek boyutlara taşımak için çalıştıklarını dile getiren Doç. Dr. Yılmaz, patentini alarak son halini vereceklerini belirtti. Yazılımını özel sektörden talep eden firmalarını olduğunu dile getiren Yılmaz, öncelikli olarak Türk devletini, milletini ve askerini ve bu alandaki ihtiyaçlara cevap vermek istediklerini ifade etti.

Hitit Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Reha Metin Alkan, Türk insanına fırsat verildiğinde, şans verildiğinde yapamayacağı hiçbirşey olmadığını dile getirerek, “Buda onlardan bir tanesi. Savunma sanayisinde yüzde 20 olan yerlilik payı şunda yüzde 60-70’lere ulaştı. Bu gerçekten gurur verici. Artık sınır ötesinde varsak, artık dünya 5’ten büyük diyorsak, artık bunu tüm dünyaya haykırabiliyorsak bu şey bu ve bunun benzeri çalışmalar sonucu ortaya çıktı. Bu çalışmayı çok önemsiyorum. Bu konuda gücümüzün yettiği ölçüde destek olacağız” ifadelerini kullandı.

Prof. Dr. Alkan, Hitit Üniversitesi’nin sadece tek başına değil, diğer üniversitelerle birlikte olunca daha güçlü olduğunu belirterek, bu işbirliğinin daha farklı alanlarda devam edeceğini sözlerine ekledi.
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Bursa TEKNOSAB Technology Organized Industrial Zone's infrastructure works are continuing



Zonguldak Filyos High & Medium-high Technology Industrial Zone's infrastructure works are continuing

So they started construction on Filyos, nice.

Do you have any idea what stage they are with the other projects which are similar to Filyos?: Ceyhan Enerji İhtisas Endüstri Bölgesi, Karasu Münferit Yatırım Yeri and Trabzon Yatırım Adası. Ilk kazmalar atildi mi acaba?

I tried to search for this info, but was unable to find any, am hoping maybe you have more info about these projects.
Here's where I got the info about the other projects, in case you heard about these projects for the first time as well: https://www.dunya.com/gundem/mega-endustri-bolgeleri-35-bin-kisiye-ekmek-kapisi-olacak-haberi-419449
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Şahi 209 one of The Turk Rail Guns.. on field in the next week.

And as expected this prototype ended up with slower muzzle velocity than a regular rifle.

This thing fires 140 gram projectile at 900 m/s speed.

M16 rifle fires 190 gram 5.56 bullet at 960 m/s.

Yusuf Akbaba is a manipulator in my opinion. Somehow he has access of getting info/pics about projects but he has no engineering knowledge at all. I think he is just some kind of freelancer twitter journalist.

I don't say what is being done is useless these are first steps of railgun. But Yusuf Akbaba was talking like it will enter service in soon. And when some people argued him like such thin cable is not suitable for a railgun he claimed he mocked about them.
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