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Turkish Industry, Science and Technology

I see Vietnam in above OECD Average... Korea is there presumably that's south but the atheist rate should be similiar :)

Again... Only religious countries I see in that list are Ireland and Italy.... and they are near the bottom...

There's a pattern!
Your trying to convince me that religiousness is the cause of lower math scores. IMO that is incorrect historically religion does not have anything to do with whether or not a country is good at math or whatever.

For example the ancient egyptians were religious but they were able to build amazing monuments and they were very advanced in mathematics etc. This is only 1 example I can bring a ton more.

IMO geography, and historical events are mainly what dictate why a country is successful or not.
I see Vietnam in above OECD Average... Korea is there presumably that's south but the atheist rate should be similiar :)

Again... Only religious countries I see in that list are Ireland and Italy.... and they are near the bottom...

There's a pattern!

You see a relationship between education and religion?

rome had religion too.
Yeah they were worried about black magic, hocus pocus so they've prayed jupiter to keep them safe and they've looked for omens to tell if it's gonna rain, or if they're gonna win the war. They had nothing systematical. Presence of Pontifex Maximus in senate didn't dictate the politics or the order of the day, religion was extremely weak.

Not like Medieval Europe... christians themselves call that time "dark age" when everything was controlled by the church, it was fvcking horrible. They didn't advance in science they stagnated even declined in many, many disciplines
@Kaan what @LegionnairE is saying is an obvious fact. you can search for it and you would literally find tons of researches, polls, ... which all of them show that IQ, and education levels are strongly reversely proportional to being religious.



I can easily mention tons of other polls, researches, ... with the similar results. ;)
What im trying to explain to you guys is that historical events are essentially what effect whether or not a society is advanced. Imo it doesn't have to do with religion. @rmi5 i can take the same graphs as you and make them fit my idea of why certain countries are more advanced than others.

If you took the iq of the people in egypt during 2000 bc and compared it to those in europe at the same time period i can guarantee you that it would be higher. Simply because that was their golden age.

Also in Mozambique around 18% of people are irreligious and in turkey 94% of people responded in a poll that they believe in god. Now which country is more advanced? Turkey of course. Why? Simply because historical events and geography (Strategic importance) dictated it to be that way. Countries are molded by history simple as that. The events that a country goes through shapes its capabilities.

Any way we all made our points and it looks like we three disagree and will not be able to change each others minds.


Turkey gears up efforts to turn digital game potential into gold - SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
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The thing is, being an irreligious or a religious person does not affect your IQ.

Having a higher IQ though does tends to make people prefer being irreligious.

Ofc this is not something absolute as there are many examples to the contrary, by no means are all religious people stupid in any way or all irreligious people geniuses.
The thing is, being an irreligious or a religious person does not affect your IQ.

Having a higher IQ though does tends to make people prefer being irreligious.

Ofc this is not something absolute as there are many examples to the contrary, by no means are all religious people stupid in any way or all irreligious people geniuses.
Being smart isn't entirely dependant on DNA. Intelligence grows as much as an individual uses it. If yor brain stays dormant, it slowly stops functioning. Brain "closes" lobes that aren't used for a long time.

Religion claims that it has answers to everything... it stops people from questioning, and when you stop questioning you stop learning, yo get dumber and dumber.

That's why Marx called religion "opium" you get high on it, it gives you all the answers and makes you happy but it kills your brain slowly because you use it less.

For example the ancient egyptians were religious but they were able to build amazing monuments and they were very advanced in mathematics etc. This is only 1 example I can bring a ton more.

IMO geography, and historical events are mainly what dictate why a country is successful or not.
Ancient egyptians were religious? :D c'mon they worshipped their kings. Pharoah was both god and king. It makes for an entire country of slaves owned by one Pharoah. That's how you get workforce.

That's not religion, that's just oligarchy... :D
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Being smart isn't entirely dependant on DNA. Intelligence grows as much as an individual uses it. If yor brain stays dormant, it slowly stops functioning. Brain "closes" lobes that aren't used for a long time.

Religion claims that it has answers to everything... it stops people from questioning, and when you stop questioning you stop learning, yo get dumber and dumber.

That's why Marx called religion "opium" you get high on it, it gives you all the answers and makes you happy but it kills your brain slowly because you use it less.

Indeed. It really puts some limits to knowledge by giving you false information that you are supposed to accept without questions. Especially when we're talking about the major religions of the world that supposedly give the answers to the origins of life and the origins of the universe with no scientific evidence to back up their claims.
Being smart isn't entirely dependant on DNA. Intelligence grows as much as an individual uses it. If yor brain stays dormant, it slowly stops functioning. Brain "closes" lobes that aren't used for a long time.

Religion claims that it has answers to everything... it stops people from questioning, and when you stop questioning you stop learning, yo get dumber and dumber.

That's why Marx called religion "opium" you get high on it, it gives you all the answers and makes you happy but it kills your brain slowly because you use it less.
That's right. Doubt is always referred to as the engine of intellect, and doubt is generated when you start to question your outside world, in which religion is ruining it, since it claims that it gives you to answer to all question in advanced.
Ancient egyptians were religious? :D c'mon they worshipped their kings. Pharoah was both god and king. It makes for an entire country of slaves owned by one Pharoah. That's how you get workforce.

That's not religion, that's just oligarchy... :D
Turkish science aims to return amputees' sense of touch | Science & Technology | Worldbulletin News

A team of Turkish scientists are moving closer to developing an innovative remote sensory system that could drastically improve the way human operators control robots involved in tasks like mine disposal and microsurgery, it was announced Wednesday.

The researchers from Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul are developing technology that will allow human operators to manipulate delicate robots using not just cameras but sensor-laden gloves that allow them to 'feel' what the robot is touching.

"We are realizing a great human dream," Dr Utku Buyuksahin said. "Big sensors were needed before for similar work but interestingly we found that we will be able to map human sensation with far fewer sensors, realizable with the technology we already have."

This 'tactile sensing' in robots and other devices has been widely investigated over the past 30 years but has always proved too bulky for widespread use. In pending patents, Buyuksahin and his team hope to have a technology that can re-establish a sense of touch for people with artificial limbs or loss of skin sensitivity within two years.

In the case of amputees, that will mean linking the brain to a system of sensors on a pad inserted under the 'skin' of their prosthetic limb, said Buyuksahin, a prominent mechatronics engineer with the Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey.

His team can already implant more than 1 million sensors into a square centimeter but only 241 sensors are needed per square centimeter to produce a sensation of touch.

Until then, the remote sensing and refined touch capability can be put to use by creating robots that can be operated with a much higher degree of sensitivity.

'Solar-powered donkeys' carry Internet for Turkish sheepherders - SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY


A solar panel producer in western Turkey has said recent international media coverage of their "plug-and-play donkey" project proved that they are on the right track.

BBC News reported on June 24 that sheepherders in western Turkey have now equipped their donkeys to cart around solar panels that will enable them to be connected 24/7. The video shows a donkey equipped with a large panel strapped to its back walking across rocky, dry terrain.

Ser-Gün, a Turkish solar panel producer, is behind the project. "We aim to better the daily comfort of the producer in the countryside, providing sustainability for sheepherding," Ser-Gün Chairman Tamer Uğurluel told Cihan news agency.

Uğurluel stressed that the project was the fruit of the 30-year-old efforts of the local sheepherding association in the western Turkish province of İzmir.

The power from the panels – 5 to 7 kilowatts of electricity – can be used on laptops and cell phones but can also be used to power lights. RFDTV reports that during birthing season, it is especially helpful to have extra light generated by the solar panels, according to examiner.com.

"The Plug-and-Play Solar Pack" costs 2,800 Turkish Liras. The Turkish state covers half the cost for the sheepherder from public funds allocated to supporting development in the countryside.
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Rome was more advanced in many ways than medieval europe under inqusition...christianity came and fvcked up everything

I miss statistics, evidence....On what is your argument assumption? Btw, inquisition is not really a part of religion. It's more perversion of religion.


It is like you will say, energy is a bad thing, because it can burn people. It is in your hand what you are going to do with.

I wonder if sound actually ever disappears. Just because we cant hear it does not mean that its gone?

The question is though where did it go. Imagine if we could capture sounds that were created years ago.

Okay im done.
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