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Turkish inventor builds car that works on water, not gasoline


Gaziantep-based auto mechanic Murat Ağbaş has always been an inventor at heart. Although only 21 years old, Ağbaş has been working on a breakthrough invention which aims to wean humanity off its dependence on oil, having managed to build an automobile which can run on water.

The car is a hybrid vehicle which works on both water and gasoline. With just two liters of water, the car can run for up to 70 kilometers.

Speaking to the press, Ağbaş claimed that this was only a fraction of his inventions and that in the future, he aimed to build a car that could function on water alone.

"Oil prices are high and all modern warfare is caused by oil. I wanted to stop the fight for oil by building a car that can work on water," said Ağbaş.

The Turkish inventor first tested his water-based engine on a used car. After the tests, he made sure that the engine worked and modified his creation to work in a brand new model.

The vehicle has a water storage tank which is used to filter hydrogen gas to the engine. The gas goes through the filters and ignites the gasoline. Ağbaş claims that his water-powered engine increases the car's performance by 30%.

Turkish inventor builds car that works on water, not gasoline


Gaziantep-based auto mechanic Murat Ağbaş has always been an inventor at heart. Although only 21 years old, Ağbaş has been working on a breakthrough invention which aims to wean humanity off its dependence on oil, having managed to build an automobile which can run on water.

The car is a hybrid vehicle which works on both water and gasoline. With just two liters of water, the car can run for up to 70 kilometers.

Speaking to the press, Ağbaş claimed that this was only a fraction of his inventions and that in the future, he aimed to build a car that could function on water alone.

"Oil prices are high and all modern warfare is caused by oil. I wanted to stop the fight for oil by building a car that can work on water," said Ağbaş.

The Turkish inventor first tested his water-based engine on a used car. After the tests, he made sure that the engine worked and modified his creation to work in a brand new model.

The vehicle has a water storage tank which is used to filter hydrogen gas to the engine. The gas goes through the filters and ignites the gasoline. Ağbaş claims that his water-powered engine increases the car's performance by 30%.


There are so many inventions that have been developed, tested and verified. But, at the end of the day, its all about money, they will shut down this invention.
Yes surely they are trash.
there is nothing like car works on water, all of them all scam. who report it sabah!, bullchitt. if you pump water on cylinders with any form, there would be corrosion that makes engine dead soon. that is it. so 21 years old genious doesnt know this probably.
Turkish scientist 'ultra thin' invention

Izmir Institute of Technology (IYTE) Photonics Department Assoc. Dr. Under the leadership of Hasan Şahin, the delegation, including scientists from England and Belgium, found the formula for producing "ultra thin" materials from non-layered materials such as diamonds, gold and aluminum to be used in the field of nanotechnology.

The formula, which has been used in many areas such as flexible phones, ultra-fast charging of batteries and to date has brought a new dimension to the ultra-thin materials produced from layered materials such as coal carbon, is expected to pave the way for new inventions.

The delegation, including Andre Geim, Francois Peeters and Rahul Nair, who had previously found the ultra-fine material "Graphene" by decomposing coal carbon and received the Nobel Prize for this work, began to produce ultra-fine materials a year ago under the guidance of Şahin.

In this study, the delegation aimed at achieving the ultra-fine state of layered materials, as well as the ultra-fine state of non-layered materials such as diamonds, gold and aluminum.

The final article of the delegation, which achieved this with the formula they developed, attracted great interest in the scientific world.

"The recipe we will bring will lead to the discovery of new materials"

Assoc. Dr. Sahin, AA correspondent, said the scientists in the study in the last 10 years, the most known names in their fields, he said.

Noting the importance of Andre Geim's journey, which started with the synthesis of graphene in 2004, Sahin said, sent The synthesis of graphene, which we call graphite in material science and which we know as coal, has very surprising and incredible properties, has opened a whole new way. In terms of technology, the presence of a single-atom-thick ultra-thin graphene, its incredible mechanical properties, its electrically very interesting, triggered work in this area. The whole world has realized how important ultra-thin materials are. " he said.

Graf from voicing Sahin then rolled up their sleeves to produce ultra-thin material of the non-layered structure, the idea of the project came stressed from Turkey.

Pointing out that there will be advances in the field of nano technology with the formula developed, "developing nano technology needs. These can be nano-coating, nano-scale drugs. Electricity can be very good conducting nano materials or transparent light can be very good. Transparent nano materials can not count. nano technology in the area will need material. The recipe we will bring will eliminate the limits and will lead to the discovery of new materials. " used the phrase.

"Graphene paves the way for innovation in areas like bendable phones"

Scientists Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov found in 2004 the "Graphene", a revolutionary material in material science with the separation of coal and carbon. Graphene has paved the way for innovation in many areas such as technology-bendable phones and ultra-fast charging of batteries. Scientists won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2010 with this invention.

Under the leadership of the Turkish scientist Sahin, the study is foreseen to make ultra-thin materials other than coal and similar layered materials. Graphene-like ultra-thin new materials will pave the way for new discoveries.

BAIBU academicians made superconducting wire from boron mine

Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University (BAIBU) Faculty of Arts and Sciences Department of Physics by scientists working in the boron mine was produced by using super conductive wire. Professor of Physics Dr. Ibrahim Belenli under the supervision of 5 academicians continue their work started in 2013.

After approximately 7 years of process, the superconducting wire produced from boron mine, used in MR devices and wind turbines, was sent abroad for testing. Through the wire from the tests performed successfully academics Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) "Project Performance Award" was awarded.

Professor Dr. Belenli, AA correspondent, said in a statement about the study, they were very happy with the award received from TUBITAK'tan said.

They are working with local production as much as possible. Dr. Hakan Yetiş, Assoc. Dr. Mustafa Akdogan, Faculty Member Fırat Karaboğa and Dr. Belenli said that the signature of the faculty member Asaf Tolga Ülgen, "The main focus of our project will be the domestic production of almost all of the devices we will use. With domestic production in the future, we will have the opportunity to develop more." said.

Belenli stated that important outputs have been put forward as a result of scientific R & D studies, the product obtained, minus 250-270 degrees is a superconducting wire that passes high currents, he said.

"Carried current without resistance"

Belenli, which produces a wire that passes very high currents in 4.2 kelvin without any resistance, said, "We took these wires abroad and tested there. The test results came out quite well. They can give a maximum current of 150 amperes in the system there. Even though they use all of these wires, our wires did not come out of super conductivity. that is, he carried the current without resistance. " used the phrase.

Belenli, technologically to get a distance and to produce something to go towards the workshop and factory equipment, he said.

"The mass production of superconducting wires has been around the world for a long time." Belenli said:

"But similar products of our product have just begun to be used. These super conductor wires do the work that cannot be done with copper wires and other conductors. For example, all of the MR devices are used as super conductor wires. The track coil that we are trying to do is the winding turbines and wind turbines in very large electric motors. coils are used. in Turkey, MgB2 ie magnesium-boron-based superconducting wires are not serious about running another institution, I know. If it is not in our rubric. " said.

Belenli noted that all their aims are mass production, "We show our efforts to make the country go towards high value-added products. All our efforts are to go into mass production and become high value-added technological products." said.


Developed nano material to increase the efficiency of solar cells

Nanotechnology Application and Research Center (NÖHÜNAM), which was established within the body of Niğde Ömer Halisdemir University, has been conducting studies on carbon-based nanomaterials since 2014.

Within the scope of the studies, thanks to the nano-size graphene film developed with domestic facilities, the efficiency of silicon-based solar cells was increased by about 20 percent.

NÖHÜNAM, who conducts studies on graphene, Faculty of Science and Letters Faculty of Physics Assoc. Dr. Recep Zan told AA correspondent that the center is one of the rare centers with its infrastructure to compete with many national and international research centers and has industrial R & D capacity on renewable energy.

Zan stated that they have been carrying out studies on carbon based nano materials in the center for about 5 years. I worked under the supervision of Prof. Konstantin Novoselov, who received the physics award. Graf Graphene is about one billionth of a meter thick. he said.

Zan said that graphene can be used in electronic circuits, touch screens, power generation and storage, surface coatings and healthcare.

"In our laboratories, we are able to produce graphene by more than one method. In this context, we produce and characterize graphene both as an ultra thin film by chemical vapor deposition technique (CVD) and by chemical separation technique in powder form. CVD device is a specially designed furnace system and The graphene we produce is such a thin and transparent material that we cannot see with our eyes, for this we need microscopes. We can transfer the graphene film we produce on the copper surface to the desired place with a few chemical processes. "

Efforts are underway to use graphene in fuel cells and armor coatings
Zan stated that they applied the graphene films they produced to the silicon-based solar cells produced in the center and they achieved a significant increase in productivity.

"The material used as a transparent and conductive layer on the top layer of solar cells is very expensive and fragile. Graphene produced by us has low cost and high performance compared to other material. Especially in solar cells where we produce graphene with domestic facilities, about 20 percent efficiency increase compared to the cells that do not use graphene. Thanks to this increase, more energy can be obtained from the solar panels covered in the same area, and the same energy can be obtained by using less panels.The efficiency increase obtained by the materials used in the silicon-based solar cells has reached to the saturation point. We have shown that a significant increase in yield can be achieved in cells. "

Zan, with the contribution of the university to realize that the local facilities, noting that "Our studies are supported by TUBITAK and TUBA also in our laboratories, different types of graphene solar cells, fuel cells, armor coatings, organic and inorganic waste recycling areas continue to work on." shared information.


In the ASELSAN Research Center, the world's first magnetic particle imaging prototype system with open, linear scans was developed and the first image was taken.

In the prototype system, two different phantoms representing a healthy coronary vessel with magnetic nanoparticles and a coronary vessel with 50 percent contraction were visualized.

According to the similarities in the literature, the system has advantages such as open edges for interventional applications, high sensitivity imaging in wide area, three dimensional imaging with single channel receiver / transmitter and adjustable aperture height thanks to special magnetic field scanning method.
The MPG Prototype System is planned to carry out research and development studies in both biosafety and health technologies. Acquisition of knowledge on the subject and obtained intellectual property rights, Turkey's health and aims to contribute to the production and export of advanced technology Biodefense sector.
MPG, which is a very new medical imaging method, has advantages such as not applying ionizing radiation, having high time and space resolution, and not being affected from the tissue.

With the possibilities of nanotechnology, MPG has a wide range of applications such as angiography, interventional radiology, tumor imaging and therapy, stem cell tracking, targeted drug therapy and drug dosage determination, focused heating therapy, functional brain imaging, imaging of internal bleeding, detection of different agents in biosavage. areas.

Pre-clinical studies on MPG are continuing in the world. There is no commercial product used in the clinic yet.
ASELSAN Research Center, Turkey-Germany bilateral cooperation within the scope of TUBITAK, Bilkent University, University of Lübeck and nano4ımaging company with the study carried out in real-time interventional surgical tools (eg angiography for catheters) real-time rendering techniques for tracking MPG in the body and rapid system calibration methods were developed.

In parallel with this study, a self-funded project was carried out and a new hardware architecture with various advantages was proposed and its prototype was developed. Within the scope of the project, 3 international patent applications have been filed, 4 scientific journal articles have been published and 5 papers have been presented at various conferences.
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Turkey's 'eye' ASELSAN opener

Turkey put forward by local and national facilities and security terms, being used in places with high sensitivity Terahertz Imaging System will be further developed and commercialized by ASELSAN.

Shopping centers, airports, subway stations, stadiums, such as providing security in public places, to prevent smuggling at the border and customs gates, or solutions that can create dangerous or illegitimate objects are needed.

It is important that people are not kept waiting for a long time during security searches and their privacy is not violated. To overcome these problems, remote monitoring systems are used. In order to meet these needs, a passive terahertz imaging system was developed at TUBITAK Marmara Research Center (MAM) Materials Institute.

Thanks to the system, dangerous metal and non-metallic objects hidden under clothing can be viewed from a safe distance without contact and automatically detected. Terahertz Imaging System, which is made ready for use in public buildings, customs border gates, security units in a passive way, is used for dangerous non-metallic explosive objects hidden under clothing other than metal, drugs, meat, alcohol, cigarette pack, gold, electronic goods and can view similar.

No harm to health
Systems that do not harm human health are being used actively in the passenger passage hall at various customs border gates since 2018. In this way, many people engaged in smuggling, caught under the clothes of illegal objects were caught.

11 of the imaging systems developed by TÜBİTAK MAM are actively used at customs border gates and in the field. By the end of the year, a new generation of 8 imaging systems will be available.

The principle agreement was reached with ASELSAN for the commercialization of the device by developing the version of the system capable of providing real-time image at the industrial level. By signing the project and license agreement, it is aimed to realize technology transfer to ASELSAN in 2020.


Detection from 6 meters inside and 10 meters outside

In terahertz imaging systems, rays in the terahertz band emitted from the living organism to be imaged can be used (passive terahertz method) or the object to be imaged can be illuminated by a light emitting source in the terahertz band (active terahertz method). How the rays in the Terahertz band penetrate a substance depends on the physical and chemical structure of the substance. Changes in the signal can be detected and informed about what the substance is.

Indoors, dangerous metal and non-metallic objects hidden under clothing at a resolution of 6 meters to 3 centimeters can be displayed. Outside, metal objects with the same sharpness can be detected from 10 meters.

Objects that can be displayed through the system include weapons, pistols, rifles, knives, live bombs, explosive devices, and illegal items.
Share of R & D Expenditure in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Becomes 1.03 Percent
According to the results of the Research and Development Activities Research conducted by TURKSTAT in 2018; Turkey in R & D spending in 2018 rose to 38 billion 534 million TL. When the sectoral distributions are analyzed, the private sector is far ahead in terms of both the R & D expenditure and financing of R & D activities. The ratio of R & D Expenditures to GDP is 1.03 percent; The number of Full Time Equivalent (FTE) R & D personnel was announced as 172,119.

Gross domestic R & D expenditures increased by 8 billion 678 million TL in 2018 compared to the previous year and reached 38 billion 534 million TL. The ratio of gross domestic R & D expenditure to gross domestic product (GDP) increased from 0.96 percent in 2017 to 1.03 percent in 2018.

In the last 5 years, 43 OECD member countries and observers from the highest increase in R & D spending in terms of purchasing power parity dollars was Turkey 3 countries.

Most R & D Expenditures Made by Private Sector

The private sector has the largest share in R & D expenditures with 60.44 percent, followed by higher education with 30.32 percent. The share of general government R & D expenditures in total R & D expenditures was 9.24 percent. Compared to 2012, we are the sixth country among OECD countries that increased the share of the private sector in total R & D expenditures.

53.6 percent of Turkey's total R & D expenditure was financed by the private sector

The private sector ranked first in R & D financing with 53.6 percent. This was followed by the general government with 32.28 percent, higher education with 12.11 percent, foreign resources with 1.98 percent and other domestic resources with 0.03 percent.

While the total number of FTE R & D personnel increased by 12 percent compared to the previous year, the private sector FTE R & D personnel increased by 19 percent. The share of the private sector in total reached 60.6 percent.

In 2018, a total of 172,119 people in terms of full-time equivalent (FTE) worked as R & D personnel. The increase in the number of R & D personnel in terms of FTE was 12.1 percent compared to the previous year.

Our country has become the first country to increase the number of FTE R & D personnel among OECD countries in the last 5 years.

The number of FTE R & D personnel of the private sector increased by 19 percent compared to the previous year and reached 104 thousand 376. The share of the private sector in total R & D personnel increased from 45 percent in 2012 to 60.6 percent in 2018.

Of the total R & D personnel in terms of FTE, 32.7 percent were in higher education and 6.6 percent were in the general government sector, including non-profit organizations.

Share of R & D Expenditures in GDP
R & D Expenditures
Private Sector R & D Expenditure by Economic Activity
R & D Human Resources per 10,000 Employees
R & D Expenditures by Source of Finance
Terms of Turkey's Place in the World Ranking Number of Scientific Publications (196 countries)https://www.tubitak.gov.tr/sites/default/files/289/70_makalede_dunya_siralamasi.pdf
Full Time Equivalent R & D Human Resources
Sectoral Distribution of FTE R & D Human Resources
Turkey Welded Number of Scientific Publications
Number of Scientific Publications Million Per Capita in Turkey
Patent Applications to Turkish Patent and Trademark Agency
Patent Issued by Turkish Patent and Trademark Agency
registrations https://www.tubitak.gov.tr/sites/default/files/289/80_tpe_patent_tescil.pdf
Main source
Turkey Assets Fund will establish a $ 10 billion petrochemical refinery

Turkey Assets Fund (TVF), and refinery in Ceyhan district of Adana in order to reduce the foreign trade deficit in the petrochemical area to be established with an investment of nearly $ 10 billion refinery and petrochemical plants.
Under the 2020-2022 New Economy Program of the Ministry of Treasury and Finance, TVF was envisaged to engage in fixed capital investments in the fields of petrochemicals, mining and electricity generation from domestic sources based on private sector or foreign capital cooperations.

According to the information obtained from TVF, in order to reduce the foreign trade deficit, the fund, which includes strategic investments, will make its first investment in refinery and petrochemicals.

Turkey Wealth Funds with an investment of nearly $ 10 billion refinery to be established in Adana's Ceyhan district and the construction of a petrochemical complex, after the completion of design and engineering work will begin in 2021.

The project, which is expected to create 10 thousand jobs during the construction period and 5 thousand people during the operational period, is expected to be among the exemplary investments in the world in terms of advanced technology and innovative production methods.

Ceyhan will become a "petrochemical base"
The refinery and petrochemical complex will support Ceyhan's goal of becoming an international energy hub. The project will produce the raw materials needed to develop the petrochemical base and chemical clustering in the region and implement the necessary infrastructure investments.

Turkey imports of products of the refinery to 21 million tons as of last year. While more than 80 percent of the need was imported in petrochemical products, in 2018, a foreign trade deficit of $ 13 billion was given. Turkey Wealth Funds, foreign trade in the field of refinery and petrochemical projects aiming to contribute to permanently reducing the deficit. The investment is expected to contribute $ 1.5 billion to the foreign trade balance.
Space radiation test infrastructure established


Turkey's satellite and space research to reduce dependence on foreign particle radiation first Test begins the task of Infrastructure.

According to the information received, conducted by the Department of Defense Industries Presidential Turkey's first Particle Radiation Testing Engine installation was performed. The test infrastructure aims to test the resistance of critical satellite components to the radiation environment there before being sent to space, thereby reducing external dependence in this area.

Within the framework of Turkey's 2023 targets under the abilities needed in the field of space Particle Radiation Testing Infrastructure Installation Project was launched. The project aimed to test the electronic components or materials used in space systems against the effects of particle radiation in space.

Head of Strategy and Budget projects supported by the Presidency, was developed using Turkey Atomic Energy Authority Proton Accelerator Facility. Turkey's first feature Particle Radiation Testing Infrastructure carrying the METU-Scattering Harness Line, Middle East Technical University Department of Physics Prof. Dr. Bilge Demirköz is the director of METU IVME-R (Space and Accelerator Technologies Application and Research Center).


The radiation effects of the space environment can shorten the life of the satellites or cause the satellites to be completely out of service.

With the METU-Scattered Bundle Line, both the flux and the width of the proton beam coming out of the proton accelerator can be adjusted according to the needs of different users and tests suitable for the space environment. This testing infrastructure with Turkey's national and developed with the indigenous capabilities of solar cells, lithium ion batteries and multilayer insulation blankets as İMECE to be sent into space with the satellite equipment and supplies of the European Space Agency (ESA) will be carried out tests according to the standards.

The project also aims to develop a Local Radiation Monitor designed for use in local and national satellites. Satellites that may occur due to radiation in satellites will be detected and reported to report the effects of radiation and spacecraft mission planning will benefit from the data of the Domestic Radiation Monitor.

METU-Scattered Bundle Line will be opened soon.
SSB, Aselsan and Tubitak are planning to establish a chip production facility with an investment of $ 300 million.
Another possibility is that Turkey, Pakistan and Indonesia can be partners in chip production facilities established in Malaysia with an investment of $1.6 billion.

Solid state laser crystal by Gazi Fotonik


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