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Turkish Industry, Science and Technology

not really.. I can imagine it could work for hospitals- medicamentation or organs politicians or other ppl who have to travel fast... but for the average guy I think its too early.. we need better batteries wich have more capacity are more secure and can load faster these technologies are slowly coming and than this vehicles can be used for traveling in the city

but for now just for the rich or special ppl

one more to say:

in rural areas this thing could really help we have mountainius areas where this could be a life saver..

and as always my question is can this thing be remote controlled and fire 40mm granade launcher? :)

This is an experimental study planned for technology demonstration. In other words, it was a feasibility work with a very modest budget.

It is necessary to be patient with the products that will serve in the fields of health services or civil defense.
Waste of money . I hope it's not from our taxes revenue
How it could be from your taxes?? BAYKAR is a private company. Typical dumb sözcü rethoric..

İftralarınızın kendi içinde bile tutarlılılğı yok. A.. 79 sene ülkenin a.. kod... bir de gelip vatansever evlatlara laf ediyorsunuz..
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If a person says such things are impossible please keep them away from children.

Nothing is impossible. We cant have this mentality oh who cares, we cant do it and other excuses.

They carry this mentality to children and destroy their self esteem and creativity.
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Sanırım bor gibi saf halde bulunmayan elementlerin ayrıştırılma teknolojisinden bahsediyorlar
Rare earth eliements are different. Boron is not one of them. It is much like Yttrium, Scandium, Hafnium, Neodimium etc... They are used to build high tech materials used in touch screens, fiber optics etc in daily life and extreme materials in other rare applications. They have strategic importance. This is why many countries are stockpiling them.
Translation plz.

As FİGES we visited R-D center of #ENEA that located in Trisia as one of our enterprises to make Turkey able to Solvent Extarction for decomposion of rare earth elements
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