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Turkish Geopolitics/ Foreign Affairs

Turkey pulls out of joint energy policy with Israel
Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz said Turkey would not work alongside Israel on energy while attacks are taking place in Gaza.

World Bulletin / News Desk

Turkey will not co-operate with Israel on energy policy while it is attacking Gaza, Energy Minister Taner Yildiz has said.

Speaking at a press conference in Ankara on Monday, Yildiz said any proposal for a natural gas pipeline between Israel and Europe, via Turkey, could not go ahead for political reasons.

He said: "An energy project's economic feasibility is also important as its political feasibility and now, if we build a natural gas pipeline between Israel and Turkey, innocent children's blood would flow from this pipeline."

Yildiz added: "Now there is an unjust situation in Gaza but if the attacks stop, Turkey could discuss energy [with Israel]."

Turkey’s diplomatic relations with Israel were reduced following the 2010 Israeli attack on a Turkish aid flotilla to Gaza in which ten activists were killed.

Speaking at the same meeting, Maltese Energy Minister Konrad Mizzi said the international community and Malta felt sympathy with Gaza.

He said Palestine’s energy shortage had been discussed by European Union energy ministers last month.

At least 1824 Palestinians, mostly civilians, have been killed and 9450 wounded in unrelenting Israeli attacks since then.

The Israeli army on Sunday confirmed that 64 troops had been killed and 400 others injured in the ongoing Gaza military operation.

Gaza-based resistance factions, meanwhile, have continued to fire rockets at Israeli cities, killing three civilians.

The offensive – codenamed "Operation Protective Edge," is the self-proclaimed Jewish state's third major offensive against the densely-populate Gaza Strip within the last six years.

Turkey pulls out of joint energy policy with Israel | Diplomacy | Worldbulletin News
Guys what is this "Turkey and Qatar" thing, i hear much from media in many international affairs ?

What is deal with Qatar, anyone knows ???
Guys what is this "Turkey and Qatar" thing, i hear much from media in many international affairs ?

What is deal with Qatar, anyone knows ???
T-123456 is right. Now, we have 3 types of governments in ME.
1) Political Sunni Islamists: MB, and Morsi as their representative, MB of Palestine aka Hamas, AKP(can be named MB of Turkey), and also Qatar has joined this group in recent years
2) Political Shia Islamists, aka mullahs and their friends, including Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon(Hizballah)
3) Traditional, mostly secular, kingdoms, aka KSA and her friends, including KSA, UAE, Bahrain, Jordan
Qatar is the financier of the MB,where ever in the world,remember we talked about MB?

Yeah, but it seems to me this Turkey-Qatar thing is bigger than MB, Hamas, etc....

I still can't figure out..what is the deal.

Qatar Emir come to Turkey in the middle of the night.. meets with Erdogan and top officials in PM's residency for 2.5 hours..
Also rumours say Qatar giving money to Turkey and we can't explain the $6 Billion money inflow to Turkey....something weird is going on, with this Qatar and i don't know what it is. :undecided:

Katar Emiri′nin sürpriz Türkiye ziyareti | DÜNYA | DW.DE | 17.07.2014

@Hyperion ?
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T-123456 is right. Now, we have 3 types of governments in ME.
1) Political Sunni Islamists: MB, and Morsi as their representative, MB of Palestine aka Hamas, AKP(can be named MB of Turkey), and also Qatar has joined this group in recent years
2) Political Shia Islamists, aka mullahs and their friends, including Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon(Hizballah)
3) Traditional, mostly secular, kingdoms, aka KSA and her friends, including KSA, UAE, Bahrain, Jordan
Since when are KSA, UAE, Bahrain and Jordan secular? Or did i misunderstood something?
Yeah, but it seems to me this Turkey-Qatar thing is bigger than MB, Hamas, etc....

I still can't figure out..what is the deal.

Qatar Emir come to Turkey in the middle of the night.. meets with Erdogan and top officials in PM's residency for 2.5 hours..
Also rumours say Qatar giving money to Turkey and we can't explain the $6 Billion money inflow to Turkey....something weird is going on, with this Qatar and i don't know what it is. :undecided:

Katar Emiri′nin sürpriz Türkiye ziyareti | DÜNYA | DW.DE | 17.07.2014

@Hyperion ?
Nothing wierd,lets go back to the years of the Gulen Movement.
The MB was a initiative of Gulen,financed by the Gulf states.
When the power of the MB grew in the Muslim states,most Gulf monarchies acknowledged the threat/danger coming from the MB and stopped financing them.
Qatar on the other hand kept on supporting them.
Since when are KSA, UAE, Bahrain and Jordan secular? Or did i misunderstood something?
Their societies are not secular except for UAE. but, in contrast to common propaganda, their leaders have a secular mentality.
@Mosamania what your opinion about my posts in this page?
Nothing wierd,lets go back to the years of the Gulen Movement.
The MB was a initiative of Gulen,financed by the Gulf states.
When the power of the MB grew in the Muslim states,most Gulf monarchies acknowledged the threat/danger coming from the MB and stopped financing them.
Qatar on the other hand kept on supporting them.

Mate, MB is gone.... what is there to support ? There must be something else...
last thing turkey need is to let kurds gets more strength than this , their terrorist organization pkk killed so many from turkish citizen to turkish armed force
IS is killing PKK on the battle field as we speak. I don't get people saying Turkey should attack IS. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Probably soon all PKK will be killed by IS. Just enjoy the show like I do. All PKK in Turkey have transfered to Iraq and are fighting for their lifes.
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