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Turkish fighter jet crashes near Syrian border, governor says


Jul 15, 2012
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Contact with a Turkish F-16 jet fighter that was flying over the Amanos Mountains in the southern province of Osmaniye near the Syrian border was lost at around 2.15 p.m. today.

"We have received information that the jet crashed in the Yarpuz region of the Amanos Mountains in the direction toward Hatay," Osmaniye Gov. Celalettin Cerrah said, Anatolia news agency has reported.

Villagers living near the Yarpuz plateau confirmed that they had heard a big noise like an explosion, according to Doğan news agency.

The Yarpuz plateau is located 30 kilometers away from Osmaniye’s provincial center.

However, a military source said the jet might have crashed near the foot of the Amanos Mountains close to the İskenderun Radar Base.

The pilot sent a message saying "I'm jumping" before radio contact was lost, according to a written statement from the Turkish Armed Forces.

The jet, which is based at the 5th Main Jet Command in the northern province of Amasya, was performing a mission flight over the area.

A search and rescue mission to locate the pilot and the plane is continuing with difficulty due to heavy fog. Gov. Celalettin Cerrah also said a search to locate the ruins of the jet were continuing.

A Turkish military plane was shot down off of Syria’s Mediterranean coast by Syria in June 2012, leaving two soldiers dead.
LOCAL - Turkish fighter jet crashes near Syrian border, governor says


Sokak cocuk gibi oyle dayak yiyoruz
we will probably never know what really happened just as no explanation was given for what those f-4s were doing there before they got downed. nice going erdogan and your posse(!)
Rest in peace.


Red ***: Crash site

Yellow Line: Syrian border
Traveling over the yellow line and driving an f16 .. Then upset with the results .. RIP to the pilot.
RIP to the pilot. Btw, why is Erdogan sending pilots over the "yellow line". There are always two options for a military:

1. Declare / fight a war.
2. Stay in barracks.

Why are they trying to invent a third option and endangering the precious lives of pilots. Either engage them in active combat or let them stay at the base. Additionally, for gods sake stop experimenting with F16's, and using them as surveillance platforms. Get something that is meant particularly for that task, instead of checking "maybe this works". :pissed:
RiP, to pilot, how much people did we lost this month? :( policemen got shot, tens of people in explotion in city and now pilot. Much strength to their families.
Sir, a mere newspaper site can not possibly knew the flight course, so i don't think that that redline represents the flight course.

Actually you are right .. I might have fallen prey to false information. I should hold my comments till more details are available. The red *** represents the crash site and the yellow line was the border of turkey and syria .. Since turkey is to the east of syria I supposed the jet crashed well into syria. Again, I say this looking at the grid posted above with no official declaration. I know a turkish f16 is missing and most probably it crashed. Other than that anything as of now is just speculation.
so you are saying he crossed into Syria?

RIP to the pilot

White lines -the triangle- doesn't represent its route but where the search and rescue operations had taken place. Most probably, this was an accident and has nothing to do with Syria.
RiP, to pilot, how much people did we lost this month? :( policemen got shot, tens of people in explotion in city and now pilot. Much strength to their families.
Cheer up fellow, Turkey went through much harder times than that and was victorious.

Off topic,
I know that Turkey builds its own F-16 ,but can Turkey sells them to other countries?
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