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Turkish Engine Programs

even though Turkey has F16 production line and TAI in process to manufacture the engine and plus from the f135 engine Turkey will gain necessary experience.. why cant the produce the engine? isnt that enough?

This kind of engine knowhow is the pinnacle of materials and computational design technology. We do produce parts of the engine but we don't design them. And we basically produce the easier compressor stages and not the power turbine, fuel injectors and all. We probably have 40% of the tech of a modern fighter jet low bypass turbofan engine, my personal guess. How long before 100%, perhaps 10 years if we have the will.
What do you expect? How long will Tümosas need to produce this engine (1500hp)?
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What do expect? How long will Tümosas need to produce this engine (1500hp)?

I would give it 5 years.
how much the contract worth ?
I would give it 5 years.

From now?? They made Traktor Engines afaik. What is the max powefull engine they produce.
From now?? They made Traktor Engines afaik. What is the max powefull engine they produce.

54 months, for a cost of €190mil, complete powerpack (continuously variable transmission & V10 engine)

It seems that serious research has been made by Istanbul Technical University-Motosan-Tümosan collaboration since 2002.

Download 12-ITU_rmehdiyev.pdf from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way
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This kind of engine knowhow is the pinnacle of materials and computational design technology. We do produce parts of the engine but we don't design them. And we basically produce the easier compressor stages and not the power turbine, fuel injectors and all. We probably have 40% of the tech of a modern fighter jet low bypass turbofan engine, my personal guess. How long before 100%, perhaps 10 years if we have the will.
10 years is not bad. somebody told 2050 which made me mad! Do you believe if it is possible until 2025? Also, is that hard to do trust vectoring nozzles?
10 years is not bad. somebody told 2050 which made me mad! Do you believe if it is possible until 2025? Also, is that hard to do trust vectoring nozzles?

Thrust vectoring is an addon to the engine and I belive it is trivial compared to the engine itself.

It can be done by 2025 if you have the will. It depends on how much R&D money you can throw at it. You can also employ people from other countries to speed the process up.
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It seems studies started long way before... 8-)

Okay, guys i'm combining all of the info we got, to create our Gas Turbine Engine

Starting with LAHİKA-A Projects. This project will be carried out with the collaboration of TEI and various Turkish Universities.

In terms of content DKTM projects (aerodynamics, metallurgy, structural and certification) divided into four main groups.
In each group's engine-related components have been indicated in parentheses.


1.1 Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Analyzer Development (Compressor & Turbine)
Engine manufacturers all over the world, especially in Turbomachinery design, use their own original CFD analyzer
and develop these analyzers to design competitive engines.

In the rig testing centers which will be installed prior to turboshaft engine program, all the necessary test data will be gathered to improve the analyzer. Accordingly, CFD analyzer will be developed and will be improved by the incoming data from the rig tests. Goal of this CFD analyzer is to create an analyzer which will be an alternative to the commercial code that will be used in the first stage of the turboshaft engine program. Then the use of these codes will directly take place in the future engine design activities.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. 2D RANS analyzer development: 2D RANS analyzer development (by using a commercial mesh generator )and , making a comparison of the blade profiles which will be tested for the turboshaft project.

ii. Mesh generator development

iii. 3D RANS analyzer development: 3D RANS analyzer development (by using a commercial mesh generator )and , making a comparison of the blade profiles which will be tested for the turboshaft project.

iv. Validation: Validation of the original code with data obtained from rig testing and the necessary improvements will be done.

1.2 Blade Geometry Optimization (Compressor & Turbine)
To achieve a turbomachinery design with a high performance, design parameters which will impact the overall design must be known very well. This project will help the designer to investigate the effects of these parameters. The design optimization software will be developed to enable improvement.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. 2D Blade Optimization: To reduce the aerodynamic losses of two-dimensional blade model, an optimization software will be developed. From the literature,a blade profile with the known details (eg VKI-LS89 blade profile for Turbine) will be selected for the model. The aerodynamic performance of the model will be determined by using CFD software and results will be compared with literature data. Developed software will be used to improve the performance of the selected model

ii. 3D Blade Optimization: Aim is to develop the necessary tools to optimize the performance of 3d model of the blade.
Three-dimensional geometry of a fin will be created by using the model selected as a two-dimensional optimization
The performance of this geometry will be determined by CFD software and it's aerodynamic performance aimed to improved by to be developed software.

1.3 CFD Analysis Applications (Combustion Chamber - RANS, LES, Ignition, conjugate heat transfer, Flame Stability)
In combustion modeling and numerical analysis, realistic analysis of the turbulence-combustion interaction and in terms of detailed studying of time-dependent effects, LES (Large Eddy Simulation) approach has become a powerful tool in both academic and industrial fields.LES method has a critical importance in the simulations of the events like Ignition, flame stability. As a result of this R&D work, It being expected to develop the methods and applications following below. The methods to be developed are expected to be oriented in to the actual application.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. Determination of reactive LES methodology: To determine the reactive flow which occurs in the combustion chamber by using LES modeling methods with applying appropriate fuel type and chemistry. Applying the developed methodology on a actual operating conditions of a combustion chamber model .

ii. Modeling of Transient Combustion Event: Modeling of ignition, flame stability and combustion/deflation events which occurs instantaneously in the combustion chamber by LES methods.

iii. Conjugate Heat Transfer Solutions: To Identify the combustion-induced heating that occurs in the combustion chamber walls by conjugate heat transfer solutions . Determining the impact of the reactive flow solution to the wall temperature.

1.4 Fuel Injector Development (Combustion Chamber - Design, Analysis, Production, Testing)
One of the most important factor that is affecting the actual combustion and flow characteristics in the gas turbine combustion chamber is the fuel injector. Because of their special design fuel injectors provide at a desired diameter of fuel droplets, flow rate ,cone angle, speed, fuel outlet. Within the scope of the project, a suitable liquid fuel injector is required to be designed

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. Design: Analytical methods that has been used in the design process, developed codes , implemented CFD analysis to be presented in detail and to transform the design methodology into a repeatable process.
ii. Production: The production of the designed nozzle. Submission of the production drawings and manufacturing of details of the injectors. Determining different production methods can be used.
iii. Test: produced by the injector give the desired flow rate and the target pressure range shown with a uniform atomisation test was carried out. The realization of the characterization tests carried out without burning hot and the investigation of the performance in a test environment where the injector is burning.

1.5 Impeller-Diffuser Interaction (radial compressor)
To achieve low fuel consumption in 1000-1500hp class turbo shaft engines,compressors that have high compression ratio and a high efficiency are needed. However, compressors that are simple, with less parts and easy to manufacture are being preferred in engines of this class. In helicopter applications due to the exposure of high inlet distortion, designs with high stall margin and long-lasting designs are important. In these engines, radial compressors are being preferred as they can more easily meet these demands.
In this project impeller-diffuser interaction which is one of the most important issues for the radial compressors will be investigated experimentally and numerically.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. Numeric: In This study, development of the CFD analysis model, doing three-dimensional CFD analysis of the model, and comparing the CDF analysis with test results are being planned

ii. Experimental: Experimental studies will be performed in the test rig "TJ-90 turbojet engine Centrifugal Compressor Design Optimization" which will be set up within the scope of SanTez (industrial theses support program which is being supported by government). The data obtained from the experiments will be used to compare with the numerical analysis.

1.6 High Performance Blade Tip Zone Design (Turbine)
The project aims primarily to understand the physics of the flow in the turbine rotor tip. Work will begin as experimental and in line with the conclusions made, the necessary methodology will be established for the modelling of this critical region by CFD. In the later stages of the study, analysis of the geometry to reduce the aerodynamic performance losses will be done by numeric methods.
Performance results of the best model will be shown with experimental activities. Experimental work to be done under the project will be carried out using turboshaft engine program to be established within the HPT cascade test rig.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. Experimental investigation of the flow in the blade tip region for different clearances: different types of geometry found in the literature will be examined and detailed flow characteristics of the selected model's tip region will be determined. Works will be performed experimentally in the HPT cascade test rig. In this way, the physics of the flow from the high-pressure region to the low pressure region is aimed to be understood.

ii. Developing methods for the tip region CFD analysis: Best methodology to reflect the loss mechanisms in tip region will be established. The CFD analysis method which will solve the experimental tests correctly, is going be studied

iii. Determination of the high-performance tip model: Alternative tip geometry will be studied by using the CFD methodology that has been developed . The model that provides the best performance increase will be determined.

iv. Experimental characterization of the new design: Performance of selected new tip region will be experimentally determined. Experimental work will be carried in the HPT cascade testing rig. The performance increase will be experimentally determined by pressure measurement at the outlet and flow visualization techniques which will be applied on the tip region.

1.7 Effective cooling of the blade tip region (Turbine)
At high temperatures, turbine end regions is one of the fastest regions get damaged . This project aims to reduce the temperature of this region and developing a cooling design which is expected to make cooling more effective by using less cooling air. Experimental work to be done will be carried out by the HPT cascade test rig which will be established within the scope of the project.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. Tip cooling concept design: The cooling configurations and the cooling methods which will be applied on to the tip geometry will be determined. Effective mechanisms in these methods will be understood and the configuration to increase the cooling efficiency will be established.

ii. Aerodynamic analysis: Alternative cooling configurations can be applied to the tip region shall be determined. These configurations will be determined by the flow properties analysis method. The model of the best alternative, will be tested in the HPT cascade testing rig and analysis results will be verified.

iii. Cooling Efficiency: The analysis methodology for determining the cooling efficiency will be improved by literature information. The cooling efficiency of the specified configurations will be determined by the analysis method. The model of the best alternative, will be tested in the HPT cascade testing rig and analysis results will be verified.

1.8 Cooling Performance Prediction (Turbine)
Determining the metal temperature of turbine blades under combustion chamber conditions and developing the code used for the determination of metal temperatures is being aimed. Design methodology's reliability is being aimed to increased, before the test of the engine.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. Metal temperature prediction for cooled blade model: Temperature distribution of the inner-cooled turbine blades will be experimentally measured under similar conditions to the combustor exit temperature. Temperature levels in different regions will be determined and compared with predicted temperatures in the design. The test shall be repeated for different gas temperatures.

ii. Development of the code that calculates metal temperatures: A software that calculates metal temperatures according to the temperature distribution obtained from the tests will be developed. This software will calculate the metal temperatures, independently from the prior CFD analysis.


2.1 TBC (Thermal Barrier Coating) Characterization(Combustion Chamber - Air Plasma Spray(APS))

Thermal and mechanical characterization of the thermal barrier coating which will be applied to the combustion chamber of the engine, will be determined. Lack of metallurgical and operational experience regarding to the thermal barrier coating, limits the design and manufacturing capabilities. Therefore, the objective of this project will be the investigation of the mechanisms affecting the microstructure of the thermal barrier coating and to determine the functionality of the thermal barrier coating .An APS method that allows a relatively thick coating on the combustion chamber will be investigated.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. Characteristic determination: Determination of the measurable characteristics of the thermal barrier coating,

ii. Change of characteristic with heat: Determining the change in the characteristics of the thermal barrier coating when exposed to heat

iii. Coating performance prediction: Determination of the predominant performance degradation or complete dysfunctional mechanisms for the thermal coating.

2.2 TBC Characterization (Turbine - Electron Beam Physical Vapor Deposition (EB-PVD))
In the scope of the project; The thermal and mechanical property characterization of the thermal barrier coating which will be exposed to the high temperatures in the engine will be determined. Lack of metallurgical and operational experience regarding to the thermal barrier coating, limits the design and manufacturing capabilities. Therefore, the objective of this project will be the investigation of the mechanisms affecting the microstructure of the thermal barrier coating and to determine the functionality of the thermal barrier coating. In the scope of the project the EB-PVD method which apply on the turbine blades and that doesn't effects the aerodynamic flow will be investigated.

The inclusion of the work packages of the project is planned to be presented under the following main headings.

i. Characteristic determination: Determination of the measurable characteristics of the thermal barrier coating.

ii. Change of characteristic with heat:
Determining the change in the characteristics of the thermal barrier coating when exposed to heat.

iii. Coating performance prediction:
Determination of the predominant performance degradation or completely dysfunctional mechanisms for the thermal coating.

2.3 Obtaining Metallurgical Information
In the scope of turboshaft engine project, metallurgical information of the materials to be used in the design of the engine will be obtained. Tests required to obtain this information will be made in the NADCAP certified test center.

In this project, by selecting one of the obtained data engine materials (titanium (6/4, 6242, etc.), Or super alloy (Inconel series, etc.)), and doing the required tests;

i. Thermal and physical tests: Poisson's ratio, thermal expansion,thermal release, thermal conductivity, density, specific heat determination tests

ii. Mechanical tests: tensile and yield strength, elongation values, high and low cycle fatigue strength, stress value tests

re-obtaining of the metallurgical information is planned (like validating the literature data). The obtained data will be compared with the data which will be obtained from NADCAP certified testing centers and obtaining of the material information capabilities / qualifications will be evaluated.

2.4 Titanium Forging Technology
The relationship between the production process and the material properties, of the titanium forged parts will be determined in the scope of the project.For the analysis and comparison of the forged titanium samples, different prototypes will be produced and optimum process parameters will be defined.

2.5 Nickel Based Superalloys Forging Technology
The relationship between the production process and the material properties, of the nickel-based superalloy forged parts will be determined in the scope of the project.For the analysis and comparison of the forged nickel-based superalloy samples, different prototypes will be produced and optimum process parameters will be defined.

3.1 HCF Analysis and Testing (Axial Compressor Blade)
HFC (High Cycle Fatigue) in particularly fan, compressor, turbine blades and in the thin static engine parts, is a dominant structural mechanism which puts the integrity of the engine at risk. In the scope of the project, aim is to develop HCF analysis and calculation method of the the axial compressor blades. After doing HCF tests of the blades, test results will be compared with the analysis results for validating and improving analysis methods.

3.2 LCF Analysis and Testing (Turbine - Fir Tree Link)
Low cycle fatigue, is one of the most important structural mechanisms which puts the integrity of the engine at risk. Design of the turbine-blade connections are import and difficult to achieve, both in manufacturing tolerances, friction between the contact area and the working surfaces, stress in the contact area. In scope of the project, low cycle fatigue (LCF) tests will be carried out for the turbine blade connection, results will be compared with calculations. In the tests, in order to measure the strain of the critical areas under the load specified in the design, strain gauges will be placed. At the end of the specified cycle, part will be controlled for the fractures and ultimately, allowed to be break.

The obtained measurements and results will be used for both the verification of the model which has been used in the design and to improve the methodology.

3.3 SFD (Squeeze Film Damper) Design
In scope of the project, to obtain information / experience about the design of the rotor dynamics, SDF will be designed. By tests, parameters of SFD will be changed and it's design will be validated. To comply with the SFD, simple drive and shaft system configurations will be used it the tests. With the test rig, the rotor-bearing system, the imbalance of the disc and shaft, gyroscopic effects, SFD's non-linear behaviors will be done in different operational conditions. Gathered data will be used to for the development of rotor methodology.

3.4 Friction Damping Design
To increase the service life of the rotor blades, friction damping concept is used in order to minimize resonance stress. In this project, the development of the friction damper design and analysis methodology and installation of the necessary test devices and test are being planned.

3.5 Aeroelasticity Calculations, Analysis Methods and Software Development
Regarding structural integrity; in the vibration evaluations, forces generated by the flow has great importance and must be taken into account. The structural forces generated by the flow, has to be simultaneously evaluated with the inertial forces. In the scope of the project, the creation of aeroelasticity methodology and the development of a software to be used for structural integrity validations are planned. Validation and improvement of the software and the methodology will be done by the data obtained from the aero rig tests.

4.1 Ballistic Testing (Analysis and Test Validation)
Keeping the broken Turbo machinery blades inside of the motor is a certification requirement. Therefore, it is an important issue which must be taken into account and to be investigated. In the scope of the project, in order to obtain high deformation material properties , ballistic tests will be done (to be launched with a gas gun parts),and instant impact effect on the casing will be examined. Thus analysis and calculations of the material modeling which will be used for the design will be carried out.

4.2 Impact Analysis and Simulation

As the certification requires, the engine might be exposed to ice, birds or hail shocks. By the tests, it has to be proven that engine remains in the determined damage limits. Achievement of these requirements and to reduce the risk of inconsistency in the tests to be performed, depends on the adequacy of the analysis methods to be used for design. In scope of the project, for estimating the path and for determining the damage after the impact that can be caused by the substances that can enter the engine (ice, birds, hail, etc.) necessary analysis and simulation methods will be developed.

If you followed till here, you have seen that we are researching various critical ttechnologies... creating CFD analyzers, using it to designing compressors and turbine blades, heat transfer calculations, injector designing, thermal barrier coating, metallurgy of the critical alloys to be used in engine such as Titanium and Nickel Based Superalloys, Designing of the shafts, blades' link to rings, rings link to shaft, etc...

But there are still some critical technologies remain untapped...Article 2.4 and 2.5 says "Forging Technology". With forging it's not possible to produce blades&vanes. In this project forging refers to production of the rings&disks in the engine. Blades and vanes are exposed to great temperatures under great stress due to the rev of the engine. Therefore they need special production techniques.

So now, we have to research the production methods of compressor blades, turbine blades and combustion chamber.

Compressor Blades

From Tubitak's project 1007– SAVTAG- SSM–2012–02 http://www.pdo.yildiz.edu.tr/login/sys/admin/announcement/img/Nikel Bazlı Tek Kristal Süperalaşımların Geliştirilmesi.pdf

Scope of the Project: To develop Nickel Based Single Crystal Kristal Supperalloys to be used in the gas turbine engine of the aerial platforms.

This RFP issued in February 2012. Timeline for the project is 30 months so, it is either finished or about to be finished. Meaning we will have necessary tech to produce engines most difficult part in terms of metallurgy.

Turbine Blades
SSM project İnci: Founding of the titanium alloys to be used in the aerial platforms.

Combustion Chamber
SSM project Yakut: To produce statics parts (especially the combustion chamber) with additive production method.

Fan Blades
SSM project Dilek: To produce various parts of the aircraft engine parts by superplastic forming process (this project is not directly involved in the Turboshaft project but for the future TurboFan project)

I believe after gathering all of these critical technologies SSM will issue an RFP for the TurboShaft Turbine Engine. TEI or KaleAero will be awarded and all the necessary technology will be transferred to them.

Our future Turboshaft engine will be in 1000-1500 shp class and most possibly will be used in T-129, 4 ton class indigenous helicopter, ANKA-TP.

@cabatli_53 @Combat-Master @xxxKULxxx @T-123456 @isoo @FutureMe @xenon54 @Hakan @Bubblegum Crisis @Zarvan @Horus
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Nice to see this Thread is still active! What did I miss?
Nice to see this Thread is still active! What did I miss?
Meeh, just the signing of deal for a 1500 hp National Power Pack for Altay, nothing big. :lol:

Turkish engine thread | Page 17
Uluslararası havacılık sanayinin motor üretiminde önemli bir yere sahip TUSAŞ Motor Sanayi (TEI), gelecek 20 yıllık projeksiyonunu hazırladı. TEI, vizyon ve misyonunu ele aldığı çalıştayda özgün tasarıma sahip milli motorların üretimi için yeni stratejilerini gündeme aldı.

TEI açıklamasına göre, TEI, geleceğine yönelik stratejik adımlar atabilmek için yeni yol haritası çizdi. TEI, "Stratejik Yönetim Sistem Gözden Geçirme Çalıştayı"nda misyon ve vizyonundan 20 yıllık projeksiyonuna kadar geleceğini tasarladı. Buna göre TEI, özgün tasarıma sahip milli motorların üretimi için stratejilerini belirledi.

TEI Genel Müdürü Mahmut Faruk Akşit liderliğinde gerçekleşen çalıştaya, sektörün önde gelen uzmanları ve akademisyenler katıldı. TEI'nin yanı sıra havacılık sanayinin de hedef, misyon ve vizyonunun ele alındığı çalıştayda, özellikle savunma sanayine havacılık alanında motor üreten kurumun geleceği için uzmanlar görüşlerini paylaştı.

İstanbul'da 2 gün süren stratejik yönetim planı çalıştayına Savunma Sanayii Müsteşarı İsmail Demir de katılarak sektörün geleceğine yönelik misyon ve vizyona katkılarını sundu.

Gelecek 20 yılı kapsayan projeksiyonda, TEI tarafından üretilecek özgün tasarıma sahip milli motorların planlama, tasarım, imalat süreçlerinin yanı sıra uluslararası alanda motor parça imalatı ve bakımı konusunda da atılması gereken adımlar gündeme gelerek bu yönde çalışma prensipleri ortaya kondu.

TEI, oluşturduğu stratejik yönetim planıyla sistemli bir şekilde yürüttüğü tasarım çalışmalarıyla da sektöre rol model olmaya devam edecek ve uluslar arası arenada da sektörünün en önemli oyuncuları arasında yer alacak.
TEI'ye stratejik yol haritası çizildi haberi Dünya.com'da
Uluslararası havacılık sanayinin motor üretiminde önemli bir yere sahip TUSAŞ Motor Sanayi (TEI), gelecek 20 yıllık projeksiyonunu hazırladı. TEI, vizyon ve misyonunu ele aldığı çalıştayda özgün tasarıma sahip milli motorların üretimi için yeni stratejilerini gündeme aldı.

@cabatli_53 @Combat-Master @Casus Belli

Guys do you have the visual of this road map ? I wonder if there are any future plans for a TurboFan engine.
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