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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
You has Very narrow perspective, you dont aware anything just think and speak on basic things.

What is now happening things are so deep issues;

Saudi Arabia was fighting against US since years to get their dollars reserves back, but America hold their money and they blame Saudis as supporter of Osama Bin Laden, then they make a law to American citizens can be Applied to the courts for compensations, but saudi could done nothing,
Then Trump was said that Arabs will be paid all our Foreign debts, and he add that they have no chose,
after 2 mounths Arabs stop to resist of Amerincan pressures and accepts what America wants,
As we now Trump signed 400 billion army sales with Saudis, now Saudis become althernative strategic partner of USA,
After that USA offer a big ME plan to all Arabs countries, many of them didnt resist but Qatar,
Now Saudis and some Arab countries threatening qatar for accept this plan,
This plan about Sectarian wars between Muslims, because American said Islamic army will be used at Iraq, that is mean they will fight against Shias then Iran become hostile against Saudis and big war will be started,
All these new Purchased american weapons will be used against Iran and Shias at the begining, Saudis will be looks like winning war BUT after time passed they will be cut support to Saudis and start to support Iran under the table,
Iran will be removed Muslims populations from ME so that Israel can establish a Great Israel,
This war will be weakened all muslim countries,

if you GET, we are not helping Qatar BUT we help all the Ummah for stoping this war,
If qatar surrender to this plan this big war going to be happen,
If you aware that, after Saudis blamed qatar as to be friend of Iran, Iran send some foods Qatar, then some suicide atacks happened in Iran, then this big evil Iran blamed Saudis about these atacks and said we will atack back,
Iran is the key player of this plan and they are the most dangerous one,
We have to be very carefull against Irans steps and descriptions, they give what US want for start this war, and helping to Saudis for Internal materials for use in politics.

NOW think again about Qatar issue, this helps what Turkey have done not only fidelity, it is also Disrupt American plans about Middle east....
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Turkey’s economy grows 5 percent in first quarter of 2017, exceeds forecasts


We are poorer than 2011 because of the poor currency. Erdoğans wealth is in dollars so he's happy.
Overall Earth's GDP keeps increasing in USD, meanwhile our GDP reduced %11.4. What is the great part in here o_O

Economic cycles. A strong growth figure means usually that Lira will gain value against USD. A stagnating account deficit despite high growth figures is excellent news for Turkey. It means that our development becomes more and more sustainable. Look at the automobile industry. Incredible performance. In the past years our deficit grew exorbitantly in line with our overall performance.

We clearly gained a momentum. This is probably Mr. Erdoğan's last chance for serious reforms otherwise....

Mark my words.
Economy grows 5% compared to 2014s numbers. Great fucking news..
Inflation is sky-high, interest rates are sky high, Turkish lira is on the floor.

No problem 90% of the people don't even know anything about economics. Build a bridge and we are a superpower.

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