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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
Many people say that he is the real owner of the Zorlu Imperium behind the curtains and pulls the strings.
I remember having a discussion with a Greek Cypriot lady about Asil Nadir, and how he has a young 22-year-old wife/girlfriend can't remember.I was hoping you would bring that up instead.
bring that up instead

I only know the true story of his flight from UK , cause I know the person who assisted him;
also that British services tried to kidnap him in Cyprus to retransfer him to court in UK but failed cause he was protected better then Mr. Denktas.
Yes, he is a playboy as his ex- wife Aysegül was an easy going lady.
Please remember Polly-Peck. Asil was a poor guy in the UK but had good relations to Jewish persons with big financial assets. Zorlu is investing in Israel, maybe a payback of debts ? Zorlu has a few companies in Israel.
Could sound like a conspiracy theory. Except the guy who organized his flight from UK, I can't give evidence.

Remember the fact that the UZAN clan has at least 6 Billion USD in Jordan. That are figures Turkish Gov. published.
Cem Uzan studied with the Jordanian King in the UK.

My signature :

" We can only make observations based on past and present actions while making future predictions based on this actions /policies."
Turkey’s consumer confidence hits seven-month high of 72.8 points in May


Consumer confidence rose to its highest in seven months in May, up to 72.8 points from 71.3 points a month earlier, official data showed on May 18.

However, this still reflects a pessimistic outlook and would need to rise above 100 to reflect optimism.

The consumer confidence index is calculated from the results of the consumer tendency survey carried out in cooperation with the Turkish Statistics Institute (TÜİK) and the Central Bank.

All sub-indices, including the indices on financial situation, general economic situation, and the expectation for the number of people unemployed, were higher in May. However, the probability of savings index, indicating people’s expectation that they will earn enough money to save, dropped by 6.9 percent to 23.3 points in May from 25.1 in April.

“The general economic situation expectations index, which was 96.2 in April, rose 4.5 percent to 100.6 in May. This increase shows that the number of consumers expecting a better general economic situation in the next 12 months increased compared to the previous month,” TÜİK stated.

The unemployment expectations index saw a rise of 3 percent to 75.3 points in May. This increase stemmed from the fall in the number of people expecting an increase in the number of unemployed people over the next 12 months.

The household financial situation expectations index also climbed 1.4 percent from April to reach 92 points, suggesting that more people were expecting a better financial situation in the upcoming 12-month period.

Eurasia Airshow to bring movers, shakers of global aviation to Turkey's Antalya


The Eurasia Airshow, which will convene the leaders of the global aerospace sector, will take place in Antalya on April 25-28, 2018.
Turkey is set to host the Eurasia Airshow, an aerospace organization which is expected to generate $40 billion in business volume. It will gather significant global players from the aerospace industry in Antalya in 2018

The Eurasia Airshow, which will take place in Antalya on April 25-28, 2018, will bring together decision makers of the global aerospace industry. This will be Turkey's first international commercial and military aerospace organization and is expected to generate about $40 billion in business volume.

The airshow will be organized under the auspices of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey with ambitious targets and will be repeated bi-annually. Moreover, it aims to be one of the most important airshows on par with the Paris Airshow, Farnborough Airshow, Dubai Airshow and the Singapore Airshow, which have been well recognized in the aviation industry.

The Eurasia Airshow, which is supported by a number of institutions and organizations, will gather significant players from the aerospace industry from all over the world. Signifying importance of the airshow being held under the auspices of the presidency, Eurasia Airshow General Manager Ferhat Yebibertiz said: "We were honored and proud that the Eurasia Airshow was organized under the auspices of our President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. This is very important support for our event. When we look at all of the projects carried out under the auspices of our president, we see that they are all projects that add value to Turkey. It made us proud that the Eurasia Airshow has also been evaluated in this context."

'Turkey will be a global brand'

Stating that global organizations, such as the Dubai, Singapore, Farnborough and Paris Airshows were also given similar government support, Yebibertiz said: "We believe that the president of the Republic of Turkey will carry the Eurasia Airshow more strongly towards its targets. The other major airshows around the world became world-class brands with similar government support. This support increases the interest in the organization when it comes to international participants."

Moreover, he stated that they have started negotiations with important public institutions and organizations, such as: the Turkish Armed Forces' General Staff, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Undersecretariat of the Defense Industry, the General Directorate of State Airports' Operations, and the General Directorate of Civil Aviation.

Yebibertiz pointed out that Turkey's first Eurasia Airshow will be one of the important global brands, similar to Turkish Airlines and the Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc. (TUSAŞ / TAI), in the international aviation sector.

More than 400 companies to participate the show

Pointing out that they will organize the Eurasia Airshow in Antalya, which is an important tourist location that also hosted important organizations, such as the G-20, Yebibertiz said: "Within the Antalya International Airport, which is one of Turkey's top-three busiest airports with sufficient infrastructure and size, there will be a static exhibition area for more than 100 airplanes with the total of 300,000 square meters of area, 50,000 square meters closed area and 65 chalets allocated by the State Airports Authority. With the participation of more than 400 companies and more than 150 military and civilian delegations, we aim to host around 100,000 people at the Eurasia Airshow."

He also said they have been carrying out an intensive publicity campaign for the event and that they had contacts in many countries for this purpose. Moreover, he indicated that the contract process with the participants has begun.

Airline leaders will meet at the summit

Yebibertiz also added that they will organize a summit for decision makers in the sector, including military, commercial and aerospace companies, airline companies, aircraft maintenance companies, military and civilian delegations and the top executives of at least 12 airline companies.

Yebibertiz also underscored that the $40 billion business volume is an ambitious figure and that they expect it to consist of agreements, potential aircraft purchases and aircraft orders expected to take place in 2018.

Megabank project to support Turkey's aim to increase share in participation banking


MegaBank will significantly contribute to the development of Islamic finance, interest-free finance and interest-free banking in terms of liquidity and resources.

Turkey and Indonesia, to that end, join talks to establish a megabank project that will act as a central bank for lenders in global Islamic banking

Turkey and Indonesia are working on a lender project that will operate in compliance with Islamic law. Though talks are ongoing, the project titled "megabank" is expected to contribute to Turkey's aim to expand the share of participation banking in the Turkish financial sector. Deputy Prime Minister Mehmet Şimşek, who held a meeting with the Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati, said that they discussed the megabank idea, which was launched by Indonesia as an Islamic bank project, while stressing the importance of accelerating the process at the same time. Şimşek also highlighted that the project will strongly support the goal of increasing the participation banks' share in the sector to 25 percent.

Speaking to the Anadolu Agency (AA) during his contacts at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) Group in Saudi Arabia, Deputy Prime Minister Şimşek stated that the vision and strategies put forward for the bank to support the member countries in a stronger manner were discussed during the annual meetings, which were highly productive.

Pointing out that many bilateral talks were held as well as meetings, Şimşek said that they met with Kuwait's Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Anas Khalid al-Saleh and Saudi Arabia's Finance Minister Mohammed bin Abdullah Al-Jadaan alongside the finance ministers from many African and other Islamic countries. Noting that they held bilateral talks with many countries, Şimşek said it was very productive in that respect, adding that the small, narrow meeting spaces at the venue were a real advantage enabling many issues to be discussed with several countries at the same time.

Şimşek stressed that they also met with the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (JCCI) chairman Sheikh Saleh Abdullah Kamel, as well as Sheikh Saleh, chairman of the Islamic Chamber of Commerce, and that they exchanged ideas on increasing mutual investments between Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

Şimşek said they held bilateral talks with Indonesia's finance minister and the Islamic Development Bank's (IDB) President Dr. Bandar M. H. Hajjar, adding that the negotiations on the megabank are ongoing.

Pointing to the fact that IDB's president sides with the acceleration of the process, Şimşek said that the issue of the megabank needs more time due to its significance, adding that the project is a platform that will make a significant contribution to the development of Islamic finance, interest-free finance, interest-free banking and interest-free capital markets in terms of liquidity and resources.

Deputy Prime Minister Şimşek stated that Turkey's approach towards the megabank has not changed, saying: "The whole point is whether it will be one or two separate regions. The IDB will be in it as well. I also believe that they will strongly support the dual or single structure."

Şimşek said the megabank project will strongly support the goal of increasing the participation banks' share within the sector to 25 percent and continued: "As Turkey, we are pushing hard to improve participation banking. There is a goal that President [Recep Tayyip Erdogan] has put forward. We have a very serious and ambitious goal to increase the share of participation banks in the sector up to 25 percent. That is why we have put forth a strong effort in this direction and we continue to do so." He also added that the megabank should actually be seen as an initiative to provide the sector with liquidity and to contribute to its development, both locally and globally.

Previously Şimşek said Istanbul should be the headquarters for a new Islamic megabank.

Indonesia, which has the world's largest Muslim population, and Malaysia have long-tried separately to establish an Islamic lender, which would serve as a central bank for lenders in the global Islamic finance industry, both for projects and companies. Malaysia's central bank first promoted the idea in 2009 and a three-way merger that collapsed last year. Indonesia has been trying to establish a megabank since 2013. The project is supported by the IDB, and Turkey's initial contribution to the bank's capital is reported to be $300 million.

Nowadays Turkey and Qatar have been strategic partners, that's why the rumors: Saudians would cancel deal with Turkey.
The middleeast will be devided into much more smaller parts.

I can't understand clearly
Was it concealed Saudian denunciation to Turkey due to partnership with Qatar ?

Four countries cut links with Qatar over 'terrorism' support
in 100 biggest Turkish companies in Turkey;

89. ROKETSAN Roket San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
Üretimden satışlar(TL): 1.061.851.821

71. Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi A.Ş.
Üretimden satışlar(TL): 1.302.154.504

29. TUSAŞ-Türk Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayii A.Ş.
Üretimden satışlar(TL): 2.497.800.265

20. Aselsan Elektronik San. ve Tic. A.Ş.
Üretimden satışlar(TL): 3.712.045.327

17. PETKİM Petrokimya Holding A.Ş. (This is not a defence company, but i wanted to mention it since it is biggest Azerbaijani company in Turkey)
Üretimden satışlar(TL):
I hope our government won't interfere in this and won't put our country in a disgusting position, but only benefits with economical way. We shouldn't pick side between Saudi Arabia-Qatar, but stay neutral.
I hope our government won't interfere in this and won't put our country in a disgusting position, but only benefits with economical way. We shouldn't pick side between Saudi Arabia-Qatar, but stay neutral.

Bro those actions have taken against Turkey if you think deeply. They make pressure Qatar to cut good relationships with Turkey, US try to make us alone in our way.
Bro those actions have taken against Turkey if you think deeply. They make pressure Qatar to cut good relationships with Turkey, US try to make us alone in our way.

What is our way? The stupid foreign policy we followed to this day has led us to sonu bombok bir yere çıkan tünel. I said many times that Turkey's strenght lies in its neutrality, akp tried to choose a side and actively supported that side, even intervened in other countries. In the end otherside won. Every single group and country that akp backed is defeated in the end we have been never more alone in our history. Muslim brotherhood bullshit will cause us billions of dollars and most importantly out reputation.

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