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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
Thats actually exactly what we have to do to overcome the Middle income trap, at some point it wont be enough to produce steel or rely on construction sector, you need to produce innovative high-tech products, be the designer instead of just producer.
There are some positive steps being taken. I wonder if that will be sufficient or not.

In the last 13 years.

-113 New Universities
- 57 New Technoparks
- 184 R&D Centers
- 34 ToT Officies has been established.

- Expenditure for R&D reached %0.95 of GDP from %0.53 of GDP (2002)
- State budget allocated for R&D 1.8 Billion TL from 114 Million TL (2002)
- Full time R&D personnel reached 112.969 from 28.964 (2002)

Source is Fikri Işık's twitter account.
There are some positive steps being taken. I wonder if that will be sufficient or not.

In the last 13 years.

-113 New Universities
- 57 New Technoparks
- 184 R&D Centers
- 34 ToT Officies has been established.

- Expenditure for R&D reached %0.95 of GDP from %0.53 of GDP (2002)
- State budget allocated for R&D 1.8 Billion TL from 114 Million TL (2002)
- Full time R&D personnel reached 112.969 from 28.964 (2002)

Source is Fikri Işık's twitter account.
Those are impressive numbers, we need to take the path of South Korea, heavily invest in education, its the foundation of any development, you can buy anything but know how.
There are clearly efforts to archive it no doubt but im gonna wait for the result before making a judgement, the projects are too young and need time to mature before we can predict something, but seems like its going to the right direction, at least there is a effort.

Also this project makes me optimistic.

Turkish-Japanese Technical University

Turkey future projections of realization like South Korea. You see it in the ambition and achievement of military development projects. They are almost twins. They follow all both a similar trajectory.

I cross that this will happen to completion. I have no doubt about it.

Turkey future projections of realization like South Korea. You see it in the ambition and achievement of military development projects. They are almost twins. They follow all both a similar trajectory.

I cross that this will happen to completion. I have no doubt about it.

I think noone would be more happy than me to see a Turkey thats going throught the same devepolment stages as South Korea but i wanna wait till i see some results, all we can do are speculations at the moment.
I think noone would be more happy than me to see a Turkey thats going throught the same devepolment stages as South Korea but i wanna wait till i see some results, all we can do are speculations at the moment.
Turkey future projections of realization like South Korea. You see it in the ambition and achievement of military development projects. They are almost twins. They follow all both a similar trajectory.

I cross that this will happen to completion. I have no doubt about it.

İnşallah brother...we will see Turkey's transition into tech developing country...there are really some positive steps taken but...we have not to seen any results yet. It seems like we are laying the foundation as for now and we are hopefully see positive developments in the future.
I think noone would be more happy than me to see a Turkey thats going throught the same devepolment stages as South Korea but i wanna wait till i see some results, all we can do are speculations at the moment.

What counts it is ‘a vision’ and take the lead. without her no hope.

No reason to turn away from that direction ongoing drive unless a major disaster.

Logically only a major global catastrophe (3 thermonuclear world war, global climate destabilization, global pandemic) can not reverse the trend.

But in that case it will not have the slightest importance because humanity (You know) will have collapsed definitely.

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Those are impressive numbers, we need to take the path of South Korea, heavily invest in education, its the foundation of any development, you can buy anything but know how.

You do know that the reason why South Korea is this advanced is because the Americans wanted to have a strong front against communism on the east Asian Front. And the reason it can develop and build all these advanced technologies is because of the free technology transfers and educations on American universities at its time.
What counts it is ‘a vision’ and take the lead. without her no hope.

No reason to turn away from that direction ongoing drive unless a major disaster.

Logically only a major global catastrophe (3 thermonuclear world war, global climate destabilization, global pandemic) can not reverse the trend.

But in that case it will not have the slightest importance because humanity (You know) will have collapsed definitely.

Oh believe me there are more reasons to stop development than global events, Turkey was producing planes just after Atatürk times but it was turned into a tractor factory later, in fact i think there is a bigger risk of stopping the development by domestic issues.
Thats why im careful with predictions.

You do know that the reason why South Korea is this advanced is because the Americans wanted to have a strong front against communism on the east Asian Front. And the reason it call build all these advanced technologies is because of the free technology transfers.
Nah, it has more to do with the education system in South Korea where students know nothing else than homework but that aside, Koreans bought many blue prints from Japanese under the table, there were more than enough Japanese business man who wanted to make some money over the weekend.
And before i forgot, Japanese paid billions in reparation for WWII and heavily assisted Korea in developing the infrastructure.
Oh believe me there are more reasons to stop development than global events, Turkey was producing planes just after Atatürk times but it was turned into a tractor factory later, in fact i think there is a bigger risk of stopping the development by domestic issues.
Thats why im careful with predictions.


At that time the world was not globalized and only two entities dictated their point of view to all others.

The mutual interests development of emergings nations (Who are able to defend themselves militarily and economically to present) promote more easily the exchange of knowledge and technology.

Only yesterday the G7, now the G20 because they can no longer do without the consent of others. And the future will only accentuated this fact irreversible.

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Ziraat Katılım is launched but i'll not talk about economy. I'll talk about the logo. Ziraat Bankası's logo is my legend logo. When i solved the logo as a kid i felt so happy and i just said "wow"!.. I remeber, i thought like "Damn how couldn't i see that untill this time" and around me there were very few people who are aware of that logo's symbolization. That logo is really so successful & beautiful. I'm sure you like it too...

I mean this logo...


And when i saw Ziraat Katılım's logo i had a big smile on my face and the things i wrote above came to my mind... :-)


T.C. CUMHURBAŞKANLIĞI : “Türkiye’deki Huzur, İstikrar ve Güven Ortamı, 78 Milyon Vatandaşın Geleceğe İlişkin Umutlarını Artırıyor”
"2015 Yılı Mayıs Sonu gerçekleşmelerine göre ise; hizmet verilen toplam uçak trafiği (üstgeçişler dâhil) yüzde 8,1 artışla 664 bin 663, toplam yolcu trafiği (direkt transit dâhil) yüzde 7,9 artışla 63 milyon 570 bin 641, yük (Kargo+Posta+Bagaj) trafiği ise yüzde 4,4 artışla 1milyon 083 bin 481 tona ulaştı."

Havalimanlarından 1 ayda 16 milyon yolcu geçti!

In the first five months of 2015 air traffic serviced by Turkish Airports has risen by 8,1%.
Shut up might be rude but it's no insult however retard is.

And people like you deserve nothing else.

Istanbul is overcrowded city. The best thing is to distribute over the whole country for economic growth. So everybody can benefith.

Before you write try to understand what you member is trying to tell.
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