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Turkish Defence Industry Exports & Updates

The list is not long because most weapons we purchased were from the US to begin with. Infact being dependent on Israel would have been much better for us in the long run considering they are in desperate need of regional allies and in case of conflicts its easy to assume they wouldnt embargo us like the US did. Israel was one of the best thing that could happen to in the Middle-East and our regional interests, but ofcourse our lunatic Islamist tin-foil hat dictator messed that all up to get some praise from other backwards Islamist.

Israel sold us drones with our own domestic variation to the model while the US still doesnt sell them to us till this very day. The Israeli's atleast offered their own tank within the tender whilst the US didnt even bother offering them to us. No matter how you look at it, Israel was and still is the ideal regional ally.
Smh you think 1000 merkava tanks is not enough...

Anyways I want you to re-read and think about this sentence again and again:
Infact being dependent on Israel would have been much better for us
And If you still insist on it, then I have no further comments.

The Wide Area Call
R&D Subject: New Generation Acoustic Transducers and Applications


Depending on the field of application; There is a need to develop different transduction mechanisms and different geometry underwater acoustical transducers and transducer arrays for different frequency, source level, sensitivity, power, size, weight and working depth values. With this R & D, it is aimed to evaluate the talents, competencies and R & D project proposals related to the subject of the firm / institution / organizations and to determine the projects and project models to be started for the subject. In addition, proposals for the development of transducers for use in land / air acoustics applications in the country will also be evaluated.


Within the scope of the projects that can be started as a result of evaluation after R&D, it is aimed to realize underwater acoustic transducer designs and production depending on the requirements of application area. Creation of an acoustic transducer array and integration into an underwater acoustical system may also be included.

Technology Issues:

Project proposals to be submitted within the Wide Area Call are expected to include the following technology issues:

• Transducer Design and Manufacturing Technologies (Piezoelectric Single Crystal Ceramic Transducer Technologies, Piezoelectric Tissue Ceramic Transducer Technologies, Piezoelectric Ceramic-Polymer Composite Transducer Technologies, Fiber Optic Vector Sensor Technologies, etc.)

• Transducer Array Design and Manufacturing Technologies (Redundant Low Frequency Transducer Array Technologies, Lateral Fiber Optic Sensor Array Technologies, Redundant Fiber Optic Vector Sensor Array Technologies, etc.).

Scope of application:

It is expected that the project proposals to be presented under the Wide Area Call will be directed to underwater / over-water / air platforms, submarine or float-mounted underwater acoustic sensor systems.

• High-precision towed indexed and lateral indexed sonar systems for submarines,

• Low-frequency active sonar system to increase the fixation range for underwater / over-water platforms,

• High sensitivity acoustic sensor systems for port and throat protection,

• Acoustic modems with wide communication band are possible application areas.


Electronic Warfare Command, Control and Coordination System (EHKKKS) Project

Defense Industry Undersecretariat and ASELSAN A.Ş. The Electronic Warfare Command, Control and Coordination System Agreement was signed on 29 March 2017 for the K.K.K. (land forces).

With the completion of the project, a roof system will be developed to provide more efficient use of different Electronic Warfare systems in the inventory of Land Forces Command and in inventory. Thus, it will be possible to evaluate the obtained information of the Electronic Warfare command elements faster and more accurately, and to transmit the obtained Electronic Warfare information to the affiliated units and top commanders in a timely manner.

EHKKKS System is a system that will be fully developed with national possibilities and will perform a complementary function for Electronic Warfare systems which have been developed with national possibilities in our country for many years.

Deliveries under the contract will be made until 2020.


V / UHF Electronic Support (ED) System Project

Defense Industry Undersecretariat and ASELSAN A.Ş. "V / UHF Electronic Support (ED) System Agreement" was signed on March 29, 2017 for the purpose of K.K.K. (land forces).

V / UHF Electronic Support (ED) Systems will have the ability to detect and monitor threatening communication signals. The design, development and production of these systems will be carried out entirely by national means. The establishment of the Training Training Center for the System and related trainings will also be provided to the K.K.

Deliveries under the contract will be made between 2020-2022.

Tümosan revealed new common rail two diesel engine prototypes, 4 cylinder 4.5lt and 6cylinder and 6.8lt.


-4 Cylinder 5.2lt and 6 Cylinder 7.8lt projects are proceeding.


-6 Cylinder 9lt and V type 8 and 10 Cylinder projects aiming to develop engine family from 450hp to 1000hp civilian and military projects will be commenced on the light of new prototypes...

All Project contains diesel engine family from 150hp to 1000hp...


Cable Guided Balloon System Service Procurement Notice

Purpose: With the use of the Cable Guided Balloon System; To provide additional command, control, discovery, surveillance and intelligence capabilities to the Turkish Armed Forces and to create a line of sight for the radio and similar transactions. For this The services of local firms will be received.


With this procurement our border security will be complete. Hopefully they will effectively prevent border incursions of terrorists and lifes of our soldiers.

The US is preparing to retire F-15 fighter planes, serving nearly 40 years. It was stated that the US would use F-16s instead of F-15s.

It was claimed that the US will retire 236 F-15 war planes due to budget cuts.

Entering service in 1976, the F-15s have an excellent track record in air wars. The F-15s are also being used in Saudi Arabia and Israel.

I dont like this news of F-15s getting retired because those american bastards always give free staffa to Greeks. My guess is they will give some of them to Greece and Iraq. Then try to sell as much as they can.
Don't worry
Getting these planes and flying these planes are 2 different things, in case of the Greeks they won't have enough money to fuel those things,so if the Americans retire these birds cause of budget cuts and the Greeks?they don't fly with olive oil.
Can some one give me an accurate translation please?

Türk uçakları dünyada rakipsiz olacak

03 Nisan 2017 İHA / Müjgan Özbek

Yüksek irtifada uçan uçakların yaydıkları radyasyona Türk bilim adamları çare buldu.

Balıkesir'in Edremit ilçesinde faaliyet gösteren Kale Naturel, dünyanın en gelişmiş ülkelerinde bile 9 su molekülüne kadar indirgenebilen bor türevli sodyumpentaborat maddesini 7 su molekülüne indirmeyi başardı. Geçtiğimiz aylarda 7 su molekülüne sahip sodyumpentaborat maddesi katılarak dünyanın en sağlam betonu elde edilirken, bu betonun nükleer santrallerdeki radyasyon sızıntılarını durdurduğu açıklanmıştı. Patenti alınan Türkiye’deki bu gelişmeyle birlikte dünya bilimi ve nükleer santrallere sahip ülkeler, dikkatlerini Türkiye’ye yoğunlaştırıp firmayla irtibata geçmeye başladı.

Kale Naturel'in sahibi Faruk Durukan, 7 su molekülüne sahip sodyumpentaborat maddesinin uçakların izolasyon duvarlarına uygulanmasıyla birlikte yolcuların yüksek irtifalarda hiçbir şekilde radyasyona maruz kalmayacağını belirterek, “Bu yaptığımız çalışma, uçakların havada yolcularını radyasyona maruz bırakmadan uçurabileceği bir projedir. Biz daha önce de nükleer santraller ile röntgen binalarındaki radyasyonu durdurmak için sodyumpentaborat maddesini kullanmıştık. Bu maddeyi şimdi uçaklarda uyguluyoruz. Uçakların radyasyon geçirgenliğini durdurmayı başardık. Türk uçakları dünyada rakipsiz olarak uçacak. Bu teknoloji ile uçabilen bir uçak henüz dünyada yok. Bu malzeme, 7 su moleküle indirgenmiş sodyumpentaborattır. Bu malzemeyle nötron ışınlarını tamamen absorbe edebiliyoruz. Bu çalışma, dünyaya ve ülkemize hayırlı uğurlu olsun. Bu radyasyon problemi sadece yolcu uçaklarında değil, dünyadaki bütün savaş uçaklarında da var. Savaş uçaklarında maalesef pilotlar radyasyona maruz kalıyor. Elde ettiğimiz malzememiz savaş uçaklarının kokpitlerinde ve gövdelerine uygulanabiliyor” diye konuştu.

Can some one give me an accurate translation please?

Türk uçakları dünyada rakipsiz olacak

03 Nisan 2017 İHA / Müjgan Özbek

Yüksek irtifada uçan uçakların yaydıkları radyasyona Türk bilim adamları çare buldu.

Balıkesir'in Edremit ilçesinde faaliyet gösteren Kale Naturel, dünyanın en gelişmiş ülkelerinde bile 9 su molekülüne kadar indirgenebilen bor türevli sodyumpentaborat maddesini 7 su molekülüne indirmeyi başardı. Geçtiğimiz aylarda 7 su molekülüne sahip sodyumpentaborat maddesi katılarak dünyanın en sağlam betonu elde edilirken, bu betonun nükleer santrallerdeki radyasyon sızıntılarını durdurduğu açıklanmıştı. Patenti alınan Türkiye’deki bu gelişmeyle birlikte dünya bilimi ve nükleer santrallere sahip ülkeler, dikkatlerini Türkiye’ye yoğunlaştırıp firmayla irtibata geçmeye başladı.

Kale Naturel'in sahibi Faruk Durukan, 7 su molekülüne sahip sodyumpentaborat maddesinin uçakların izolasyon duvarlarına uygulanmasıyla birlikte yolcuların yüksek irtifalarda hiçbir şekilde radyasyona maruz kalmayacağını belirterek, “Bu yaptığımız çalışma, uçakların havada yolcularını radyasyona maruz bırakmadan uçurabileceği bir projedir. Biz daha önce de nükleer santraller ile röntgen binalarındaki radyasyonu durdurmak için sodyumpentaborat maddesini kullanmıştık. Bu maddeyi şimdi uçaklarda uyguluyoruz. Uçakların radyasyon geçirgenliğini durdurmayı başardık. Türk uçakları dünyada rakipsiz olarak uçacak. Bu teknoloji ile uçabilen bir uçak henüz dünyada yok. Bu malzeme, 7 su moleküle indirgenmiş sodyumpentaborattır. Bu malzemeyle nötron ışınlarını tamamen absorbe edebiliyoruz. Bu çalışma, dünyaya ve ülkemize hayırlı uğurlu olsun. Bu radyasyon problemi sadece yolcu uçaklarında değil, dünyadaki bütün savaş uçaklarında da var. Savaş uçaklarında maalesef pilotlar radyasyona maruz kalıyor. Elde ettiğimiz malzememiz savaş uçaklarının kokpitlerinde ve gövdelerine uygulanabiliyor” diye konuştu.


Here says:
There is this company called Kale Naturel from Edremit-Balıkesir-Turkey whom managed recude number of water molecules from 9 to 7 in sodiumpentaborate. They added this matter to cement mixture, cement become the world's hardest. This type of cement has the property to prevent radiation emitions in nucleer plants. They patented it. Countries interest in this matter paying attention to company and contact them.

Company has an idea, they want to cover the hull of aircrafts with this matter, so every plane covered with it would be radiation free. They also will use substance in radiological facilities (X-ray hospital labs). They say neutron emitions are fully absorbed. They say this substance can be implemented on the hull and cockpits of the fighter jets.

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