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Perspiration is how this works; sweating, and evaporating will be cooling body . Water will absorbe heat, form into vapor and leave it at the same temperature with ambient. Same like how HVAC works

You are talking about evaporative cooling... doesn't matter, while body is getting cooled, the ambient around the body will heat, which will seen in infrared....

Also to commence evaporative cooling... your body needs to contact atmosphere (atmosfere açık olmak durumunda)... if not, the air around your body will get %100 relative humidity which means it can carry no more water...

i think biology will answer this question, human being can live ambient temperatures higher than 36 degree.

If you can't cool yourself with evaporatif cooling... meaning let's go into a sauna 41 degrees, 100% RH humidity, you will die after sometime.
You are talking about evaporative cooling... doesn't matter, while body is getting cooled, the ambient around the body will heat, which will seen in infrared....

i think still can live at least 1 hour or more in case of 40 degree ambient temperature with %100 Rh , also some sources say over 45 degree with %100 humidity.

A human weights 70 kg approx (lets say all water), needs 45 minutes to increase avarage temperature by 1 degree..
i think still can live at least 1 hour or more in case of 40 degree ambient temperature with %100 Rh , also some sources say over 45 degree with %100 humidity.

A human weights 70 kg approx (lets say all water), needs 45 minutes to increase avarage temperature by 1 degree..
I don't remember the exact time but point is you will be useless... before dying, you'll lose consciousness and before that you'll lose balance.... stuff like that..

That said I'm not %100 sure...how all of this stuff works... but what i'm sure is, you can't make a uniform out of it and can use it all the time.. maybe in some very short hostage rescue operations and stuff like that but it won't find it's palace in the battlefield i'm sure of it.
Turkey is looking to become one of the leading defense industry suppliers, but economic and political challenges are still unresolved, a top defense industry official says

  • Daily Sabah with Anadolu Agency
  • Updated : 01.09.2014 02:31:35
  • Published : 01.09.2014 01:42:08

ISTANBUL — Undersecretary for Defense Industry İsmail Demir said at a press conference on Friday that it is not possible to achieve middle and long-term economic goals including becoming one of the top 10 economies in the world by 2023 - the centennial of the foundation of the Republic and increase annual Turkish exports to $500 billion (TL 1.08 trillion), which are currently $160 billion, with the current performance of the defense industry. He also stressed the necessity of radical changes in the sector to fulfill these objectives.

Demir noted, "Turkey is not a market for the technologically advanced countries, which are the movers and shakers of the defense industry and whose economies are among the top ten in the world. Turkey is no longer a country to market defense equipment and this is very important. "Touching upon the difficulty of giving precise figures about Turkey's capability to meet its own requirements of the defense industry, Demir told, "Turkey satisfies more than 50 percent of its requirement through domestic resources. It is too difficult to make a distinction between the numbers of domestic and foreign products. One of the top priorities of our defense industry's strategy is to guarantee that the products, which we need in the long run, are produced in Turkey."

Turkish defense industry key to growth, says top official | Economy | Daily Sabah
Always wondered why there are no Greeks here in Forum. :)
No domestic defence market and no money to buy of the shelf..

I think that Turkish defense industry and Japan defense industry should enter into a R&D cooperation agreement. We just recently signed one with Israel and Australia.

I think Japan could do well to learn from Turkish MBT platform, and Turkey could do well to learn from our anti-ballistic missile capability.

Naval warfare platform is something that I think our two great nations can benefit from, too.
Other things we could work on:
-altaic fighter jet
-altaic space tech
-altaic innovation , for example armor suit which we are working on

Japan already announced they are going to open tech university in Istanbul. I think it will be rewarded.
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What I would like to see in the future is joint R&D partnership between Japan and Turkey on medium to long range ballistic missile technology with the use of conventional warheads. We need not go into nuclear , but we can still find ways to produce and execute non-nuclear warheads.

MOAB / Massive Ordinance Air Blast. A perfect example of lethal non-nuclear conventional strike modules.
These attached to our ballistic missile platforms can produce lethal effects onto any enemy's military grid.
What I would like to see in the future is joint R&D partnership between Japan and Turkey on medium to long range ballistic missile technology with the use of conventional warheads. We need not go into nuclear , but we can still find ways to produce and execute non-nuclear warheads.

MOAB / Massive Ordinance Air Blast. A perfect example of lethal non-nuclear conventional strike modules.
These attached to our ballistic missile platforms can produce lethal effects onto any enemy's military grid.

When it comes to Nuclear, you can produce nuclear warheads easly. And you gave us the knowledge to enrich Uranium and extracting Plutonium.. we are building our Nuclear Plants, also our Uranium mine will began to operate 1-2 years later.
No domestic defence market and no money to buy of the shelf..

Other things we could work on:
-altaic fighter jet
-altaic space tech
-altaic innovation , for example armor suit which we are working on

Japan already announced they are going to open tech university in Istanbul. I think it will be rewarded.

It makes no sense about a tech university in Istanbul for 2 reasons ;

1st , defence related industries locate their HQs in Ankara, where HQ of divisions both for Defence ministry, and Military stays. This why ODTU has too many cooperation and R&D partnership.

2nd , in istanbul there are 3 universities which is in top 5 of turkey ,2 of them tech university already ,1 of them general university , names are, Istanbul Technical U. Yıldız Technical U. ,and Boğaziçi , among all of them have one mutual point, all are state universities. While there are already established universities, and 2 of them has extensive cooperation with Japan , there is no sense to open one tech more in Istanbul, one or all of those universities can be participated a protocol between Turkey and Japan states, and having direct cooperation , joint researchs , Research staff exchange.

There have been some japanese instructors who came to turkey as guest instructor, i was honoured by joining of their class and it was nice. Also there are lots of turkish students going to S. Korea , and Japan ,by attending scholarship either by Turkish or Japanese Gov. ,or direct scholarship from foreigner universities.

I am not confronting one university founded by japan's assistance, i am confronting to situation while there are enough good universities which even named out themselves in international area, and throwing them a side by this action.

So far i know, Istanbul tech. U. has coop. with Moscow aviation inst. (RU) , New jersey inst. (US), Glasgow Un. (UK) . To note further , these coop arent in extensive level , it would be blessing if there is coop with japanese universities ,more extensive than those mentioned above.
It makes no sense about a tech university in Istanbul for 2 reasons ;

1st , defence related industries locate their HQs in Ankara, where HQ of divisions both for Defence ministry, and Military stays. This why ODTU has too many cooperation and R&D partnership.

2nd , in istanbul there are 3 universities which is in top 5 of turkey ,2 of them tech university already ,1 of them general university , names are, Istanbul Technical U. Yıldız Technical U. ,and Boğaziçi , among all of them have one mutual point, all are state universities. While there are already established universities, and 2 of them has extensive cooperation with Japan , there is no sense to open one tech more in Istanbul, one or all of those universities can be participated a protocol between Turkey and Japan states, and having direct cooperation , joint researchs , Research staff exchange.

There have been some japanese instructors who came to turkey as guest instructor, i was honoured by joining of their class and it was nice. Also there are lots of turkish students going to S. Korea , and Japan ,by attending scholarship either by Turkish or Japanese Gov. ,or direct scholarship from foreigner universities.

I am not confronting one university founded by japan's assistance, i am confronting to situation while there are enough good universities which even named out themselves in international area, and throwing them a side by this action.

So far i know, Istanbul tech. U. has coop. with Moscow aviation inst. (RU) , New jersey inst. (US), Glasgow Un. (UK) . To note further , these coop arent in extensive level , it would be blessing if there is coop with japanese universities ,more extensive than those mentioned above.

Turkey, Japan to set up university | Science & Technology | Worldbulletin News
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