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Turkish Border Guards Kill at Least 11 Syrian Civilians Trying to Enter Illegally


Mar 14, 2015
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BEIRUT—Turkish border guards shot and killed at least 11 Syrian civilians Sunday as they attempted to enter Turkey illegally, multiple Syrian antigovernment activist groups said, underscoring how difficult it has become to flee the country.

The Syrians came under fire on the final leg of what has become an arduous trek through the mountains separating Syria and Turkey, one of the few smuggling routes still operating after a crackdown on refugees by Turkey made the border nearly impenetrable. Smugglers command hundreds of dollars per person for the journey.

The smuggling route is in northwest Syria, far from the Turkish military’s recent operations against Islamic State militants on the Syrian side of the border.

A senior Turkish official said the government was unable to independently verify the claims, adding that Turkey was investigating the allegations.

Many of those killed and others injured were women and children. In video purportedly taken in the aftermath of the shootings and released online by Syrian activists a woman cradled a wounded baby girl and asked for someone to treat the child. When she is told the girl is dead, she begins to scream. The video couldn’t be independently verified.

Turkey has gradually clamped down on what was once an easily-traversed border after it came under pressure from Western nations demanding that the country stem both the tide of foreign fighters crossing the frontier and Syrian refugees seeking asylum in Europe.

In the past two years, Turkey has dug miles of deep trenches and unscalable walls and increased the presence of armed guards and soldiers along the 565-mile-long border, turning it into a militarized zone. Syrian human rights groups allege that since last year, dozens of people have been killed and injured by Turkish border guards as a result of the crackdown.

Turkey also faces domestic pressure to seal the border as it already hosts more than 2.5 million Syrian refugees. Its economy is strained as it foots the bill for refugee camps and other aid to support the influx.

Though Turkey says it maintains an open-door policy for Syrians, in effect few are able to cross over legally and once-active smuggling routes have become increasingly dangerous. Syrians are now required to have a visa, a law that went into effect earlier this year, or special permission at Turkish border crossings to enter the country. But the visas are difficult to acquire.

“Turkey provides humanitarian assistance to displaced persons in northern Syria and follows an open-door policy—which means we admit refugees whose lives are under imminent threat,” said the senior Turkish official.

Human Rights Watch in May released a report accusing Turkish soldiers of regularly shooting and beating Syrian refugees fleeing the country’s five-year conflict and terror group Islamic State, which is active along parts of the border. Earlier this year, Turkish soldiers killed five Syrians and seriously wounded 14, the rights group said.

Amnesty International reported in April that for months, Turkish authorities in the country’s southern provinces have been rounding up and deporting groups of men, women and children back to Syria on a near-daily basis.
That's a little bit to late for that because we already have 3 million of them, running around all over Turkey.
You have 3 Million in Turkey....it is almost equivalent to Afghan numbers inside Pakistan
Good. Fucking leeches should stay out, we already have 2.5 million of them.

You don't want them? No problem, just tell your Sultan to stop supporting, arming and funding cannibal terrorists in Syria too, which won't even last a month if their lifeline from Turkey is cut. Then you have a right to whine about refugees.
I Laugh at people who say "its our land " as if they are going to live 1000 years. as if they have put mineral and rocks on earth to claim its theirs. ALLAH will ask all those rich shiekhs of arab world about those innocent killed in syria .
It is fabricated. Yesterday at 22:30, a group of 60 people tried to cross Turkish border illegally, some 8 or 9 people of these climbed the security wall then guards fired into the air as a warning. Those, who tried to climb the wall, immediately ran into foresty areas of Syria.
You don't want them? No problem, just tell your Sultan to stop supporting, arming and funding cannibal terrorists in Syria too, which won't even last a month if their lifeline from Turkey is cut. Then you have a right to whine about refugees.
Hahaha tell your mullahs to stop fueling sectarianism and then you'll have a right to lecture me.
You don't want them? No problem, just tell your Sultan to stop supporting, arming and funding cannibal terrorists in Syria too, which won't even last a month if their lifeline from Turkey is cut. Then you have a right to whine about refugees.

Persians have to stop about lecturing funding terrorism. You can help the world if you stop exporting terrorism to the world.
Apparently sending Daesh dogs to hell is sectarianism now.
Haven't you've been following the news ? We shell them everydaaay. I'll tell you what's sectarianism: dashing the dreams of the Syrian people just to make sure that a Shia-related sect keeps controlling Syria. I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor.
Haven't you've been following the news ? We shell them everydaaay. I'll tell you what's sectarianism: dashing the dreams of the Syrian people just to make sure that a Shia-related sect keeps controlling Syria. I wish you the best of luck in this endeavor.

I didn't say anything about Turkey, but if you want to ply that game, Turkey shells mostly the Kurds. They may shell some disobedient elements of Daesh, but mostly Daesh use Turkey for selling oil and getting medical treatment (while posing as "moderate" terrorists, of course).

And let me tell you, Assad's secular government having Alawites in it has very little to do with Iran's policies towards it. Iran supports Assad for a variety of reasons, namely that they are a friendly government in an otherwise hostile Arab world, they are united in Iran's cause against Israel. They also helped us against Saddam, so we return the favour. Iran has no intention of allowing Daesh cannibals or Saudi puppets control Syria, and neither do the people of Syria.
Do what must be done. We paid you 6 billions to keep them away from us. What you do is up to you. Just do it discrete
Unconfirmed allegations from an unknown news site. Why you are guys even getting into heated debate...
I didn't say anything about Turkey, but if you want to ply that game, Turkey shells mostly the Kurds. They may shell some disobedient elements of Daesh, but mostly Daesh use Turkey for selling oil and getting medical treatment (while posing as "moderate" terrorists, of course).

And let me tell you, Assad's secular government having Alawites in it has very little to do with Iran's policies towards it. Iran supports Assad for a variety of reasons, namely that they are a friendly government in an otherwise hostile Arab world, they are united in Iran's cause against Israel. They also helped us against Saddam, so we return the favour. Iran has no intention of allowing Daesh cannibals or Saudi puppets control Syria, and neither do the people of Syria.
We don't shell Kurds, we hunt down dirty separatists that blow up civvies and stall the progress towards development. They are doomed to lose.

Hahaha Daesh selling oil via Turkey ?? You are such a genius, the same organization that is damaging our economy by targeting tourists is also helping our economy by providing us with oil ? You are a fool at best or a dirty filthy liar at best. Take your pick.

Ooo secular Assad ? You mean a dictatorship in which the minority oppresses the majority ? You fools supported both models in Iraq (Maliki oppressing Sunnis) and in Syria. In both cases it blew up in your face. The Americans and Russians won't allow you to dictate the future of the ME.

Furthermore I recommend that you convince your buddy Assad to buy a one way ticket to Moscow because the moment that the administration in Washington changes (probably to Hillary) the Americans are going to make life very hard for him and anyone that gets in their way.

Good luck neighbor !
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