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Political noise??? Azerbaijan raised the rent from 7 mil/year to 300 mil/year. Looks to me like the want Russia out of Gabala!

Bye-bye Gabala? Russia may quit Soviet-era radar — RT

300 million is loose change for a major strategic early warning battle management radar like this(yes its a battle management one) by russian standards. Its likely they are trying to get some political concessions from Russia.

Also I have some reasons to believe it might be a torsion interfermetry weapon.
300 million is loose change for a major strategic early warning battle management radar like this(yes its a battle management one) by russian standards. Its likely they are trying to get some political concessions from Russia.

Also I have some reasons to believe it might be a torsion interfermetry weapon.

If this was the case, then why did Russia make a huge deal about it. On the contrary, they began exploring options of constructing a new and modern station in Armavir (which, BTW, would be cheaper than 300 mill). Armenian president suggested to host such a radar, although I'm not really sure how this panned out.

Regardless, do you really believe that Russia will be making any "political concessions"?
If this was the case, then why did Russia make a huge deal about it. On the contrary, they began exploring options of constructing a new and modern station in Armavir (which, BTW, would be cheaper than 300 mill). Armenian president suggested to host such a radar, although I'm not really sure how this panned out.

Regardless, do you really believe that Russia will be making any "political concessions"?

Like buying greater quantities of azeri gas/oil at higher oil indexed prices.Azeris are excellent businessmen ,this is from personal experience.

Politics and economics is linked these days. Azeris are being wooed by the West and Russia .They are trying to show Russia that they have upper hand and Russians will have to pay more to get concessions from them.

EU,Turkey is trying to woo them for the oil and gas and russia is wooing them to prevent the West from getting a foot hold.
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