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Turkish Atilgan ( turkish defence exports continue)

We need beter camo for ground viechles and better equipt soliders and a better equipt Army personnel.
New camo



I think Pakistan was interested in the T-129 but some reports and some talk on here suggests Pakistan is looking at the Z-10, there have been comparisons made on here T-129 vs Z-10 as well. Personally, I think Pakistan should opt for T-129 with transfer of technology and local production licensing, it will benefit both PA and Pakistan defense industry.
Absolutely i hope so , ive heard from first hand ( head of TAI) that south korea are now testing the product and likely they will buy it , and azerbaycan , i hope also pakistan , and maybe Saudi arabia.
JNG-90 - ( Also in Battlefield 3 )


JNG-90 is a bolt action sniper rifle used by the Turkish military. Development of the weapon first started back in 2004 to 2008. It is also being offered for export.


Azerbaijan: Purchased unknown number of JNG-90s.
Turkey: In use by the Turkish Armed Forces.

Won pakistan sniper tender
According to Pakistani engineer, Firstly, Pakistan had required the rifles participated into tender with their own munitions ballistic calculations made but When contenders arrived in test field, Pakistani officials made a surprise for contenders and gave them just 5 Pakistani made bullets requiring to make a new ballistic calculations for every contenders to accurately fire them against targets. According to him, Everybody was shocked and fired their bullets without ballistic calculations. At day trials Only Bora-12 collected 4 of totally 5 bullets on target within 1000m.

At night trials with thermals, English side didn't want to "correct" their rifles and demand same to apply for Turkish side as well as a tactic to dispense Turkish side and Pakistani officials agreed on this offer. In that case, Night Trials performed without making any corrections on rifles as well.

Both 300m and 600m trials with thermals in night, Only Bora-12 collected 5 bullets on a small area on target.

As Pakistani engineer said, "We are really good and only talking in field"

One of the best in the world beat rivals like accuracy international



JNG-90 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I haven't used the JNG-90 in Battlefield 3 because I normally don't play as Recon, but I have seen others use it and it is a very powerful weapon, and for most Recons it is a top pick for the sniper class. Really powerful sniper.

New Turkish Assault rifle ( not under licence HK-416)


How do you think this compares to the Aug A3? In terms of rate of fire, power, recoil, range, efficiency, reloading time, etc.
Let me try to find the statistics . At first we was going for the HK-416 under licence called Mehmetcik-1 Looked brilliant but instead we went for no licencing , full Turkish Assault Rifle , also because we didnt want the 5.56 mm because low stopping power and our commanders wanted 7.62mm .

Stastics i found , translated

CALİBRE: 7,62 mm
WEIGHT: 4,3 kg
LENGTH: 92 cm
NAMLU ÖMRÜ/LIFETIME : 10 thousand shots
RATE OF FIRE: 650 per minute
The advantage of 5.56mm NATO round over the 7.62mm round is though yes the 7.62mm round has more stopping and penetrative power, the 5.56mm NATO round is decisively faster it will reach its target before te 7.62mm round will, so you will get the first hit on your target which matters most in a combat situation as every split second counts. By the time a enemy soldier fires a 7.62mm round the 5.56mm round will have already hit its target disabling it or neutralizing it at the very least if not very well killing its target. My personal preference is for the 5.56mm round in overall combat situation.
The advantage of 5.56mm NATO round over the 7.62mm round is though yes the 7.62mm round has more stopping and penetrative power, the 5.56mm NATO round is decisively faster it will reach its target before te 7.62mm round will, so you will get the first hit on your target which matters most in a combat situation as every split second counts. By the time a enemy soldier fires a 7.62mm round the 5.56mm round will have already hit its target disabling it or neutralizing it at the very least if not very well killing its target. My personal preference is for the 5.56mm round in overall combat situation.

Lets say that two soldiers (Soldier A has 7,62 and Soldier B has 5.56) shot their rifles pointing each other at the same time and Soldier B's round hit Soldier A before his.

Is there any advantage for Soldier B?

I don't think so. What is the benefit of dying just after some miliseconds after soldier A?

With my all respect I do not agree with you.
These statistics were not official , but i know its 7.62mm but maybe you can use the 6mm ones they are the best probably .

Also from long range the 5mm one doesnt kill , remember these are going to bet shot from longe range in mountains .
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