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russians rewriting the history
Basmachi predators of the desert became a formidable enemy in the south of the country.

Fighting against them was heavy and large have been examples of heroism of Soviet soldiers and security officers


On September 3, 1926 on January 7, 1927 Basmach groups formed abroad 21 times intruded into Soviet territory.

3 September 25 Basmachi station robbed residents Plain. 29 September 59 Basmachi attacked topographic party, killed geologist seized property and again fled abroad.

5 October foreign gang of 70 people looted village Chepek-BU.

October 19 100 riders broke from abroad, robbed people of the village and Lyambe skupochny cotton item. December 4 200 Basmachi invaded Yoloten area.

In December 1927 a group of 20 people in the border guards under the command of the Antonov met with a gang of 70 Basmachi, attempts to return abroad.

Several hours guards were unequal battle.

Having a marked numerical superiority, basmachi repeatedly attacked a group of Antonov. But none of the attacks failed.

For their dedication in battle guards Antonov Zheltenkov, Grivas and Lepikhov were awarded Orders of the Red Banner

In January 1928, 12 border guards fought with 60 Basmachi.

And this time, perseverance, courage and high skill guards ensured them victory in battle. Few Basmachi managed to return to Iran

In July 1928 a group led by Basmachi Utan Bey attempted to invade the Soviet territory near the frontier.

In the ensuing firefight gang lost half its members. With its remnants retreated Utan Beg

A few days later, he again invaded Soviet territory.

To prosecute and eliminate gang August 31 was sent cavalry under the command of the chief of mobile group Maslennikov. Troop gang found in one of the gorges of the river Kafirnigan.

The fight, which lasted, with an interval of more than two days. As a result basmachi suffered heavy losses and fled abroad.

Raids on Soviet territory temporarily stopped, but the anti-Soviet forces still have not abandoned the use of foreign Basmachis.

Surviving leaders Basmachi still folded arms


In February 1929, two Basmach gang invaded Soviet territory in the area of the village Lower Chaaga. Individual small gangs from violating or attempting to violate the state border and in other areas.

It was only a reconnaissance. The main organizers Basmachis preparing a major adventure.

In March 1929, representatives of British intelligence, the former emir of Bukhara, Uzbek and Tajik leaders emigration Basmach leaders held a secret meeting where agreed to invade the territory of Tajikistan.

Heading the combined armed forces of Tajik and Uzbek exile was charged Ibrahim Bey. Soon, under the guidance of the British agents was another such secret meeting.

During both meetings the representatives of British intelligence sought to unite all the forces of emigration for joint action against Soviet power in Central Asia. However, the contradictions among the nationalist counterrevolutionary exile, personal rivalries between the leaders thwarted this plan.

But in two important ways counterrevolutionary forces still managed to concentrate. One group, led by Ibrahim Bey, was aimed at the territory of the Soviet Tajikistan, the other led by Junaid Khan - on the territory of Soviet Turkmenistan.

As an avant-garde in the upcoming areas of hostilities directed gang Fuzayl Maksum, Abdugaorara, Pressure Sardar, Utan Bey and others.

In early March 1929 Utan Bey with 50 riders crossed the border and attacked a convoy Cavalry Regiment, accompanied by three Red Army under the command of a platoon commander Artemov

Lasted about an hour unequal fight. A handful of Red Army managed to repel all attacks Basmachi and safely move to the base.

To eliminate the gang were sent to three groups of guards totaling 35 men under the command Maslennikov, Rumin and Dauksha. Basmachi, without giving battle, fled to Afghanistan.

On the same day twice tried to break the border about 100 Basmachi Kerim under the Byrd. However, both attempts to invade the Soviet territory were thwarted by resolute actions of border guards.

In the first half of March 1929, the adjacent territory in the border area has an unusually busy. Scurried along the border armed horsemen arrived in villages equestrian groups. Nights were burning large bonfires.

Soon all clear: in the border strip began arriving Basmach kurbashi stationed abroad.

By the middle of March 1929 under the command of Ibrahim Bey near the Soviet border has about 600 well-armed Basmachi.

Along with the immediate military training Ibrahim Bek and former Emir of Bukhara, with the active participation of the reactionary clergy launched anti-Soviet agitation among the emigrants, calling "free from the infidels Noble Bukhara".

Anyone who will take part in the anti-Soviet campaign, spiritual mentors promised to release all the sins, and the dead saints to enroll in. The organizers of the counter-revolutionary conspiracy was not limited to the moral influence of immigrants.

Join the gang were issued monthly salary: foot - 43 rupees, horse - 46 rupees. Special award was allocated for kurbashi, organized gangs numbering 100 Basmachi and more.

By the end of March in various locations in Afghanistan were formed large new Basmach detachments: in Imamseyide - 300 basmachi Khanabad - 400 people. Large groups were created in Rustaq, Taloqan, Faizabad and some other items.

Knocking up quick counter-revolutionary forces in Afghanistan contributed happening there political events, the change of power, and this benefited the reaction.

The reactionary circles of Afghanistan put pressure on the new Afghan government, Nadir Khan, trying along with agents of Western powers to give his anti-Soviet policy.

They were anti-Soviet propaganda, have demanded an open Basmachi assistance.

Despite the official stance of the Afghan government, many tribal chiefs, feudal lords practically helped Basmach leader accumulate forces and commit provocative raids on the Soviet border.

fortified border

Given to create an environment, the Soviet government took measures to strengthen the protection of the state border.

Increased border troops intensified volunteer corps and the police. This allowed the border guards stop multiply attempts border violations.

In March it became known that the attack on the Soviet territory preparing basmachi Pressure Sardar. Command took the necessary measures. In place of a possible breakout groups were sent guards with machine guns.

One group of seven people led by the deputy chief outpost Kirsanov, the second - assistant platoon commander Romaszewski. Ready were two more groups of border guards.

FIVE AGAINST 70 Basmachi

March 17 Romaszewski group discovered that the Soviet territory penetrated about 70 Basmachi.

Sending connected with the report Romaszewski five fighters joined the battle. Basmachi, evading battle, at a trot rushed into the desert.

Six guards were pursued. Soon they were joined by a group under the command of the reserve assistant commandant Kolesnikova and Sokolova.

Almost night lasted tedious 100-mile passage on Karakum sand. Finally patrol group Kolesnikova overtook the enemy, but basmachi hastily withdrew from the parking lot and tried to escape again.

Groups Sokolova and Kolesnikov renewed persecution. It took about a half day to catch up Basmachi.

Help arrived on two small groups of border guards under the command Kirsanova and Yudin. Falcons led the soldiers to go on the attack. Breaking into the valley and knocking outposts, horsemen galloping Sokolova galloped to the foot of the mountain. Here guards dismounted, leaving the two men with horses and launched an attack on the top of a hill.

Under a hail of enemy bullets brave soldiers moved forward. From Basmachi separated them no more than 200 steps. At this point, Sokolov was again wounded.

Further movement headed Yudin. Vigorous action basmachi were shot down from the mountain. Commanding heights in the hands of border guards.

By this time the group Kolesnikova repulsed another hill and successfully move through the valley, knocking Basmachi with a second line of defense. Pressed on two sides, basmachi not survive the onslaught. Only a few of the gang Pressure Sardar escaped.

April 12, 1929, former Karategin Beck Fuzayl Maksum with considerable detachment crossed the border. Breaking into the village of Cala Humb, basmachi dealt with by farmers activists. The same thing happened in a day in the border village Vanj captured by a gang Kurshirmata, former head of the Ferghana Basmachis. On the left bank of the Vakhsh soon penetrated 12 more bands. Their number was small, but using the suddenness and well focusing on areas basmachi captured some villages, pogroms.

Most actively acted Fuzayl Maksum. His basmachi committed bloody raid on kishlaks Darwaza and Karategin, joins him bai, reactionary mullahs, former basmachi. As a result, the gang has grown to 200 people.

April 20 Fuzayl Maksum captured Cala Labi-Tawil and about Daru and moved to Garm. In Garm was not military units. April 22 a few detachments of volunteers, led by FA Makritskim and FF Gutowski fought with the robber bands, whose number exceeded 400 people.

35 km north-east of the village of Garm in Nimich Gutovsky detachment was surrounded. All 18 volunteers were killed.

Also Gutovsky and several Soviet workers in the unit were 12 teachers - Karimdzhan Hussein Yahё Olimov, Alikbar Hasanov, Saifullo Aliyev Abdujabbar Muhamedov, Nasir Umarov, Abdullah Kassimov, Abdulahad Rakhimov, Hikmat Ghani Abdusalom Islamov Ubaidullo Gaynuddinov and Mummodzha Saidmuradov.

People honor the memory of fallen heroes. Their names in Garm named streets and schools in their honor erected a monument.


Most Moscow troubled situation in the Turkmen SSR, where Basmachism took threatening forms.

By the beginning of 1931 on the territory of this republic were several dozen basmachi detachments. In 1928, 1929 and 1930, local authorities, seeking to destroy Basmachi movement, held a series of KGB-military operations.

Individual gang Basmachi were crushed or squeezed into the territory of neighboring countries (Afghanistan and Persia).

But finally this problem and have not decided. And in Tashkent and Ashgabat (the capital of the Belorussian SSR), representatives of military and security officers rests on the fact that in the country there are "roots that feed Basmachism, baystvo and Karakum sands were base actions basmachi gangs."

The main base for basmachi detachments became the Karakum desert.

This vast territory of 1,000 kilometers from north to south and 600 kilometers from west to east, actually took the whole central part of the Turkmen SSR.

This open area with lots of sand dunes and salt marshes, where there were no roads (there were only camel trails, interconnecting the individual nomadic and wells), poor water sources, has become the main place of shelter for most basmachi detachments.

In summer the temperature here reached 50 degrees in the shade, frequent sandstorms were strong when the wind speed reaches 20-30 meters per second.

Living in the desert and in the areas adjacent to it, iomudskie tribes (yomud) (one of the largest Turkmen tribes) have long been known for their militancy.

BASIS Basmachi

More sources XVIII-XIX centuries noted that Yomuds "prefer to easy and profitable fisheries -" Alamanni "- looting trade caravans and settled agricultural population. "Alaman" in the eyes of the Turkmens was considered a natural and honorable craft.

Iomudskie (yomud) riders forming the basis basmachi detachments on different horses (famous iomudskoy breed) quickly and easily move through the desert, were known for the ability to make sudden raids and forays, as well as irresistible pressure in mounted combat and the art of possession of knives

In August 1931, the PP OGPU broad stream were reports of atrocities in Basmachi Krasnovodsky, Kazandzhikskom, Bahardokskom, Geok-Tepinskom, Tedjensky, Merv, Darganatskom, Tashauz, Ilyainskom, Taahtinskom, Porsinskom areas of Turkmenistan.

In the republic there were rumors that the Soviet government is living out its last days, has been occupied by foreign troops Far East and the Caucasus, "king" Karakum Desert Junaid Khan took control of the whole of Khiva oasis.

Yomuds Kazakh GROUP

Sketched a brief description Basmach movement in Turkmenistan. The most aggressive and fighting ability was Yomuds Kazakh Basmach group operated in northwestern Turkmenistan (Krasnovodsky and Kazandzhinksky areas).

The basis of its troops were riders of the Kazakh tribes migrated due to collectivization in Turkmenistan and migrating toward Afghanistan and Persia. Later they were joined by the Turkmen horsemen.

In April 1931 the Cossacks nomads armed insurrection.

In the fort was captured by them Alexandrovsk ispravdom (where 200 detainees were released bais) disarmed squad police killed several Soviet and party workers.

Coming up detachments of the Red Army defeated the rebels and the OGPU. Retreat and scattered over the desert rebels soon re-formed and continued the attack.

In Krasnovodsky area was hastily thrown squad 85th Division troops OGPU. In the fighting near the well Koymot this squad, were left without water and ammunition was destroyed Basmachi

Soon raids Basmachi took a large scale.

April 22, 1931 - a raid on the village of Khoja-Su (burned all the buildings, smashed and looted stores with textiles), April 27, 1931 - in the fields of trust "Karabogazsulfate" near the village of Kyzyl-Coupe, April 29, 1931 - to the warehouses at the Well Soili (looted and burned warehouses with goods almost 40 thousand rubles).

In the next two months detachments iomudsko-Kazakh groups committed 17 more raids sacked eight cooperatives, burned school building aulsoveta and orphanage, took station Cazangic organized wrecked two trains.

Only one raid on Yamganskie coal mines caused a loss of 32 thousand rubles


In July-August 1931 troops Yomuds-Kazakh groups actually ousted from the northeast region Krasnovodsky unit OGPU and the Red Army defeated the fisheries, factories and villages, as in the area of Nikolaev fingers and around the coast of the Caspian Sea.

At three months and Krasnovodsky Kazandzhikskom areas to stop working almost all industries, life in most villages stood.

By September 1931 the number of iomudsko-Kazakh groups already reached more than a thousand horsemen. Simultaneously rebel leaders established contacts with immigrant organizations in Persia, from there began to receive arms and ammunition

Another major grouping Basmach operated in Tedjensky and Merv areas.

She led the former major smuggler Oraza Geldy Kandzhik, declaring himself "Khan Tedjen district."

The backbone of his gang (almost 600 riders) were former smugglers have recently supplied the market of the Republic of Persian goods (green and baikhovi tea, textiles) and teryakom (opium).

Oraza Geldy Kandzhik skillfully used the old connections, adjusting the supply of ammunition their troops, marching from Persia. Basmachi made several raids on the local garrisons and settlements, effectively disrupted harvesting grain, robbing most granaries

The rebels were "vigorous vykachku" of weapons and ammunition from local ranchers, committed massacres of Soviet institutions and cultural factors in the band (the area near the border of the desert, inhabited by people).

June 24, 1931 a detachment of 400 riders made the hum of the city Old Urgench.

As a result, the hospital had been burned, mill, post office and several other buildings, killing Soviet and party officials, scientists from the research expedition "Sredazhlopka."


Were active Teke (Bahardoksky and Geok-Tepinsky areas) and darganatinskaya Basmach grouping. Basmachi tactics reminiscent of the old tricks of the Turkmen "alamanschikov" (from the word "alaman" - a foray, perfect detachment of horsemen).


Were active Teke (Bahardoksky and Geok-Tepinsky areas) and darganatinskaya Basmach grouping. Basmachi tactics reminiscent of the old tricks of the Turkmen "alamanschikov" (from the word "alaman" - a foray, perfect detachment of horsemen).

"Alaman" as a raid Basmachi consisted of several stages:

a) The collection unit away from populated areas;

b) the movement of the detachment area in the raid happened secretly, often had night transitions basmachi could one day pass through the desert of 60-70 km;

a) at the approach to the site of plaque (often choose peace Objects - cities, towns, factories, warehouses) held equestrian exploration, capture the "language" for the final selection of the object of attack;

g) after the attack and capture prey raiders always sought to avoid a fight and go to the place of permanent parking in the sands.

Along the entire route of retreat basmachi exposed outposts, filled with water wells, ambushes.

Sometimes, especially lured pursuers in the sand, where they died from heat and thirst, or a specially made one ambush.

In an effort to provoke and inspire chase deeper into the wilderness, basmachi used the old way "alamanschikov" - in the sand poured vegetable oil, which upon heat created the illusion of horse urine.

The pursuers accelerate the pace of movement, expecting about to stumble upon leaving the chase Basmachi, and actually only went deeper into the Karakum

Operating in different regions of the country Basmach troops failed to develop a common plan of action against the authorities.

Most often observed between Basmach detachments permanent or temporary feud, where the main considerations were "a prestigious order" desire to subjugate other groups and tribalism.

Measures to counter the threat

In Tajikistan, for the coordination of the fight against Basmachi were formed by the central and local political commission troika composed of the secretaries of district party committees, chairmen of executive committees and the heads of the OGPU.

Of Communists and Komsomol members on a voluntary basis were formed 16 mouth Task number 3 thous. People. Local Party and Soviet organs except volunteer corps created squads "krasnopalochnikov"

In many villages all men were asked to include them in the squads' krasnopalochnikov. "Since requests satisfy everyone was impossible credited most active. The population of many villages delegate their representatives to send a gang to persuade Basmachi to surrender.

Participation of the working population of Tajikistan in fighting Basmachi contributed much advocacy work undertaken Party and Soviet agencies, as well as the personnel of military units. Political workers alone 83rd Battalion of the OGPU in April 1931, held 20 interviews, which were attended by more than 4 thousand. People.

Intruded into Soviet territory basmachi were met by fire border details, and then began to pursue them relentlessly Red Army units, border guards, volunteer corps with the active support of the population. Basmach gang suffered one defeat after another.

In the battles distinguished Uzbek cavalry brigade (commander - Petrov), Tajik and Kyrgyz cavalry squadron. In the area of Dangara bulk armies Ibrahim Bey (600 Basmachi) April 8th squadron attacked the 79th Cavalry Regiment.

Basmachi surrounded on all sides by the Red Army.

But the master of their position, they were not able. Soldiers lasted until the arrival of help from the 7th Cavalry Brigade separate. Joint efforts of the gang was severely damaged, and she retreated.

Already in mid-April in the units of Ibrahim Bey began expansion. Part Basmachi voluntarily surrendered to Soviet authorities. Improve conditions in those areas where the activities of local authorities was temporarily paralyzed.

April 19 Ibrahim Bek marched in Lokayskuyu valley, hoping to get support there. However, farmers Lokaya entered into [167] struggle with robber bands. Ibrahim Bek crossed to the left bank of the Vakhsh in Babatag.


To eliminate the threat from Basmachis in Turkmenistan arrived group of security officers led by E.Evdokimovym.

They had to deploy and fight for victory with predators of the desert

as u see russians never talk about the battles they have lost and turning themselves into invincible superman and their opposites to some thief and bandit , they are Pretending they control CA and never lose it ! :hitwall: i wonder how these tribesman could loot their own village and people and how these russians wont talk about extermination policy toward turkmens my mothers grand mother fleed to iran if russians catch u they will take everything valuable gold carput horse money everything and if they see a male they will instanly kill'em alot of turkmens fleed to iran cuz of their genocide most of the two and village lost it populations cuz russians killed them or it's people fleed to iran than russian move their own people here ! how can they get away with this , i cant imagen how many people genocide by russian and how many more dies by starvations since russians take CA food to russia and leave people to die !

they are turning our war of war of independence into some little raiders and bandits shamless scum mother F they won cuz they Imposed a large civilian casualty on us we watched how they killed all the popluations of a village and towns to make fear in the heart of people they propagandaed that the war is doom and what ever we do we will lose it are russians and they are invincible

we lose this war cuz we were stupid instead of being united we fought each other unlike they have propaganded let me say how this start russian econemy gets fvck up with small rebllion in turkmenistan by yomud of khiva (bayram shahi tribe ) re rebeled cuz of very hight tax since they take all we got and give it to their own people people start to fight but they face russian army and extermination soon the news of great slaughtering reached to hears of ashaghbasi than yomud of south move north to fvck some russian assd when russian defeated and we took khiva all of their propaganda about their invinciblity gone and CA start their war of independence but as soon as russians killed turkmens uzbeks and kyrgyz begain to fight each other over gold mines and territory this give them time to rebuild new army and come back they throw everything on us russians cossackas armenians but we fight them for 30 fvcking years we also fight each other other and russians
we lose this damn war and a lot of our people genocide instead of apologizing they are celebrating it
@ASQ-1918 @asena_great @rmi5

Guys, Ova, Kend, Köy , these are all non-Turkic :D etymologic dictionary says Persian Kuy is probably a borrowing through Turkish from Armenian. Among these words Kend is oldest, its borrowed from Sogdian, we too used it under the meaning of village for a long time, until the word is designated for "city" usage in 20th century. Ova is Persian Abad/Kurdish Ava.

Only Central Asian word Avul/Avıl might be Turkic, but even its ultimate origin might be foreign because there are different indo languages have similar words for same meaning.

Bayat: In old Turkic "t" was also plural suffix, therefore its more possibly means "rich, noble people."
Bayandur: I think its also related to word "Bay" rich, noble
Chavuldur: It might be related to raiding, but "dar" suffix is Persian.
Eymir: I have no guess about that.
Yüregir: .In earliest sources, its recorded as "Üregir", so possibly not related to yürümek.
Bügdüz: I think not mean :D I would not want my tribe to be named "Big Salt" :D plus t to d and k to g evolution is happened later in Oghuz languages, so its originally "Tuz" , itz not Bügduz anyway, its "tüz" , ü is a diferent sound.
Kayı: Koy(village) is a foreign word and "i" is a Persian suffix, "put" is "Koy", I think "Kaymak" is still the most possible thing.
Yazır: May be related to writing, but I think its more likely related to another meaning of "Yazmak" "Spreading out" , "Laying" do you have that verb ? It can be also related to summer.
Karkın: Kahar is Arabic, I think its coming from a verb we dont know.
Çepni: I can't think of anything for this, for me its sounds foreign.
Avshar: Its also sounds foreign, I remember reading something about Iranian "Fshar" "extracted".
Çarıklı: %90 related to shoe.
Pecheneg: These guys are actually a different tribe, Pecheneg tribe inside of the Oghuz is just a group of them who is defeated and joined Oghuz, some historians says its related to Baca/Bacanak "brother in law" but Im not sure.
Alayuntlu: Dude Yunt meant horse, so its means "those with reddish horses), but in Qashgarli its recorded as "Ula Yontlu" may be Ula is Great. A far fetched guess is, it might be "those with great carved stones" :)

bayat: i concur, it has something to do with wealth.
bayandur: IIRC in chinese records of 6-7. centures ad. bayan tribe is recorded as professing mani religion. its name had to do something with one of manichean deities' turkified name. dur/duz, guz, gar/gur is an old tuckic suffix for "tribe"
chavuldur: as @asena_great said it may have something to do with attack. chavul/chabul/chapul is a word for some sort of raid or attack.
eymür: IMO ey is a form of üy/öy "house". mür might be a loanword from paleosiberian "mura/mora" which means wealthy. so, it may mean wealthy house/clan.
yüreğir: may be related to yürek/ürek and mongolian word "ger" which means house (the nomads' felt house). it may mean clan of brave maybe.
bügdüz: verb "bük" and tribe suffix duz/dur? clan who bend things? in the meaning of strong?
kayı: IMO it has something to do with "kaymak". there are tribes in chinese annals which talk of turkic trbies that use skies :D
yazır: may be related to the verb "yazgur" which mean to lie, to trick.
karkın: kar is snow and kın is old turkic word "kun" which was used to denote tribe. tribe which lives among snows.
çepni: maybe related to the verb "chapmak". if we assuem that -n is a mongolic plural suffix, then it may mean those who attack, loot.
afşar: IIRC there's no f or v sound in old turkic. so most possibly originally it was abshar, ebsher or maybe abashar. strangely, though they are and were one of the most numerous and powerful tribe in oghuz confederation, you can't find any mention of them in chinese annals.i have no idea about the name LOL.
çarıklı: that with shoe (çarık).
pecheneg: some historians theorize that their name comes from their first tribal leader beche/peche. IMO may be related to bach (tax).
alayuntlu: those with spotted horses (not red; al is red, ala is mixed color). IIRC in chinese tanshuaiho they are said to live northwest of lake baykal. they used to breed very good horses with spotted colors (just like native american mustangs :D), which were very prized by chinese.

lastly, IMO tribes which come from gün han (bayındır, çepni, peçenek, çavuldur) are of kipchak or mixed kipchak-oghuz origins. all of these tribes' totems were yagalma/jagalma (a kind of small bird) which is also attested in kipchak tribes. there are jagalmay tribes in kazakh, nogay, kyrgyz, uzbek, bashkort which i know of.
@ASQ-1918 @asena_great @rmi5

Guys, Ova, Kend, Köy , these are all non-Turkic :D etymologic dictionary says Persian Kuy is probably a borrowing through Turkish from Armenian. Among these words Kend is oldest, its borrowed from Sogdian, we too used it under the meaning of village for a long time, until the word is designated for "city" usage in 20th century. Ova is Persian Abad/Kurdish Ava.

Only Central Asian word Avul/Avıl might be Turkic, but even its ultimate origin might be foreign because there are different indo languages have similar words for same meaning.

there's also kıshtak/kıshlak used in central asia for village. it's pure turkic LOL uzbeks use kıshlak, kyrgyz use kıshtak and ayıl, kazakhs use kıshtak and avıl.
@ASQ-1918 @asena_great @rmi5

Guys, Ova, Kend, Köy , these are all non-Turkic :D etymologic dictionary says Persian Kuy is probably a borrowing through Turkish from Armenian. Among these words Kend is oldest, its borrowed from Sogdian, we too used it under the meaning of village for a long time, until the word is designated for "city" usage in 20th century. Ova is Persian Abad/Kurdish Ava.

Only Central Asian word Avul/Avıl might be Turkic, but even its ultimate origin might be foreign because there are different indo languages have similar words for same meaning.

No, it cannot be borrowed from Armenian, through Turkish. The word Kouy is used in Shahnameh, which is written around the 400 Hijri year, which is 1 century before starting of massive immigration of Turks to Azerbaijan, Caucasus and Anatolia. ;)
. . . . . .

Are Oghuz recorded in Chinese annals ? didn't know, what do they say about them ?

chinese annals don't state that they are oghuz or kipchak or else per se. they're much more interested in telling what wealth (minerals, domestic livestock, wild animals, trade routes etc.) can be found in their lands.

@telkon @asena_great

What is the equivalent of "Haydi"(come on, go on) in your languages ? this is coming from exclamation ha/hay.
bol, bol emi, tez bol, bolson (last n is nasal)
. . . .
"Haydı" is used a bit differently and in fewer situations compared to "tez ol". But if you want to say "haydi git" in Az. Turkish, it would be "tez ol get". But you could say "haydı döyüşe".
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