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Turkic World Photos/News/Discussions.


This should be used as a Turkish army patch even as a battle flag!!!

Central Asian Turkic countries should also use it too it would be awesome. Basically our ancestors coming together.
Turkish Cinema and Central Asian Turkic cinema need to work together and bring us films based on the Gokturks, Seljuks, Uygurs, Karakanids, Ghaznavids, White Huns, Mamluks and Babur Empire .

The whole world needs to know about Turks and Turkic history.

Forget bullshit love or fictional crap stories I want Baybars on the big screen or as a Tv show. How about Ataturks military exploits in Libya. Everybody knows about his role in Cannakale and the Independance war but barely anybody knows about his role in Libya.

I also want a film based on Osman Batur.
Warlord, Druglord, butcher, Hates us with passion, terrorist supporter and facilitator, list goes on and on....

Because his a warlord. A lot of the warlords are hated by Afghans in general. I met some Afghans in Australia sometimes we had political conversations a lot of them hate the warlords just as much as they hate religious fanatics like the Taliban.
He is also a druglord and is known to support and provide havens to TTP. Supports PTM and Pashtoonistan.

Screw that bastard SOB one of the things I dislike Turkish foreign policy is the support of this rat face Dostum
He deserves to be blown by gun Humayun style. He blew 126 Afghan warlords and rebels by shoving them in the canons, and then his remains to be showcased on rotating pillars in Kabul and other cities like Akbar did with Hemu as a warning to Afghans for their support to Hemu.
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