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The Ancient Cities with İlber Ortaylı: Azerbaijan.

The Ancient Cities with İlber Ortaylı: Kazakeli/hstan.

P.S: He explains the root of the word ''Azeri'' and how it is wrongly used.. at the time of 31:05 :

- ''Azeri'' is used for the people of 100-200k who live in Bendar Alzari/the south of Caspian sea.

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Cro-Magnons spoke a Turkic/Proto-Turkic language! This is very interesting. I really hope that more Turks find out about this.

For all those who don't know, Cro-Magnons were some of the first anatomically modern humans to arrive in Europe. Interestingly, they had larger brains than modern humans as well as more robust skeletal structure.

@Nein @Adıvar @CAN_TR @kartal1
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Cro-Magnons spoke a Turkic/Proto-Turkic language! This is very interesting. I really hope that more Turks find out about this.

For all those who don't know, Cro-Magnons were some of the first anatomically modern humans to arrive in Europe. Interestingly, they had larger brains then modern humans as well as more robust skeletal structure.

@Nein @Adıvar @CAN_TR @kartal1
For sure a thing I would look into.
We talk about the grandsons of those who fought against the Ottomans/Turks and were doing it hand in hand with the Brits and the French.
Just a few decades later Justice was served to them and Allah sent them the Jews as a prize.

Let them enjoy it now. :D

On twitter a lot Palestinian bastards were swearing and cursing at Turks. We already seen their true faces its time Turks see it too.

Really I dont care about Palestine all I care is about Al Quds which is under Jewish oppression and invasion.

I careless about Palestine and Palestinians. The Palestinians and Israelis can go to hell for all I care.

Turkey should cut all aid money to Palestine and redirect it to Muslim Africans, Bosnians and others who at least appreciate Turkey.

Dont expect any benefit from the arrogant Palestinians. Palestinians all want us to forget the oppression that is being done elsewhere in the Islamic World like Eastern Turkistan and Crimea just because their land is the holy lands.

Palestinians are no different than Kurds nowadays they are whoring themselves out for anybody just to get recognised.
According to the UNESCO Executive Board’s decision with support of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Uzbekistan and Turkey, the year 2020 will be celebrated as the 1300th year anniversary of the erection of Bilge (Wise) Tonyukuk Monument.

"I wrote this inscription to the land of the Turkish Wise Hakan. I’m Tonyukuk”


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On twitter a lot Palestinian bastards were swearing and cursing at Turks. We already seen their true faces its time Turks see it too.

Really I dont care about Palestine all I care is about Al Quds which is under Jewish oppression and invasion.

I careless about Palestine and Palestinians. The Palestinians and Israelis can go to hell for all I care.

Turkey should cut all aid money to Palestine and redirect it to Muslim Africans, Bosnians and others who at least appreciate Turkey.

Dont expect any benefit from the arrogant Palestinians. Palestinians all want us to forget the oppression that is being done elsewhere in the Islamic World like Eastern Turkistan and Crimea just because their land is the holy lands.

Palestinians are no different than Kurds nowadays they are whoring themselves out for anybody just to get recognised.
This has generally been my experience with Palestinians and Palestine supporters too. Turkey sticks its neck out for Palestinians, facing political and economic consequences for it, yet it's never enough, or its unappreciated, or they still accuse Turkey of being in bed with the zionists lol. Yet as soon as a euro politician, who actually are politically pro Zionism, say some nice words but no action, they fawn all over them.

When it comes to Israel, there should only be 2 issues of contention, one is Al Aqsa the other is the Turkmens of Golan. Before Israel took Golan heights there were many Turkmen villages there. Resolve those issues then why shouldn't Turkey have good relations with Israel. Turkey can have a better mutually beneficial relationship with Israel than perhaps any other Arab country today.
Balkanlarda 2 milyon Türkçe konuşan insan var


Trakya Üniversitesi Tarih Bölümü Öğretim Üyesi Dr. Bülent Yıldırım, "Balkanlar'da 2 milyon civarında insanın Balkanlar'da Türkçe konuştuğunu ve Türk dilini yaşattığını söyleyebiliriz" dedi.

Türklerin, Bulgaristan nüfusunun önemli bir bölümünü oluşturduğunu anlatan Yıldırım, şöyle konuştu:

"En son 2011 sayımlarında, ana dili Türkçe olan nüfus 605 bin kişidir. Tabii bu rakam tam olarak gerçeği yansıtmıyor. Bir önceki 2001 sayımında 746 bin civarındaydı. Bunun düşük gözükmesinin nedeni, Bulgaristan'ın Avrupa Birliği'ne girmesinin ardından binlerce Türk, Avrupa'ya çalışmaya gitti ve sayımda orada olmadıkları için nüfus az gözükmüştür. Bulgaristan'da hala 800 bin civarında Türk var. Türkçe konuşan Müslüman Romanlar'la birlikte bu sayı 1 milyon 500 bin civarındadır. Bulgaristan'da 1 milyon 500 bin kişinin Türkçe konuştuğunu söyleyebiliriz."

Bülent Yıldırım, "Yunanistan Batı Trakya'da 150 bin Türk nüfusu var. Bunun yanında Rodos, İstanköy ve 12 Adalar'da az da olsa 5 bin kadar bir Türk var. Romanya'da 150 bin civarında bir Türk nüfusu var. Makedonya'da 100 bin, Kosova'da ise 70 bin civarında bir Türk nüfus var. Bu rakamlara baktığımızda Bulgaristan'da Türkçe konuşan 1 milyon 500 insanla birlikte 2 milyon civarında insanın Balkanlar'da Türkçe konuştuğunu ve Türk dilini yaşattığını söyleyebiliriz." diye konuştu.

Yıldırım, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti kurulduktan sonra Balkanlar'dan en yoğun göçün de Bulgaristan'dan olduğunu söyledi. Bugüne kadar yaklaşık 1 milyon Türk'ün Bulgaristan'dan Türkiye'ye göç ettiğini dile getiren Yıldırım, şunları kaydetti:

"Bulgaristan, Türkiye Cumhuriyeti kurulduktan sonra en çok göç aldığımız ülkedir. 1923'ten bu yana Bulgaristan'dan Türkiye'ye, 1 milyona yakın Bulgaristan Türkü göç etmiştir. Özellikle 1989-1993 yılları arasında 350 bin kişi Türkiye'ye göç etmiştir. Bu göçler Bulgaristan Avrupa Birliği'ne girene kadar devam etmiştir. Bulgaristan'ın Osmanlı idaresinden çıktığı 1877-1878 Osmanlı-Rus Savaşı'ndan bugüne kadar ise toplam 1 milyon 736 bin 465 Türk, Bulgaristan'dan Türkiye'ye göç etmiştir."

The source: http://old.qha.com.ua/tr/turk-dunya...-milyon-turkce-konusan-insan-var-quot/176665/

The Turkish language live in Balkans thanks to over 2 million local Turks.

I wish the Turkic worlds cinemas industries came together made movies based on Babur, Baybars, Gazneli Mahmut and many other Turkic commanders and rulers.

Turkish cinema industry where is my movie about Yavuz Sultan Selim??

We should be having a movie about Atilla.

I dont want action or bullshit love movies I want historical ones.
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