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its very wise decision when Tang dynasty emperor dispelled Turks out of China 1000 years ago.
Uyghers are doing well, but its Pan Turkestan wild dream screwed.

you can only have altay as a name for your MBT, but we can tread the land of Altay anytime we want.
your ancestors are *** kicked, dont hallucinate to make comeback.

do you know why Uygher was allowed to stay in Xingjiang with Tang emperor permission? because its exactly Uyghers joined.hands.with Tang empire army to kick Turks out of China.

now the real pure turks had died out.long time ago, and you guys are just mixed.

Altay Tank is named after Ottoman/Turkish Army General Fahrettin Altay not the Mountains.
its very wise decision when Tang dynasty emperor dispelled Turks out of China 1000 years ago.
Uyghers are doing well, but its Pan Turkestan wild dream screwed.

you can only have altay as a name for your MBT, but we can tread the land of Altay anytime we want.
your ancestors are *** kicked, dont hallucinate to make comeback.

do you know why Uygher was allowed to stay in Xingjiang with Tang emperor permission? because its exactly Uyghers joined.hands.with Tang empire army to kick Turks out of China.

now the real pure turks had died out.long time ago, and you guys are just mixed.

You don't even know what you're talking about.. Altay mountain range spans 4 countries including a Turkic one. So we can "tread" on it.

The fact that you outnumber the Turkic world population 10 to 1 yet still have a cry about us just shows your true colors. The truth is that the Turkic world and China need to cooperate in the future, but if the leaders of China are as arrogant as you are they will achieve nothing.

But truthfully speaking your leaders aren't as stupid as you. They have chosen to work with Turkic countries in order to revive the Silk Road. The fact is that you need to work with us and we need to work with you.

As for the Uyghurs.. They have no power to uprise against the Chinese government. Their biggest mistake was adopting Islam. That along with their geographic position and low population when compared to the Chinese sealed their fate.

Having the 8th most powerful army in the world with a population of 80 million and only the 18th biggest economy is a much greater achievement then having a population of 1.4 billion and being 3rd. By the way if you think that you can invade central Asian Turkic countries then you're delusional. With the combined force of all Turkic countries the amount of military hardware will be enough to deter the Chinese military.

Could you even begin to imagine what it would be like if our population was even half of yours?
You really want to confront China over this issue? So, why are you criticizing people supporting the Palestinian cause? Just asking.

Additional questions: Bosnians or Uzbek? Albanians or Kyrgyz?

Why am I criticizing the Palestinian cause? Because Uyghurs are Turks and Palestinians are not... Let Arabs sort out the mess they put themselves into. They wanted Turks out of their lands, they wanted Britain and France IN so let them live with the consequences.

It is not normal for me for Turkey to give it’s all to the Arabs and Afghans and Somalis while closing it’s eyes for the Uyghurs and Turkmens in Iraq and Syria etc and even to it’s own citizens. Yet it doesn’t surprise me at all because the country is run by a bunch of non-Turks from Pontus and the Arab and Kurdish populated parts of the country anyway. I don’t expect any sympathy towards Turks from such people.

ps I don’t like Albanians at all. To the rest I wish all the best.
You really want to confront China over this issue? So, why are you criticizing people supporting the Palestinian cause? Just asking.

Additional questions: Bosnians or Uzbek? Albanians or Kyrgyz?

Unlike the Uyghurs (Turk), Palestinians did many "bad" things against Turks and the Turkish Nation (incl. Ottoman Empire)

- Arab revolts against the Empire 1915/1916
- the crimes against captured Ottoman Soldiers
- PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) supported the PKK training, money...
It is also claimed that ASALA had connections with the PLO.

Did you Arab lovers understand that the Jordanians/Palestinians are also responsible for the loss of the Middle East campaign in WW1 which lead to hundreds of thousands Turkish casualities and nearly to extinction of a Turkish Nation in Anatolia?!

Crying for Palestinians, Syrians, Somalis, Afghans but closing the eyes for Uyghurs and Turkmens.
Your hypocrisy bs pisses me off.
Hey guys I found this photo of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk in Libya but they also say Omar Mukhtar the hero of Libya is also in this photo.

Identified Ataturk but not Omar Mukhtar. Omar Mukhtar also fought in Italo-Turkish war in Libya alongside Turkish troops. I just wonder if he met Ataturk and Enver. Its well known fact that Ataturk and Ahmed As Senussi the leader of the Senussis were good friends.
Unlike the Uyghurs (Turk), Palestinians did many "bad" things against Turks and the Turkish Nation (incl. Ottoman Empire)

- Arab revolts against the Empire 1915/1916
- the crimes against captured Ottoman Soldiers
- PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) supported the PKK training, money...
It is also claimed that ASALA had connections with the PLO.

Did you Arab lovers understand that the Jordanians/Palestinians are also responsible for the loss of the Middle East campaign in WW1 which lead to hundreds of thousands Turkish casualities and nearly to extinction of a Turkish Nation in Anatolia?!

Crying for Palestinians, Syrians, Somalis, Afghans but closing the eyes for Uyghurs and Turkmens.
Your hypocrisy bs pisses me off.

You mean the suffering of the other parts of the Islamic World.

To be honest when it comes to Chechnya, Bosnia, East Turkistan, Moro Muslims and the others. You will only hear cricket sounds.

When it comes to Palestine you have people protesting. Ask a lot about East Turkistan they will look at you with a face.

Ridiculous how Jerusalem is seen as a holy city which overrides the other places which oppression is going on like in Kashmir or Assad and Isis killing Turkmens and the bastard Kurds oppressing our brothers.

Palestinians nowadays are a bunch of arrogants who piss me off i dont feel the need to support them anymore. For me the Palies and Jews can kill each other for all I care the Turks should be the master of Jerusalem not our enemies the Palies and Jews.

We sacrificed soldiers for the holy city only for it to have it handed down on a plate to the Jews and Palestinians.
If it was a Palestinian, Syrian, Afghan or a Rohyngya kid medias in Turkey would be talking about it 24/7, with Officials crying and screaming in front of cameras while talking about humanity and Muslim Brotherhood.

At the same time when it’s about Uyghurs they all stay quiet. Uyghurs are far too Turkic and not enough Islamic to them I guess... Or maybe they are just afraid to say a word against their new Chinese Pimps from which Berat came with a 3,6$ billion loan some months ago laughing like a wh*re.
If it was a Palestinian, Syrian, Afghan or a Rohyngya kid medias in Turkey would be talking about it 24/7, with Officials crying and screaming in front of cameras while talking about humanity and Muslim Brotherhood.

At the same time when it’s about Uyghurs they all stay quiet. Uyghurs are far too Turkic and not enough Islamic to them I guess... Or maybe they are just afraid to say a word against their new Chinese Pimps from which Berat came with a 3,6$ billion loan some months ago laughing like a wh*re.

A lot of Uygurs are actually more religious their women are covered from head to toe they are much more traditional than the Turks of Turkey.

Oppression is not spoken about due to China being strong but also the numerous cooperation and economic agreements with Muslim countries.

Turkey has been for years quiet on this issue. Turkish people have not forgotten their Uygur bros and sisters only the government has.

Also such a shame as the Turks are warriors who conquered from Siberia to the gates of Vienna to have a lot of its own world swallowed by Iran, Russia and China. Such a shame as we see our Azerbaijani bros and Uygurs getting oppressed by both Iran and China.

Then you have Syrian Turkmens and Iraqi Turkmens. Really a sad thing to be honest.
One thing that troubles me.

The Bulgarians actually deny their Turkic heritage but a lot of the Bulgarian nationalists especially the Far Right use Turkic symbols. They take Khan Asparukh as their national hero. This man was Turkic not Bulgarian.

At the same time they deny their Turkic heritage?? What gives?
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