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Concert of TURKSOY held at the Museum of Music Instruments in Japan


On November 18th, 2018, the Orchestra of Folk Instruments of TURKSOY took the scene in a special concert it gave at the Hamamatsu Museum of Music Instruments which is the first museum of Japan exclusively displaying music instruments.

The event which featured all artists participating in the tour lasted approximately 2 hours.

The lyrical artist from Kyrgyzstan Janar Turatova said: "This museum is literally a paradise for us, I had never seen so many different instruments all at once before. I hope that many other such museums will be established all around the world. The Japanes people have been wonderfully hospitable and thşs tour of TURKSOY has been full of unforgettable moments for me. This visit and the concert we gave in this very special place will be part of these unforgettable moments."
The source: https://www.inform.kz/en/concert-of...museum-of-music-instruments-in-japan_a3464618
A Turk of Turkey walks in the streets of East Turkestan and tells the oppressive situation.

Btw, attention on 8:07, the Uygur Turk uncle says ''Alma kilosu beş toy''(apple 1 kilogram 5 toy); literally Turkish of Turkey despite thousands of kilometres away.


In this video, Occupier Chinese people call ''police'', confiscate the diplomate passport of the Turk just because Turkish Flag is seen.

At 6:53 is seen a flyer on the wall saying Turkish flag on anything including a tshirt is banned

The occupiers delete some videos on his telephone, asked why he had bread, and demanded to cut it.


He says Uyghur Turks get searched even when they enter their own homes. Every illegal ''police'' calls him just because of his beard. He says everywhere is full of illegal ''police'' and check points.

Xinjiang is part of China, not occupied land, Kurdistan is, enjoying your fighting with them every day, Xinjiang is peaceful and no trouble.
Xinjiang is part of China, not occupied land, Kurdistan is, enjoying your fighting with them every day, Xinjiang is peaceful and no trouble.

FACT is that "Xinjiang" is eastern Turkestan, and a country like Kurdistan never existed in History.

You can't deny it because Arab, Persian and even Chinese sources call these Region Turkestan.
This is what happened to the Turkish communities in Macedonia after the Balkan wars and later in WWI when the Ottoman Empire was defeated and the region was divided between Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia.
That is the result of ethnic cleansing and killing of God knows how many people but you will never hear about it in the Western and even Turkish medias. On the other hand you will hear daily about the bloodthirsty Turks, Armenian and Greek genocides etc...

Professor Justin Mcarthy also talked about the atrocities and the hypocrisy of the West.

Christian getting killed they expressed outrage when it came to Muslims or Turks they ignored it or did not care at all.

Even today we see this all they care is the Armenian genocide or the Greek genocide. We can all be sure the Armenians and the Greeks in Anatolia were going to do the Turks like what happened in the Balkans thats right ethnic cleansing or even genocide.

Armenians and the Greeks did not hide their intentions either the Turks get wiped out or kicked out from Anatolia.

Thank God, Turkey won its independance!!
Xinjiang is part of China, not occupied land, Kurdistan is, enjoying your fighting with them every day, Xinjiang is peaceful and no trouble.

I (world) have my doubts about that peaceful living. Uighur issue is a case for UN! We expect an intervention by USA as soon as possible.
UN, is a big joke unfortunately. China will eventually succeed in assimilating Uighurs, because no one will dare to push them on anything and risk their economic relations for that.
I (world) have my doubts about that peaceful living. Uighur issue is a case for UN! We expect an intervention by USA as soon as possible.
China is a veto wielding power in UNSC, nothing can go past China without her consent. You can try to bring it to UN and see what'll happen. Is Kurdish issue an UN matter by the way?
China is a veto wielding power in UNSC, nothing can go past China without her consent. You can try to bring it to UN and see what'll happen. Is Kurdish issue an UN matter by the way?

I hope one day the monopoly of 5 countries will be broken.

The world is bigger than 5 countries.

I suggest a lot of countries leave the useless UN because its dominated by 5 countries since end of WW2.

Unequal organisation.
This is why Arabs and Islamized Turks hate Tengriists. Even after almost 800 years, Hulagu Han's message to the Arabs still sends shivers down their spines... No wonder the Saudi's sponsor Islamism so much in Turkey; a revival of Tengriism in Turkey would likely lead to not only progress in science, but a heightened sense of purpose for the Turkish Army, and thus multiply the effectiveness of the TAF/TSK.

An Atheist army will fight with low morale and no greater purpose.
An Islamic army will be fighting for Arab fairy tales and will inevitably self-destruct due to extremists from within.
A Tengriist army will fight for the pride of its ancient ancestors and for the future of Turkic people.

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I was wondering from where I can learn more about Tengrism, it’s religious practices and beliefs and Turkic mythology? Can someone here share some literature I can look for?
This is why Arabs and Islamized Turks hate Tengriists. Even after almost 800 years, Hulagu Han's message to the Arabs still sends shivers down their spines... No wonder the Saudi's sponsor Islamism so much in Turkey; a revival of Tengriism in Turkey would likely lead to not only progress in science, but a heightened sense of purpose for the Turkish Army, and thus multiply the effectiveness of the TAF/TSK.

An Atheist army will fight with low morale and no greater purpose.
An Islamic army will be fighting for Arab fairy tales and will inevitably self-destruct due to extremists from within.
A Tengriist army will fight for the pride of its ancient ancestors and for the future of Turkic people.

Hulagu Khan was a Mongol and a spineless piece of garbage, the moron could only destroy science and knowledge and culture, not make it. The only reason why he was able to sack Baghdad was that they were too busy with science and culture.

Genghis Khan’s armies were said to have killed 1.6 million people in the city of Herat in northwestern Afghanistan in 1222; that’s 1.6 million, dispatched with arrows, clubs, and swords. After Genghis Khan united a number of Mongol tribes into a single horde under his command in the early thirteenth century, they descended on cities in China, India, Afghanistan, Persia, Turkestan, and Russia. Between 1211 and 1223, they wasted dozens of cities and wiped out more than 18.4 million people in China and environs alone.

The dude was on the level of Hitler with his mass murdering... you want to worship that piece of shit? The **** is wrong with you? How dumb do you have to be to think that way? You think a genocidal maniac in the Medieval era should be looked up to as a role model? If Russia invaded Turkey and slaughtered all 80 Million Turks, destroyed your libraries and infrastructure and than genocided the entirety of central Asia, would you kiss Putin's *** like you do Gheghis Khan and his ilk? Just because they were good at killing people? How backwards are you?

We can never know what was lost during the Mongols reign of destruction across Eurasia. the accumulation of human knowledge wiped out by the destruction of libraries and centers of learning wherever the Mongols encountered them would likely stagger the imagination, 1000s of translated Greek plays and philosophers, the most advanced mathematical theories and 100s of thousands of books about science, astronomy, culture, and philosophy. had the Mongols invaded Greece during the Golden Age of Athens they would have damaged cultural foundations of Western civilization. Athens produced some of the most influential and enduring cultural artefacts of the Western tradition. The playwrights Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides all lived and worked in 5th century BCE Athens, as did the historians Herodotus and Thucydides, the physician Hippocrates, and the philosopher Socrates. all would have been wiped out in an instant by happy Mongol looters.

No, forget it. You're an idiotic moron who needs to fantasize and fetishize a fake and unrealistic view of history. How much a low life do you have to be to think that slaughtering and mass murdering people and destroying countless and priceless amounts of culture, mathematics, knowledge, philosophy, medicine, and mechanics is a good thing?
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