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Turkic World Photos/News/Discussions.

Gaguz women are beautiful!!!

Man Turkic women in general are. Instead of taking Russian or other non Turkic women we should be marrying them!!!

Too bad in Australia i havent met any people from Central Asia yet.
While his parents hold in a Chinese so-called re-education camp, an Uighur Turk boy frozen to death on the street alone.
View attachment 529077
how can you know this is a Uygher boy?

A lot of Uygurs are actually more religious their women are covered from head to toe they are much more traditional than the Turks of Turkey.

Oppression is not spoken about due to China being strong but also the numerous cooperation and economic agreements with Muslim countries.

Turkey has been for years quiet on this issue. Turkish people have not forgotten their Uygur bros and sisters only the government has.

Also such a shame as the Turks are warriors who conquered from Siberia to the gates of Vienna to have a lot of its own world swallowed by Iran, Russia and China. Such a shame as we see our Azerbaijani bros and Uygurs getting oppressed by both Iran and China.

Then you have Syrian Turkmens and Iraqi Turkmens. Really a sad thing to be honest.
and you shall conquer Iran and China.

we only have prison in China, no re-education camp. no one will educate a terrorist.
Random street video about Uyghur kids in Xinjiang

Children in Xinjiang enjoys 15 years from kingdergarten to high school free educatiopn, free school meals and daily milk, free accommodation and shuttle service and free healthcare.

Uyghur kids in a winter night market in Xinjiang

Happy new year to all Turkic people! :victory:

There's a question I always wanted to ask,how similar are Turkish and Azerbaijani languages,a part from some differences in scripts,can you guys hold conversations and understand each others ? Are there major differences ?

@xenon54 @T-123456 @CAN_TR @kartal1 @Kamil_baku & al.
Happy new year also to you. Wish you a new year full with happiness, love and success! For me I personally understand almost everything and I think I would be able to talk with an Azerbaijani Turk pretty easy. They have also a bit of Russian words which I also understand because of my Bulgarian language so it makes it even further easier.

Could you even begin to imagine what it would be like if our population was even half of yours?
I see another India actually, Chinese Macau has the world highest per capita GDP, Hong Kong and Singapore also have very high per capita GDP whose population are mostly ethnic Chinese. No one will use those numbers to calculate what China's GDP should be, that's just stupid. But by and large, comparing to you Turks, we are smart and hardworking people.
Happy new year to all Turkic people! :victory:

There's a question I always wanted to ask,how similar are Turkish and Azerbaijani languages,a part from some differences in scripts,can you guys hold conversations and understand each others ? Are there major differences ?

@xenon54 @T-123456 @CAN_TR @kartal1 @Kamil_baku & al.

Happy New Year.

Let me say it so for me it's harder to understand Swiss German as fluent (high) German speaker than Azerbaijani Turk as a fluent Turkish speaker.

Vocabulary is up to 80-90% similar, the only difference is we have different Alphabets.

Left Azerbaijani - Right Turkish

Oghuz Turkic languages.
how can you know this is a Uygher boy?

and you shall conquer Iran and China.

we only have prison in China, no re-education camp. no one will educate a terrorist.

Is that true? There is no re-education camps in China?
Happy new year to all Turkic people! :victory:

There's a question I always wanted to ask,how similar are Turkish and Azerbaijani languages,a part from some differences in scripts,can you guys hold conversations and understand each others ? Are there major differences ?

@xenon54 @T-123456 @CAN_TR @kartal1 @Kamil_baku & al.
With Azerbaijan its no problem, it probably would be like France French and Swiss or Belguim French, just a different dialect.

Is that true? There is no re-education camps in China?
Ofcourse it is and Chinese dont suddenly care about Uyghurs, they just spread their propoganda on PDF to convince us that the evil western media is lying about the re-education camps.
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I see another India actually, Chinese Macau has the world highest per capita GDP, Hong Kong and Singapore also have very high per capita GDP whose population are mostly ethnic Chinese. No one will use those numbers to calculate what China's GDP should be, that's just stupid. But by and large, comparing to you Turks, we are smart and hardworking people.

That’s true.

With Azerbaijan its no problem, it probably would be like France French and Swiss or Belguim French, just a different dialect.

Ofcourse its not and Chinese dont suddenly care about Uyghurs, they just spread their propoganda on PDF to convince us that the evil western media is lying about the re-education camps.

As far as I know, China has confirmed the camps.
Happy new year to all Turkic people! :victory:

There's a question I always wanted to ask,how similar are Turkish and Azerbaijani languages,a part from some differences in scripts,can you guys hold conversations and understand each others ? Are there major differences ?

@xenon54 @T-123456 @CAN_TR @kartal1 @Kamil_baku & al.
Happy New Year to all French people.
Compare it to Canadian-French,it sounds strange sometimes but you understand.
Gaguz women are beautiful!!!

Man Turkic women in general are. Instead of taking Russian or other non Turkic women we should be marrying them!!!

Too bad in Australia i havent met any people from Central Asia yet.

In the states I have met a few Turkic girls one of my classmates in my freshmen year was a Tatar from Yekatinberg she was hot asf lol other was Uzbek/Korean mix
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