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Turkey's southeastern Semzinan district under PKK control

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Aug 10, 2012
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'Turkey's Semzinan under PKK control'
The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) says it has taken control of the Semzinan district in Turkey's southeastern province of Hakkari.

The development comes two days after a Turkish soldier was killed and seven others injured during an attack allegedly carried out by the PKK members in the western province of Izmir on August 9.

The Turkish army has been involved in a ground and air operation on Semzinan over the past several days.

Two Turkish soldiers were killed and ten others injured in clashes between the PKK members and government troops in Hakkari on July 30.

On August 5, 22 people, including six Turkish soldiers, two village guards and 14 PKK members, were killed in clashes that broke out after the Kurdish rebels attacked a Turkish military post in a village in Hakkari on the border with Iraq.
On December 29, 2011, 35 people were killed in a Turkish air strike near a Kurdish village in the Uludere district of Sirnak Province close to the border with Iraq. The Turkish military said it had targeted suspected members of the PKK. However, Turkish officials later acknowledged that “civilians” were killed during the attack.

PressTV - Turkey's southeastern Semzinan district under PKK control
The Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) says it has taken control of the Semzinan district in Turkey's southeastern province of Hakkari.

pkk claims they shot down like 50,000 turkish helicopters since now , its so funny.

Hakkari Valili?i, ?emdinli k?rsal?nda hava destekli olarak 23 temmuz-En Son Güvenlik Haberleri-HABERTÜRK

23 Temmuz tarihinde Şemdinli'nin Bağlar ve Günyazı köyleri kırsalında yol kesip kimlik kontrolü yapan PKK'lılara yönelik başlatılan operasyon bugün sona erdi.

Hakkari Valiliğinden yapılan yazılı açıklamada Şemdinli kırsalında gerçekleştirilen eylemler üzerine, güvenlik güçlerimizce hava destekli olarak 23 Temmuz 2012 günü başlatılan operasyonlar, 11 ağustos 2012 cumartesi sabahı itibariyle tamamlandığı belirtildi.

Valilik açıklamasında, "Titizlik ve kararlılıkla sürdürülen operasyonlar sonucunda, PKK terör örgütü, hain amaçlarına ulaşamamış ve çok sayıda PKK terör örgütü mensubu etkisiz hale getirilmiştir. Mülki adli ve askeri makamlar eşliğinde operasyonun son gününde bölgede ziyaret ve inceleme yapılmış, vatandaşlarımızın köylerinde, yerlerinde normal hayatlarını sürdürdükleri müşahede edilmiştir. Köylülerimizin doğan bazı zaruri ihtiyaçları da ilçe kaymakamlığınca karşılanmıştır."denildi.

Açıklamada şu ifadelere yer verildi: Resmi makamların ve güvenlik kuvvetlerimizin temkinli, itidalli ve basiretli faaliyetleri, Şemdinli ilçe halkımızın sağduyulu ve sabırlı tutumu sayesinde güçlükler kolaylaşmıştır. Güvenlik güçlerimiz ve kamu görevlileri bundan sonra da ilimizde huzur ve güven ortamını sağlayıp sürdürme hususunda dirayetli, fedakâr, azimli ve cesaretli tutumlarını sürdüreceklerdir. Hakkârililerin en öncelikli talebi; huzur, sükûn ve emniyet içinde yaşamak ve bu sayede kamu hizmetlerinin daha verimli gerçekleşmesi ve herkesin kendi işine gücüne huzur içinde devam edebilmesidir.


Around 150 PKKs died since 2 weeks now.
Similar thing things happened in early 90's, it became cause for harsh response from Turkish military. Uprising surpressed.

Turkish army can deal with uprisings, but Syrians cannot. That is the difference.

Haha, pressTV, keep trying and dreaming.

Such thing can happen, PKK used to control town centers during early 90's by pinning down military structure under heavy fire. Every time they tried, they retreated back to Iraqi and İranian mountains suffering 1000's casualties.

Serdar Akinan's Kan Uykusu is a good documentary. 1993-95 was wake-up of Turkish army, taking over mountains and starting crossborder operations. There was once planned Iranian crossborder operation which was cancelled by Demirel.
This official is the mayor of hakkiri , HES BLOODY IN THE CITY . PRESS TV SAYS IT ALL
dilemma or something lol , i look at results now . I can make theories about iran , man i cant be bothered to post about jundallah and pjak and others.
presstv nin adını çokca duyuyorum bu aralar..sürekli suriyede 2 general 13 subay yakalandı diye haber yapıyorlar :lol:
Press TV amusing us with accurate and clean news once again.Just this morning Hurriyet announced two weeks long operation has finally ended , clear casualty numbers yet to be revealed but many sources says over 150 pkk insurgents killed.
All goes towards a similar theme... Which is Turkey is having significant problems with a large portion of its population.
who thinks we need another f-16 raining on them? cross border air operation?

All goes towards a similar theme... Which is Turkey is having significant problems with a large portion of its population.

yes i agree , south azerbaycan joining mainland , turkmens join turkmenistan , sunni arab state , and a kurdistan aswell. Half your land is gone .

Plus , sanctions , israel bombardment , UAE at this time take their islands back not to mention KSA having this opportunity to do anything to destroy iran.
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