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Turkey’s S-400 vs F-35 dilemma in 2019

F-35 vs S-400; If Turkey had to choose one, which one should it choose?

  • F-35

  • S-400

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Friend, Everybody and their grandmother knew this deal will cause a crisis and a butting of heads between Ankara and WH. Only question is, why did they go after it knowing these risks? What do goverments and turkish joint chiefs know and we, the public dont? Erdogan cant just do something like this and not have backing from military higher ups. At least I think so.


Not so subtle levarage play by Turkey. So you want to ostracized us, well be preapered for Turkey to the throw the rench in your anti-China and Russia strategies... Neither Greece nor Cyprus ( :lol: ) cant replace turkish role in any such strategy.

I see signs of stepping down in the tone of the US...

US, Turkey remain in dialogue over S-400 dispute: Top NATO general

U.S. Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan and his Turkish counterpart Hulusi Akar remain in contact about Ankara's plans to buy a Russian air defense system, and may meet during NATO meetings in Brussels next week, NATO's commander told Reuters.

U.S. General Tod Wolters said the military-to-military relationship between the United States and NATO remained "absolutely, positively solid," despite Washington's decision to cancel Turkey's purchase of F-35 stealth fighters if it proceeds with its purchase of the Russian S-400 air defense system.

"I know there'll be follow on dialogue to work on ... details between Minister Akar and Secretary Shanahan. As a matter of fact there may the opportunity to meet next week at the ministerials in NATO," Wolters said at the Paris Airshow.
Well, with everythign thats heppening in Persian Gulf, where risk for escalatrion is petty big, US would kinda want to have Turkey as a partner, in any capacity, then as a spoiler. :)
Not a waste. Its the investinment in wider Turkish interests, present and future, as part of the coherent srategy.

oh, I just realized I posted it in the wrong thread by mistake. It should be in Syrian one. Sorry @cabatli_53 could you please transfer the posts to the right thread .
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Strategy in what? You build, the Russians will bomb.
Investing in Syria before the war doesn't end is dumb and a waste of money.

Turkish interest should first be to feed it's own people, create more jobs and invest more in education.
Strategy in what? You build, the Russians will bomb.
Investing in Syria before the war doesn't end is dumb and a waste of money.

Turkish interest should first be to feed it's own people, create more jobs and invest more in education
Strategy in what? You build, the Russians will bomb.
Investing in Syria before the war doesn't end is dumb and a waste of money.

Turkish interest should first be to feed it's own people, create more jobs and invest more in education.

Where is the causality?

Sorry, I dont quite follow? Can you be more precise. I reckon its a german phrase, translated to english, so its kinda lost in translation :)

In any case, it would be kinda good to have defence secreteary confirmed and in its place, in times of escalating crisis left and right. He was scheduled to meat with Akar in Ankara his week, if Im not mistaken, over s400. Who will Akar meat, negotiate, now, if anybody? Who's running the show? Does this new guy prachuted in his place have similiar set of ideas, will he take into account already covered ground between Shanahaan and turkish officials from their prevouis meeting,s or will he throw it all out of the window? etc...

and just this mornirng, new event potentialy escalating took place in thwe region.

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dont agree with you. If the past show us even one thing, than every kind of cooperation can be seperated. We are also high linked with GB, in every kind of aspects. Now, they cut of relation with us in some fields. More could be followed if they decide to leave NATO (which they will not). Every relation can be seperated. Not to zero of course, even USA had economic relations with Soviet Union, but in some way. And no superpower will stay for ever. Doesn't matter how powerful they are. If we (EU) cooperate with China and Russia in the same way like we do with USA, I bet within one decade, both countries would able to match you. Don't underestimate EU power.

One more thing, Oscar Lafontaine (famos German politician) said it right, since 100 years, USA try to prevent relationship between German technology and Russian huge recourses. The potential of this relationship is amazing.
You still seem to underestimate how close our ties(built on almost a century of relations) are with the U.S.
I'm even more surprised that you think we will/can replace our ties with the U.S for China or Russia. That is even more unfeasible. There are so many reasons that I don't even know where to start from.
You should ask yourself why the E.U hasn't cut its ties with the U.S for China/Russia despite all of trumps tantrums against the E.U . You have to know that our ties with the U.S are too deep and involves virtually every sector (military,economic, scientific,geo political etc). China or even Russia can't provide us the type of relations we enjoy with the U.S, plus they are not even our allies, especially in the case of Russia who is still consider an enemy/adversary for most E.U countries. So I'm afraid your view on this is not feasible. I won't even talk about the E.U refusing to follow US sanctions in case the US ever impose sanctions on Turkey and prohibits others from cooperating with Turkey militarily . Our companies and countries will follow suit if that happens. That is not even a guess but a sure thing. We won't risk our huge ties/interests with the US for Turkey, just like with Iran . Ask yourself why almost every country followed US sanctions on Iran(including China and India) even though most of these countries don't agree with the ban. As I said before you seem to underestimate US power,influence and ability to inflict harm/pain.

So I guess we will just agree to disagree.
You still seem to underestimate how close our ties(built on almost a century of relations) are with the U.S.
I'm even more surprised that you think we will/can replace our ties with the U.S for China or Russia. That is even more unfeasible. There are so many reasons that I don't even know where to start from.
You should ask yourself why the E.U hasn't cut its ties with the U.S for China/Russia despite all of trumps tantrums against the E.U . You have to know that our ties with the U.S are too deep and involves virtually every sector (military,economic, scientific,geo political etc). China or even Russia can't provide us the type of relations we enjoy with the U.S, plus they are not even our allies, especially in the case of Russia who is still consider an enemy/adversary for most E.U countries. So I'm afraid your view on this is not feasible. I won't even talk about the E.U refusing to follow US sanctions in case the US ever impose sanctions on Turkey and prohibits others from cooperating with Turkey militarily . Our companies and countries will follow suit if that happens. That is not even a guess but a sure thing. We won't risk our huge ties/interests with the US for Turkey, just like with Iran . Ask yourself why almost every country followed US sanctions on Iran(including China and India) even though most of these countries don't agree with the ban. As I said before you seem to underestimate US power,influence and ability to inflict harm/pain.

So I guess we will just agree to disagree.

Unfortunately I think you are right. Ever since the Suez Canal debacle (when the UK and France were put in there place), I think the UK would follow the US over a cliff, if instructed to do so.
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