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Turkey’s S-400 vs F-35 dilemma in 2019

F-35 vs S-400; If Turkey had to choose one, which one should it choose?

  • F-35

  • S-400

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No. They should use this money to develop his drone arsenal.
Bomber jet will soon be obsolet anyways.

SU-57 is an air superiority fighter.... The whole point of acquiring it would be to keep up with our enemies in the reigion who are buying lots of jets. We can't just wait another 10-15 years for our own fighter. If acquiring the SU-57 in the next few years is possible then we should purchase it. Rither way we should go full steam ahead with our own fighter and drone projects.

If our stupid government didn't make hundreds of mistakes which ruined our economy then we wouldn't be in a position where we are so conscious about where our defense budget goes. We are surrounded by so much danger yet our budget is tiny.
SU-57 is an air superiority fighter.... The whole point of acquiring it would be to keep up with our enemies in the reigion who are buying lots of jets. We can't just wait another 10-15 years for our own fighter. If acquiring the SU-57 in the next few years is possible then we should purchase it. Rither way we should go full steam ahead with our own fighter and drone projects.

If our stupid government didn't make hundreds of mistakes which ruined our economy then we wouldn't be in a position where we are so conscious about where our defense budget goes. We are surrounded by so much danger yet our budget is tiny.
watch this bro ;
SU-57 is an air superiority fighter.... The whole point of acquiring it would be to keep up with our enemies in the reigion who are buying lots of jets. We can't just wait another 10-15 years for our own fighter. If acquiring the SU-57 in the next few years is possible then we should purchase it. Rither way we should go full steam ahead with our own fighter and drone projects.

If our stupid government didn't make hundreds of mistakes which ruined our economy then we wouldn't be in a position where we are so conscious about where our defense budget goes. We are surrounded by so much danger yet our budget is tiny.

We need more militarism in the country.

Militarism breeds respect and discipline not to mention the defence budget in Turkey needs to go up higher when Turkey is surrounded by enemies and along with neighbouring war torn regions. I dont mean we need a bloated American budget but a perfect balance.
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It’s means that the Israel’s security has higher value for US than that of NATO’s.

Its been like that for decades. For Pentagon Israel is represents a huge unsinkable aircraft carrier in the center of ME. Saudi, UAE, Qatar... there are all good, and US likes to have them as allies, but are well aware that this can change, new king/emir, revolution, elections. hell, Iran was once a strong US ally. While Israel will always be there, no metter who is in power in Tel Aviv.
It’s means that the Israel’s security has higher value for US than that of NATO’s.

Can it be otherwise when more Jews live in America than in Israel itself and those same Jews control America’s economy, politics, medias and even religious institutions.

It is not Israel that is America’s 51st state but it’s America that is Israel’s 8th mezohot (main administrative district).
It’s means that the Israel’s security has higher value for US than that of NATO’s.
Did you ever think different

Israel has the highest value for us even their own country stands second...

Wait and see the reality Israel is more and more being a center role of the world for their end time armagaeddon complex..

We need an air superiority fighter we are surrounded by maniacs and unlogical destructive evil neighbors I don't understand why we had not get f15 or eurofighter decades ago
It’s means that the Israel’s security has higher value for US than that of NATO’s.

It means that the Israel's security has higher value for Jews than that of Turks for Turkey.
It means that the Israel's security has higher value for Jews than that of Turks for Turkey.

They’re also indirectly risking you (and Europe) against Russians thread by weakening the south wing of NATO as they are dismissing a formidable NATO force element
While I understand Turkey's annoyance with the US policies and treatment of Turkey over the years but I am really at loss here to understand the reason for this decision to go for S400 over US/NATO objections. If US sanctions kick in, Turkey stands to lose on so many fronts, not just the acquisition of F35 but also the technology sharing partnerships where many Turkish companies have benefited from working as suppliers on this program.

It's not like Turkey is at active war with any country in the region where they would need this system right away. Plus, they've NATO protection that they could always rely on - Turkey had previously called on and NATO did come to their defence by deploying their air defence system, so why now hell bent on breaking ties with trusted partners?
Can you remember when Turkey downed a Russian fighter jet NATO took a ' no support policy ' for Turkey ?
Did Obama approved Patriot sale to Turkey ?
Answer is no.
Why US supplied with lethal arms to YPG terrorist to use against Turkey ? What kind of NATO alley Turkey is ?
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