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Turkey’s S-400 vs F-35 dilemma in 2019

F-35 vs S-400; If Turkey had to choose one, which one should it choose?

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  • S-400

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Erdoğan’s message to Washington from Moscow
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and Russian President Vladimir Putin met in Russia yesterday on the sidelines of an important aviation and space fair in which the newest products of the Russian defense industry are being exhibited.
Although the main reason why Erdoğanand Putin met was the recent developments in Syria, particularly in Idlib and in the eastern Euphrates, the venue of their meeting was quite significant and spoke for itself. This marks the joint devotion of two countries seeking more enhanced cooperation in the defense industry.

The fact that Erdoğan has attended the opening ceremony of the defense industry fair along with Putin is symbolic this devotion. It’s also symbolically important that Erdoğan and Putin’s meeting has come on the same day as the beginning of the shipment of the second battery of the S-400 anti-ballistic missile systems from Russia.

During his speech, Erdoğan hailed growing ties between the two nations in a multidimensional form that includes the defense industry as well. “I believe that the synergy we have with Russiaregarding aviation and space sectors will deepen our bilateral relations,” he stated.

The Turkish president had earlier suggested a partnership with Russia in its northern neighbor’s efforts to upgrade the S-400 systems with the S-500 anti-missile weapons.

All these statements issued by Erdoğancould be regarded as a direct message to Washington which has recently halted Turkish participation in the F-35 aircraft project because of Turkey’s deployment of S-400s.

The message is clear: Turkey is not without alternatives in finding new suppliers if excluded from the U.S.-led international projects and denied to procure American weapons. This can also include Russia’s fifth-generation SU-57 aircraft instead of Lockheed Martin’s F-35s as Turkey would need to upgrade its aerial defense in the next decade. (Turkeyis in efforts to develop its fighter jets, the TF-X, but it would take time before they could be proven to be an efficient vehicle.)

The fact that Putin has promoted the SU-57 to Erdoğan at the aviation fair makes the latter’s message even stronger. It’s, of course, very premature to speculate whether Turkey would choose to buy SU-57s from Russia, but our experience concerning the purchase of the S-400systems proves that this option may be on the table.

Of course, this move would further complicate the Turkish status within NATO and the allied defense architecture as well as its ties with the prominent allies in the Western bloc. But at this point, it seems Erdoğan wanted to send a firm message to U.S. President Donald Trump that Washington’s policies are pushing Turkey to knock on the doors of other suppliers just like it had to buy S-400s from Russia because its demand for the Patriots was met with no response from the U.S.

Trump has several times acknowledged this fact and shown an understanding of Turkey’s procurement of the S-400s. That was why he exerted efforts to avoid sanctions on Turkey under the CAATSA (Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act).

Time will show whether Erdoğan’s message on SU-57 and F-35s will be received by Washington and to what extent the two allies will be able to resolve this dispute.
1’inci S-400 bataryasinin gelen bazi bilesenleri, TR’nin her adimini takip edip sosyal medyadan servis eden Israil merkezli ImageSat Int. uydusu tarafindan Murted’de goruntulenmis: •Big Bird radari •Grave Stone radari •Cheese Board radari •Bos firlatma araclari •40V6M mast



To those of you who still foolishly believe that S400 is the best AD system in the world.
As you know, few days ago, CIA conducted second air strike in Idlib province wiping out another Hurras ad Deens target.
This is what russian senator Shamanov stated about the air strike “it came to us as a complete surprise although we have sophisticated Air Defense in the region “:partay::lol:
Shamanov is a retired General, was in charge of airborne, fought in Chechnya, where he was known for his brutality and awarded Hero of Russian Federation medal
To those of you who still foolishly believe that S400 is the best AD system in the world.
As you know, few days ago, CIA conducted second air strike in Idlib province wiping out another Hurras ad Deens target.
This is what russian senator Shamanov stated about the air strike “it came to us as a complete surprise although we have sophisticated Air Defense in the region “:partay::lol:
Shamanov is a retired General, was in charge of airborne, fought in Chechnya, where he was known for his brutality and awarded Hero of Russian Federation medal

Source ? I didn’t realize retired generals were privy to sensitive information a day after it happens.
To those of you who still foolishly believe that S400 is the best AD system in the world.
As you know, few days ago, CIA conducted second air strike in Idlib province wiping out another Hurras ad Deens target.
This is what russian senator Shamanov stated about the air strike “it came to us as a complete surprise although we have sophisticated Air Defense in the region “:partay::lol:
Shamanov is a retired General, was in charge of airborne, fought in Chechnya, where he was known for his brutality and awarded Hero of Russian Federation medal

American bomber took off from Qatar. A cruise missile was used. No American plane went into Syrian airspace. Idlib is 90 km from Jableh. It is highly unlikely S-400 radar can track cruise missile from that distance considering the small RCS.

Here is the salt of the article

The US president met Republican senators last July and asked them to give him room for further negotiations with Turkey before invoking any sanctions against Ankara.

Once all the options are exhausted, and new option is the last one, he’ll oblige and activate CAATSA.

CAATSA means no spare parts for Turkey's F-16.
American bomber took off from Qatar. A cruise missile was used. No American plane went into Syrian airspace. Idlib is 90 km from Jableh. It is highly unlikely S-400 radar can track cruise missile from that distance considering the small RCS.

CAATSA means no spare parts for Turkey's F-16.
Oh really? :lol::lol:
Go read technical characteristics of S400.
CAATSA means many other things. Such as sanctions on banking and financial institutions
Turkey may buy Patriots from US: Erdoğan
ANKARA- Anadolu Agency

Ankara will discuss purchasing U.S. Patriot missiles in a meeting between the two countries' leaders later this month, Turkey's president said on Sept 13.

"I said no matter what package of ... S-400s we get, we can buy from you a certain amount of Patriots," President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan told the Reuters news agency in an interview in Istanbul.

"But I said we have to see conditions that at least match up to the S-400s," added Erdoğan.

Erdoğan had earlier talked about buying Patriots with U.S. Donald Trump in a telephone call and the two will discuss the issue in more detail at the U.N. General Assembly meetings in New York later this month.

"In my opinion a country like the U.S. will not want to hurt its ally Turkey any more. This is not a rational behavior," Erdoğan said, who expressed hope that his personal bond with Trump would overcome the current crisis between two countries.

“This is not an offense, but a defense system. Turkey's needs such a defense system,” he said.

Underlining that Trump blames the Obama administration for refusal to sign a deal with Turkey to sell the Patriot missile system, Erdoğan said: “It is impossible to think that threats of sanctions reflect reality.”

He also reiterated that Turkey would take care of itself if Washington continued its current stance on Turkey's exclusion from the F-35 fighter jet program.

Highlighting that Russia supports Turkey in the defense industry, Erdoğan stressed that Russia offered Turkey to sell fighter jets Su-57 and Su-35.

In July, the U.S. suspended Turkey’s involvement in a program for F-35 fighter jets, saying its purchase of the Russian S-400 missile defense program could endanger the aircraft, a claim Turkey has consistently denied.

Turkey produces some parts of the F-35 jets and is a partner in the jet program. It has warned any effort to remove it from the production chain would be very costly.

"We support people from Idlib migrating at the moment as the Turkish Republic with Disaster Management Agency (AFAD) and Red Crescent by trying to deliver all kinds of aid," Erdoğan said.

He stated that there were already 3.6 million Syrian refugees in Turkey and Ankara cannot host anymore migrants, and added the West had no such problem.

Erdoğan emphasized Turkey would be holding an Idlib summit in Ankara on Monday where talks with Russia and Iran will be held on a lasting truce in Idlib.

The aim was not just an instant truce, but one to end migration, provide a cease-fire and end the terrorist networks in the area, he said.

President Erdoğan stated that the EU has not fulfilled its commitments on expenditures and Turkey would not remain silent in the face of the EU.

"This figure is now 3 billion euros. The EU had pledged €6 billion ($6.6 billion) aid to improve living conditions of Syrian refugees in Turkey, but only €2.22 billion ($2.45 billion) were disbursed as of this June, according to Turkey -- 40 billion dollars we have spent so far," he said.

He noted that he had a meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel during the week and he also met French President Emmanuel Macron and that discussions would continue in New York.

He said creating a safe zone will ensure that the migrants in Turkey would return to their own land and that there would be all kinds of education, health and shelter in their own land.

“It is Turkey which is fighting with these terror groups, we are your partner in NATO. You give them the weapons for free that you will not sell for money to your NATO ally,” he said.

“We are fed up with explaining this ... I think Trump must understand us,” Erdoğan added.
To those of you who still foolishly believe that S400 is the best AD system in the world.
As you know, few days ago, CIA conducted second air strike in Idlib province wiping out another Hurras ad Deens target.
This is what russian senator Shamanov stated about the air strike “it came to us as a complete surprise although we have sophisticated Air Defense in the region “:partay::lol:
Shamanov is a retired General, was in charge of airborne, fought in Chechnya, where he was known for his brutality and awarded Hero of Russian Federation medal

Hey butthurt moron, Shamanov never stated anything of what you wrote. Neither the trash sourced article you linked has anything of that. Stop spreading your own made up BS here.
Hey butthurt moron, Shamanov never stated anything of what you wrote. Neither the trash sourced article you linked has anything of that. Stop spreading your own made up BS here.
Butthurt moron is your constantly drunk russian father, ebanko
Shamanov is as Russian as the website that quoted him. I understand he is your favorite war hero for killing thousands of Chechens, an ethnic group, who you can’t even criticize without Kadyrovs permission :lol:
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