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Turkey’s Generation Z Turns Against Erdogan

HAHAAHAHAHA "high qualified" :rofl: I know you are too under-educated to know it---but the world's most priemere demographic research organizations like PEW, WVS, & Gallop etc...esp PEW and WVS are most thorough and rigorous in their methodologies. That's why Turkish Ph.D scholars use PEW/WVS more often than whatever "highly qualified" bs you are talking about. Just go on Google Scholar and see it for yourself (but I doubt you know how to use that service).

I already critized WVS findings about Iran:


WVS cannot be compared to PEW and Gallup.

Ps, no...you haven't shared "dozens" of surveys that looked at young people for a nationally representative sample in Turkey. Please show me the posts where you did (without editing those posts, that is lmao).

So you want me to repost what I already posted? OK








Oh God, this is beyond embarrassing. Daily Sabah is a newspaper, NOT a demographic organization. Daily Sabah is reporting what Gezici Research Company said (Gezici is pretty known for their botched surveys and methodologies to put out anti-AKP, pro-CHP propaganda. Ask me for examples and I'll provide you specific examples :) )

Dailysabah is THE mouthpiece of Erdogan, and it thinks all these different Turkish polls by Turkish Institutes are credible, therefore it writes an article about them.

You are the one who thinks a foreign poll is more credible than a Turkish poll done by qualified Turks in Turkey!

Yeah, that's why Erdogan hasn't lost an election in Turkey since 2002. Must be all the Pakistanis voting for him :rolleyes:

Erdogan has lost, he is only president because he allied with the Turkish Nazis!

I can show you a "study" that claims 59% of Iranians are non-Muslims. Very 'credible' looking research too. Would you believe it? I bet you wont even know what is wrong with that study's methodology and why scholars in the field mostly ignored it.

Correct, and that social media poll was debunked, I posted about it:


But the Twitter post doesn't exist anymore....guess someone didn't want the truth to be shown about the useless social media Gamaan poll.

So as I said, it is Pakistanis like you who are fanatic about Turks being momeneen Muslims, because you see Turkey as a role model, but the young Kuffar Turks only want gender studies to be taught at every Turkish school.
I already critized WVS findings about Iran:


WVS cannot be compared to PEW and Gallup.

Ok, what did PEW spring 2018-19 survey of Turkey said? Please find out before you embarrass yourself further :lol: :rofl:

PEW's data is pretty consistent with WVS-2020 series. That is, 95%+ Turkish youth identity as Muslims. Overwhelming majority reject homosexuality and premarital sex etc. Your low-IQ takes like "kuffar youth" are debunked by the data....and you are too laughably stupid to recognize it.


No you retard, I want you to post the actual data that shows Turkish Youth are turning kuffar and pro-homosexual? These are just exaggerationist headlines....similar headlines that these same institutions posted on Gamaan research (which we both agree was defunct).

For example, you posted DW.com's article without reading the survey it quotes. That survey is literally same as Gamaan. Non-representative sample, no control verification in metholodgy.

Now before you come across as a childish retard again, read what I'm saying. Please post a survey that is nationally representative which shows Turkish youth are turning pro-homosexuality and what not. Fact remains that almost all nationally representative surveys show that Turkish youth is 95%+ Muslim and majority of them against homosexuality, sex, and so on.




You are an under-educated kid and you might not understand English. But ask others to translate into perisan. What we are looking for here is actual research/study, NOT "links" of sensationalist news organizations using laughably wrong data as happens mostly. Do you get it? :lol:

Dailysabah is THE mouthpiece of Erdogan, and it thinks all these different Turkish polls by Turkish Institutes are credible, therefore it writes an article about them.

You are the one who thinks a foreign poll is more credible than a Turkish poll done by qualified Turks in Turkey!


Oh God, this is beyond embarrassing. Daily Sabah is a newspaper, NOT a demographic organization. Daily Sabah is reporting what Gezici Research Company said (Gezici is pretty known for their botched surveys and methodologies just like Gamaan to put out anti-AKP, pro-CHP propaganda. Ask me for examples and I'll provide you specific examples :)

rdogan has lost, he is only president because he allied with the Turkish Nazis!


Dude, this forum and the resident kids of 10th grade churning out their "anAlaysis" never gets old.

So as I said, it is Pakistanis like you who are fanatic about Turks being momeneen Muslims, because you see Turkey as a role model, but the young Kuffar Turks only want gender studies to be taught at every Turkish school.

I am critiquing your misuse of headines and laughable assertions that are debunked by cursory look at available data. Turkey will be Pakistan's ally under CHP as much as it is under AKP.

Question: Are you the only child of your parents? You literally exhibit behavior that's typical of a lonely, sad teenager trying to make meaning out of things. Get a girlfriend or something man :lol:

Obsessing over "gender studies, kuffar, homosexuality, feminism, Erdogan, Nazi"......You are a literal definition of an incel.
Ok, what did PEW spring 2018-19 survey of Turkey said? Please find out before you embarrass yourself further :lol: :rofl:

PEW's data is pretty consistent with WVS-2020 series. That is, 95%+ Turkish youth identity as Muslims. Overwhelming majority reject homosexuality and premarital sex etc. Your low-IQ takes like "kuffar youth" are debunked by the data....and you are too laughably stupid to recognize it.


No you retard, I want you to post the actual data that shows Turkish Youth are turning kuffar and pro-homosexual? These are just exaggerationist headlines....similar headlines that these same institutions posted on Gamaan research (which we both agree was defunct).

For example, you posted DW.com's article without reading the survey it quotes. That survey is literally same as Gamaan. Non-representative sample, no control verification in metholodgy.

Now before you come across as a childish retard again, read what I'm saying. Please post a survey that is nationally representative which shows Turkish youth are turning pro-homosexuality and what not. Fact remains that almost all nationally representative surveys show that Turkish youth is 95%+ Muslim and majority of them against homosexuality, sex, and so on.

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You are an under-educated kid and you might not understand English. But ask others to translate into perisan. What we are looking for here is actual research/study, NOT "links" of sensationalist news organizations using laughably wrong data as happens mostly. Do you get it? :lol:


Oh God, this is beyond embarrassing. Daily Sabah is a newspaper, NOT a demographic organization. Daily Sabah is reporting what Gezici Research Company said (Gezici is pretty known for their botched surveys and methodologies just like Gamaan to put out anti-AKP, pro-CHP propaganda. Ask me for examples and I'll provide you specific examples :)



Dude, this forum and the resident kids of 10th grade churning out their "anAlaysis" never gets old.

I am critiquing your misuse of headines and laughable assertions that are debunked by cursory look at available data. Turkey will be Pakistan's ally under CHP as much as it is under AKP.

Question: Are you the only child of your parents? You literally exhibit behavior that's typical of a lonely, sad teenager trying to make meaning out of things. Get a girlfriend or something man :lol:

Obsessing over "gender studies, kuffar, homosexuality, feminism, Erdogan, Nazi"......You are a literal definition of an incel.

For now, I don't have much time anymore, so short:

1. WVS is not credible.
2. I don't know about the PEW study, I have to see more.
3. I don't look at the studies I posted as isolated studies. I combine them to a whole picture.
4. I don't know about the metholodgy they use, because these studies are all in Turkish, I don't understand Turkish, and I don't have the time to translate them all and read them all, hence I read the English summary of them.
4. Yes, Dailysabah is a newspaper, it is THE mouthpiece of Erdogan, and it wrights about all the Turkish studies that you claim are less credible than a foreign poll.
5. I don't know about homosexuality, the studies don't talk about it.
6. If someone says he is a Muslim, that doesn't mean he believes in it. Here in Germany the vast majority claim they are religious, but they are only Muslim by name, at most culturall Muslims, but they don't live by it. Many Americans claim to be religious Christians, but they are not, words don't matter, action matter.
There are even Germans who call themselves Christians, but it's only a identity thing, they don't believe in it at all.
7. Of course I exagerate, because it I want to trigger people, that's the purpose of an exageration.
8. While the MHP gives it now a more conclusive face, it is also still the political wing of the Turkish Grey Wolves (just as the HDP is for the PKK). The spiritual father of the Grey Wolves is this one:
As long as they don't break with the Grey Wolves, I will call the MHP the Nazis.

9. What's the overuse of the emojis? And you call me a kid?
10. What's with the get-a-girlfriend and incel thing? You think that will silence me? I looked up what an incel is.....their arguments are basically the arguments that the Muslim world uses to belittle the Western world. So are Muslims incels?
What's with the girlfriend? Isn't that haram for you? When I look at your post you act like a religious one, but then you use the standard sentence that Westeners use to counter someone. So are you also Muslim only by Name, but at the same time you want Turkey to be a conservative, religious society? As you said "A strong Turkey with strong Muslim culture-identity under effective leadership is the best outcome for the world, especially the Muslim world."
How does that fit together? You want Sex, drugs and Rock'n'Roll but people in Turkey should not?

Random Iranian: You must hate and takfir Turkey because I say.

Pakistanis: No.

Also Random Iranian: Pakistanis hate Black people.

Pakistanis: ok.....
I honestly do not know what the big fuss is about. This is a trend (sadly) that is taking place everywhere. Societies (younger generations) are turning secular or just keep their faith between themselves and Allah and would rather religion be separated from government. I do not see why Turkey should be exempted !
So it is clear that Turkeys future will neither be momeneen nor Turk-Nazi!
The future of Turkey will without any doubt be pussified, anti-authotarian, godless, feminist, gay-loving, full-fledged Kuffar!

Good news
I honestly do not know what the big fuss is about. This is a trend (sadly) that is taking place everywhere. Societies (younger generations) are turning secular or just keep their faith between themselves and Allah and would rather religion be separated from government. I do not see why Turkey should be exempted !

Correct and this is great
8. While the MHP gives it now a more conclusive face, it is also still the political wing of the Turkish Grey Wolves (just as the HDP is for the PKK). The spiritual father of the Grey Wolves is this one:
As long as they don't break with the Grey Wolves, I will call the MHP the Nazis.

Considering this man, the German wikipedia has some good quotes of him:

Nihal Atsız – Wikipedia

Finally, I say it quite openly: Turkism is nationalism. Racism and turanism are among them.
We have conquered this country by shedding blood in streams and exterminated the Georgians, the Armenians and the Greeks.

And in his testament to his son Yagmur in 1941, Nihal Atsiz names his enemies:

"Yagmur my son,

Today you are exactly 1.5 years old, I have written my will and i close it. I leave you a picture of me as a souvenir. Listen to my advice and be a good Turk. Communism is a profession hostile to us, remember that well. The Jews are the secret enemy of all peoples. The Russians, the Chinese, the Persians and the Greeks are our historical enemies.
The Bulgarians, Germans, Italians, English, French, Arabs, Serbs, Croats, Spaniards, Portuguese and Romanians are our new enemies.
The Japanese, Afghans and Americans are our future enemies.
The Armenians, Kurds, Cherkeses, Abkhazians, Bosniaks, Pomaken, Lasen, Lesghier, Georgians and Chechens are our internal enemies. You have to prepare well to fight so many enemies. May 'Tanri' (God) help you."

Isn't this nice? And even Erdogan once qouted this svcker!
Considering this man, the German wikipedia has some good quotes of him:

Nihal Atsız – Wikipedia

Finally, I say it quite openly: Turkism is nationalism. Racism and turanism are among them.
We have conquered this country by shedding blood in streams and exterminated the Georgians, the Armenians and the Greeks.

And in his testament to his son Yagmur in 1941, Nihal Atsiz names his enemies:

"Yagmur my son,

Today you are exactly 1.5 years old, I have written my will and i close it. I leave you a picture of me as a souvenir. Listen to my advice and be a good Turk. Communism is a profession hostile to us, remember that well. The Jews are the secret enemy of all peoples. The Russians, the Chinese, the Persians and the Greeks are our historical enemies.
The Bulgarians, Germans, Italians, English, French, Arabs, Serbs, Croats, Spaniards, Portuguese and Romanians are our new enemies.
The Japanese, Afghans and Americans are our future enemies.
The Armenians, Kurds, Cherkeses, Abkhazians, Bosniaks, Pomaken, Lasen, Lesghier, Georgians and Chechens are our internal enemies. You have to prepare well to fight so many enemies. May 'Tanri' (God) help you."

Isn't this nice? And even Erdogan once qouted this svcker!

Whoa so he hates practically half of the Turkish population who has Caucasian,Greek,Persian,Armenian admixture dude looks like average Balkaner

He seems confident that Erdogan will lose....so I guess there are now too many young Kuffar Turks who are allowed to vote and can kick Recep out of his gigantic palace....

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