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Turkey’s Generation Z Turns Against Erdogan

In German television a Turkish university expert said there is the possibility that Erdogan will not hold the next elections in 2023 as scheduled, but two years earlier in 2021, because in 2023 too many young Kuffar Turks would participate in the elections so Erdogan would likely lose.
You guys are ridiculous. Generation Z is against the establishment in almost every single country on earth. You are making a problem out of nothing.

That's not true at all. What we see in many countries around the world are in comparison minor political changes, and they are made not only by the young, but go through all age groups.
What is currently going on in Turkey can if at all compared to the upheavals in the West in the late 60's. It doesn't manifest in street protests, but it goes much deeper.
Young people in Turkey are going full fledged Kuffar.

Turkish youth push back against conservative mores

Declining religious commitment shows limits of Erdogan efforts to create pious generation

January 3, 2020 5:00 am by
Laura Pitel and Nimet Kirac in Istanbul

On the surface, Ayla looks like a model young conservative of the kind that would make Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan proud. A graduate of one of Turkey’s imam hatip religious high schools, the 23-year-old can still recite parts of the Koran by heart. She lives in a gender-segregated university dormitory with a curfew and strict rules.

But privately she has shunned the values that her parents and the ruling party would like her to uphold. She describes herself as agnostic. When far from home, she takes off her headscarf. Occasionally she drinks. “Conservative families right now cannot keep up with the modern world,” she said. “This religious conservative upbringing is outdated.”

Ayla, who asked to be identified by a pseudonym, is a symbol of the limits of Mr Erdogan’s efforts to shape Turkey in his image. The Turkish president has often said that he wants to raise a new “pious generation” of young people — a move that is part of a wider effort to shift the nation away from the legacy of his nation’s arch-secularist founding father, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. Speaking to his party’s youth branch in 2012, he set out his vision of an ideal young citizen with “a Koran and a computer” in their hand.


Ayla: "Conservative families right now cannot keep up with the modern world,” © Nimet Kirac

At the forefront of his effort to reshape society has been education. Mr Erdogan has increased funding for Turkey’s religious affairs directorate, which lays on Koran courses for students across the country. Since 2011, he has tripled the number of imam hatip high schools, which place a strong emphasis on religious studies. And in mainstream schools, steps have been taken to curb the teaching of evolution and boost the number of hours devoted to religion.

Yet, despite this drive, there is evidence that the project is having limited success so far. A survey of 5,800 people published last year by the polling agency Konda showed that Turkish youth were less likely than the wider population to describe themselves as “religious conservative”. They were also less likely to say that they fasted or prayed regularly, or that they

The same survey found that those aged 15 to 29 were not only less religiously conservative than their elders, but also less so than the same age group a decade earlier. “Erdogan aggressively expanded religious education . . . But, paradoxically, people are getting less religious, especially younger segments of the population,” said Gul Ozyegin, a sociologist based at the College of William and Mary in Virginia. “The outcome must be hugely disappointing [for the ruling party].”

Mr Erdogan’s push for a pious generation is relatively recent, beginning in earnest in about 2011 as he embarked on his third term as prime minister. If the 65-year-old, who became president in 2014, remains in power for many more years, he may make further inroads in his efforts to mould society.

Bursa Cebeci

Twitter opened Bursa Cebeci's eyes to opposing views © Nimet Kirac

But, given that half the population is under the age of 32, even relatively small shifts among the country’s youth could have worrying political ramifications for Mr Erdogan and his Justice and Development party (AKP). Members of parliament from the ruling party privately admit that they have difficulty in drumming up enthusiasm among young people, many of whom do not remember the “bad old days” that their parents associate with the pre-AKP era.

Pollsters said that Ekrem Imamoglu, the opposition candidate who won election as mayor of Istanbul last year, drew his support disproportionately from the city’s youth.

The AKP’s effort to forge a new generation of young religious conservatives has been undermined by the party’s own actions, said Ihsan Eliacik, a leftwing Islamic theologian who is fiercely opposed to the government. “People saw that, even though they claim to be Muslims, they committed the worst sins,” he said, accusing the ruling party of human rights abuses and corruption.

Hafize Cetinkaya, a Turkish teacher from the city of Konya whose father is a long-term AKP supporter, believes the ruling party is “hypocritical”. The 27-year-old added: “What the current government is doing goes against religious values. I do not feel close to them.”

Hafize Cetinkaya

Hafize Cetinkaya: 'What the current government is doing goes against religious values' © Nimet Kirac

Many young people cite social media as an important factor in shaping their outlook. Busra Cebeci, the daughter of AKP supporters who grew up in a conservative town near the Black Sea, said that, as a teenager, Twitter opened her eyes.

“I would see all the opposing views coming from different people,” said the 25-year-old journalist for an opposition news outlet. “I started questioning, and asking: what side do I belong on?”

For Ayla, the turning point came when she volunteered at a charity where she was exposed to discussions about women's rights. Her interest piqued, she began reading voraciously and sought out like-minded young women online.

At the moment, her parents are in the dark about how far she has drifted away from their values, but she said that they will eventually find out. “My family will, of course, want me to get married,” she said. “But when I graduate and have economic freedom, it’s not going to happen.”

A brilliant, highly qualitative in-depth study that this time focuses not on all Turks, but exclusively on the voters of Erdogan and his Nazi allies. It's a very long read, so you have to take some time. Better open the page twice in two Tabs, so you can always directly turn to the second Tab if you want to read the Endnnotes:

Turkey’s President Erdoğan Is Losing Ground at Home

By Max Hoffman August 24, 2020, 3:00 am

Generational change and shifting attitudes in conservative Turkey could bring fragmentation of the dominant right-wing bloc and, potentially, a new political alignment—prospects that will continue to shape President Erdoğan’s actions at home and abroad.

It shows that Erdogan supporters are no monolithic bloc, and for many of them religion is not the reason why they support him.
Unfortunately, this brilliant study only focuses on the right and not on the whole Turkish society, but if you combine it with all the previous articles, the future of Turkey is clear: Full fledged Kuffar.
Erdogan announced plans for new regulations to control social-media platforms or shut them down entirely.

Very stupid move. I’m against censorship when it comes to expression.

Also homojan, you should stop running your fucking mouth and especially when you don’t know anything about Pakistanis. Yeah we are religious but we don’t care about how religious Turks are. We care about our joint national interests more than anything else.
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All young people get into liberal values when young, maybe to rebel but it is a fact that as they get older they become more conservative. And most young people don't vote.

If lying to yourself makes you comfortable....you didn't even read the article so you can continue to live in your fantasy bubble.

Also homojan, you should stop running your fucking mouth and when you don’t know anything about Pakistanis.

I didn't talk about Pakistanis.

Yeah we are religious but we don’t care about how religious Turks are.

Oh yes you do, that is all you care about! Twenty years ago, no Pakistani cared about Turkey. Then Erdogan came, and suddenly Pakistanis found out that they have a "special bond" with Turkey. Erdogan has by far the most supporters in the world in Pakistan.
Pakistani love for Turkey is conditioned on Erdogan being Turkeys president, and if one day a opposition canditate becomes president with no Islamic garb around his body, then no Pakistani will talk about a "special bond" with Turkey anymore.
So don't pretend that you don't care about the developments in Turkey, it's so obvious that this is not true.
Very stupid move. I’m against censorship when it comes to expression.

Also homojan, you should stop running your fucking mouth and when you don’t know anything about Pakistanis. Yeah we are religious but we don’t care about how religious Turks are. We care about our joint national interests more than anything else.

If lying to yourself makes you comfortable....you didn't even read the article so you can continue to live in your fantasy bubble.

I didn't talk about Pakistanis.

Oh yes you do, that is all you care about! Twenty years ago, no Pakistani cared about Turkey. Then Erdogan came, and suddenly Pakistanis found out that they have a "special bond" with Turkey. Erdogan has by far the most supporters in the world in Pakistan.
Pakistani love for Turkey is conditioned on Erdogan being Turkeys president, and if one day a opposition canditate becomes president with no Islamic garb around his body, then no Pakistani will talk about a "special bond" with Turkey anymore.
So don't pretend that you don't care about the developments in Turkey, it's so obvious that this is not true.

We have an Ataturk road in Pakistan since the 50's, we have had a very strong relationship with the Turks, when the Kemalists, were in charge and even when the secular military was in charge.

We don't care about how religious the Turks are, our other ally is a Communist atheist country.
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Twenty years ago, no Pakistani cared about Turkey. Then Erdogan came, and suddenly Pakistanis found out that they have a "special bond" with Turkey. Erdogan has by far the most supporters in the world in Pakistan.
How did you get to this conclusion? Pakistanis have become less religious over the past 20 years specially after consecutive governments invested deeply in enlightened moderation.

You can say Turkey has enjoyed political stability over the past 20 years giving rise to the soft power image
Most Erdogan supporters in the world live in Pakistan, by far.
Pakistan is 250 million strong country.

Turkey enjoys a strong bond with Pakistan regardless her internal politics.
this is not the right place for that.
Correct but then again Turkish member participation is minimal these days on the forum
A Turkish Navy Admiral on how to unite Turkey and especially the Turkish Youth:

As he clearly says, the Ikhwanist foreign policy is dead, and military imperialism will now be Turkeys foreign policy.
And he clearly hopes this Turkish supremacy (and not Islam) will rally the whole Turkish youth behind Turkish politics (and therefore behind Erdogan).

I think in the short term it will work, but when you look at how the Turkish youth changed, Turkish supremacy will not work in the long term. In future Turkish Youth will be like their counterparts in the West, that means young Turks will be this pussyfied, anti-authoritarian, godless, feminist, gay-loving Kuffar.
young Turks will be this pussyfied, anti-authoritarian, godless, feminist, gay-loving Kuffar.
lol bro by the end of this decade most humanity will be just like you described, it's a good thing, it will make it easier for the army of islam to clean that shit up !!
Turkey by then will not politicaly united, turks just like all humans will have to pick a side.
What some dont get that there is a difference between Right wing, Right conservative wing, Right religious conservative wing and alot of Turkey's right wing parties would be considered equivalent to our far left party. If anybody wants to know what the nature of the state is like and how it will be impacted, they need to read the constitution like say the Preamble which is the soul of the constitution. Fine that no left party has won in turkey since 1950 so lets see what the constitutions that the right wing parties brought forth. The 1982 Constitution which is in effect, Lets see their preamble

So here we have Turkey give importance to the founding father as the immortal hero who saved turkey and his principles are named as part of the Constitution. We didnt do that with Qauid e Azam. We couldnt since his principles would have seen us become more like Turkey and less Islamic.

no problem here

Ahh you see they have given supremacy to the nation. All sovereignty resting to the people whereas we have given it to God and have heralded the people as vicegerents.

The Constitutions preamble dictates modernism and no interference in religion of the public. That is basically the center of secularism. That is the constitution the 'Right Wing Party" framed. Ataturks 1924 Constitution had Islamic in it.

again it is entrusted to the people. The people are the center, the sovereign power and the backbone of the country. This is a very secular and western constitution. Lets match this with our preamble.

Now see the two preambles and you will come to understand the major difference between the two nations and their thinking and how their right wing is noting like ours. Their right wing is conservative turkish whereas ours is conservative Islamic.

Their Article 2

c1. The Republic of Turkey is a democratic, secular and social state governed by the rule of law; bearing in mind the concepts of public peace, national solidarity and justice; respecting human rights; loyal to the nationalism of Atatürk, and based on the fundamental tenets set forth in the Preamble.

Our Article 2

2Islam to be State religion
Islam shall be the State religion of Pakist

2AThe Objectives Resolution to form part of substantive provisions.
The principles and provisions set out in the Objectives Resolution reproduced in the Annex are hereby made substantive part of the Constitution and shall have effect accordingly.

Their articles dictate the laicite nature of Turkey and ours dictate that we are Islamic. Both are making their own destiny but rather than stamp turkey with an Islamic stamp, we must first understand what is their thinking, their history, their constitution so that we can truly increase our relations with each other and hug them as brothers that understand each other rather than brothers saying you are muslim, i am muslim so love me brother. The Islamic brotherhood was meant to be the first road to understanding the other person and to get to know him. It was not the end but the beginning of that journey of understanding.

You are another secular game on this forum. Sometimes you take the side of Indians, sometimes you misrepesent Turkey, and seems you have an axe to grind against our constitution.

Turkish is 98%+ Muslim nation, with a strong cultural identity grounded in both racial identity, history, and İslam. It is a holistic mindset. A Türk, when referred to as such, is usually both an ethnic Türk and a Muslim at the same time. There is no division.

You ultra-secularists are seeking a model which does not exist.

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