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Turkey’s Generation Z Turns Against Erdogan

Turkey’s Generation Z Turns Against Erdogan

The Turkish leader tried to mold a generation of pious followers. Instead, the country’s youth could bring about his final defeat.


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s online address to students on June 26 was the latest sign that his efforts to shape Turkey’s young generation in his image have failed. Thousands of students joining the YouTube livestream disliked the video and used the comments section to criticize Erdogan and tell him that he wouldn’t get their vote. They were justifiably frustrated that the government had shifted the date of this year’s university entrance exam back and forth several times over the past few months, a result of poor pandemic-related planning. But in the days that followed, the students’ frustration turned into general anger at Erdogan. The video has received 422,000 dislikes and the hashtag #OyMoyYok—no votes for you—became a trending topic on Turkish Twitter. Not only did Erdogan’s office disable the video’s comments, but shortly afterward, Erdogan announced plans for new regulations to control social-media platforms or shut them down entirely.

The students were frustrated at the government’s handling of this year’s university entrance exam—but in the days that followed, their frustration turned into general anger at Erdogan.

A whole generation of Turkish youth has now grown up under Erdogan—first as prime minister, then as president. With half of the country’s population below the age of 32, what young people think has significant political ramifications. No one seems to know this better than Erdogan: Beginning in 2012, he embarked on a project to raise “pious generations.” His main tool to accomplish this has been the country’s education system, including by pouring billions of dollars into religious education. He dramatically increased the number of imam hatip secondary schools, which were originally founded by the state as vocational institutions to train young men to become imams and preachers, and extended this system to lower age groups. At regular public schools, he increased the number of hours dedicated to religious education and banned the teaching of evolution from the curriculum.

But religious schools are underperforming and have little appeal among Turkish youth. A recent poll found that religiosity is much lower in the younger generation, with far fewer describing themselves as “religiously conservative” than society as a whole. Growing numbers of young people—even students at imam hatip schools—are rejecting Islam altogether. A 2018 workshop organized by the Ministry of National Education in the traditionally conservative Anatolian town of Konya found that students in imam hatip schools are questioning or abandoning Islam in growing numbers. Many now consider themselves deists—people who believe in a divine being but don’t adhere to the tenets of Islam. Pro-Erdogan media portray deism as just another Western conspiracy, but for young people, disillusionment with religion and the government goes hand in hand. Under Erdogan, his critics say, Islam has been stripped of its moral core and instrumentalized to cover up corruption and legitimize his one-man rule. This pushes young people to search for other sources of moral authority.

Young people’s rejection of Erdogan’s brand of Islamic conservatism also has to do with the poor quality of education as religion displaces standard subjects. Even conservative parents worry that the heavy dose of religious instruction in secondary schools prevents their children from learning enough math, science, and technology to successfully compete in university exams.

Young people’s rejection of Erdogan’s brand of Islamic conservatism also has to do with the poor quality of education as religion displaces standard subjects.

Growing concern about the quality of education is about more than religion, however. It also has to do with Erdogan’s increasing interference in the university system. Following the introduction of the presidential system in 2018, Erdogan now has the sole authority to appoint the heads of all public and private universities. Many of these have been political loyalists with poor academic qualifications.

The quality of education has become one of the top worries among young Turks, many of whom believe that they can only get a good education in a Western country. Even as the share of high school graduates going on to higher education has increased, young people doubt that their degree will land them a decent job. (Youth unemployment hit a record 27 percent last year.) Compounding their worries is the spread of nepotism under Erdogan. A large majority of Turks now believe that it isn’t what you know but who you know that will land you a job. Even those who support Erdogan complain about the lack of merit-based hiring in both the public and private sectors.

Feeding the youth revolt against Erdogan is the worry about increasing authoritarianism and the curtailment of freedoms. According to a 2018 poll, a large majority values freedom of expression, and young Turks are more tolerant toward different ethnic and religious groups and toward homosexuality than a similar age group polled 10 years previously. The number of respondents who said political parties can be banned if necessary has also declined significantly in the past few years. An overwhelming majority of the new generation that has grown up under Erdogan wants to move abroad in search of freedom and opportunity.

If Erdogan has largely failed to mold the new generation to support him, his efforts were not wasted entirely. Since 2015, he has built his electoral strategy on an anti-Kurdish platform, undoing his previous efforts at reconciliation with Turkey’s largest ethnic and linguistic minority. Erdogan has criminalized the Kurdish opposition, thrown the democratically elected members of the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party in jail, and replaced the party’s mayors with Erdogan-appointed trustees. At the same time, he has promoted an increasingly anti-Western Turkish nationalism that seeks to expand Turkish power in the region. Nationalist and anti-Kurdish sentiment has found strong support among both secular and conservative youth, making them less tolerant toward the Kurds’ demands for equality. Kurdish youth holds similarly skeptical attitudes vis-à-vis ethnic Turks. Kurds say they avoid talking about politics with their Turkish friends, and the number of intermarriages has declined.

They have watched him morph from a dynamic leader to an exhausted autocrat struggling to govern.

Erdogan’s nationalism has also turned to “civilization” rhetoric, particularly since 2012. The country’s Muslim roots and imperial Ottoman past are often glorified. These efforts seem to have paid off: Many young people now identify themselves as part of the Middle East, unlike previous generations under more secular, Western-oriented governments. But their hopes and aspirations tell a different story. They want to get a secular education and live in a modern, free, and democratic country. They prefer living in Europe over the Middle East. More than 70 percent of young people said they would prefer to live in Switzerland than Saudi Arabia, even if it meant making do with a monthly salary of $5,000 instead of $10,000.

Turkey’s youths have known nothing but Erdogan’s leadership. They have watched him morph from a dynamic leader building a more democratic, prosperous, and Western-oriented Turkey to an exhausted autocrat struggling to govern. Changing the date of the university entrance exam, on which so much in a young person’s life depends, was just the latest indication that Erdogan was failing them. As they now say “no votes for you,” Erdogan has not only failed to raise a generation of supporters, but may have raised the generation that will finally defeat him.

Hey troll, you are creating drama and problems after we discredited you multiple times and mods shut down your thread in which you kept claiming Pakistanis are racist against blacks.

Why don't you find another outlet to spread your filth? You are bringing down the quality of our forum.

If Erdogan wins another election, I want to see your antics next. Will you move to some other false propaganda and fake news?

Maybe you will find out Pakistanis are racist against Eskimos or Hawaiians, or something. Lol.
While in this thread I have already shown with evidence that Erdogan totally lost the Turkish youth, here another one that is worrisome:

"One study by Turkish economists Ayse Aylin Bayar, Oner Guncavdi and Haluk Levent predicts the number of impoverished Turks could double this year to nearly 20 million, and set back by two decades progress in narrowing inequality.

That would effectively wipe out the successes of Erdogan’s Islamist-rooted AK Party (AKP) and could test his staunchest voter base at the next general election set for 2023."

If that is true and if that really happens, then Erdogan will also lose older voters, and then it won't even be a close race in the 2023 elections, Erdogan will be totally wiped out from the map.
I disagree. Having spent few days in Turkey recently i have concluded that Turkey is en route to becoming another 'Britain on the Anatolia'. Just another regular Western country. This is something Paks don't get. Turkey is centre of the Western world. Indeed Turkey has greater claim to being fountain of the Western world then USA, Germany and is probably just behind Greece in that regard. A typical young Turk has more in common with a young Briton then a young Pakistani.

This can be seen by the shock many Paks have got when they found out what lay beyond their on screen idols on the Ertugrul series.
Totally agree. LMAO. what a post. hahaha
Since 1950, the “seculars” in Turkey have never won a general election with the absolute majority.....

The White Turks are always dissatisfied....

Around 60% of the folks in Turkey are conservatives....

They are just laying the groundwork/narrative for when they try to oust Erdogan again, should Biden get elected. To achieve a “Balance”.

every Generation has their own way of processing things, i bet our Generation Z or X or whatever will be against our leaders ..
They are just laying the groundwork/narrative for when they try to oust Erdogan again, should Biden get elected. To achieve a “Balance”.

They're goanna fail....

Even they have failed in the Turkish Cyprus's Presidentisal election today as the conservative candidate has won....
Another coup attempt?

Erdoğan's crackdown put a quick end to that likelihood, hence the anger.
From now on nothing's going to work for them - Karabag' is the starting point....
Another coup attempt?

Erdoğan's crackdown put a quick end to that likelihood, hence the anger.

Don’t underestimate how p’d off the west is toward Turkey. They will try again, which is why there will be a Belarus or Thai style “Color Revolution”. Keep your ears to the ground. Media blitz on Turkey to push a narrative: treatment of the Syrians, Kurds, Refugees to Europe, support for Azerbaijan, buying Russian Arms, Oil snuggling from Syria and Iran, Not being supportive of the Mideast peace process, Bullying Greece, stealing other’s oil, interference in Libya etc. there are a lot of angles to try to malign Turkey.

The finding states that 48% of the participants, who said they will vote for the AK Party are older than the age of 44, while only 13.9% of the participants at the age interval between 18-27 shows support for the ruling party. On the contrary, CHP gets 37.4% support from ages 18-27, followed by DEVA with 33.3%.

In 2023 the gender-concerned, feminist young Kuffar Turks will break the back of Erdogan.
The finding states that 48% of the participants, who said they will vote for the AK Party are older than the age of 44, while only 13.9% of the participants at the age interval between 18-27 shows support for the ruling party. On the contrary, CHP gets 37.4% support from ages 18-27, followed by DEVA with 33.3%.

And if AKP gets 13.9%, CHP 37.4% and DEVA 33.3%, that combined makes 84.6%.

So there are only 15.4% left for HDP, MHP, IP, SP and GP.

So if we are very generous, the MHP gets 6%. Combine that with the 13.9% of AKP, that means that Turkeys ruling coalition only gets 20% support from the young population, today at the beginning of 2021!
In July 2023, when millions of new Kids will be allowed to vote, the AKP-MHP may only get 15% from the youngsters, if we are generous!

So it is clear that Turkeys future will neither be momeneen nor Turk-Nazi!
The future of Turkey will without any doubt be pussified, anti-authotarian, godless, feminist, gay-loving, full-fledged Kuffar!
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And if AKP gets 13.9%, CHP 37.4% and DEVA 33.3%, that combined makes 84.6%.

So there are only 15.4% left for HDP, MHP, IP, SP and GP.

So if we are very generous, the MHP gets 6%. Combine that with the 13.9% of AKP, that means that Turkeys ruling coalition only gets 20% support from the young population, today at the beginning of 2021!
In July 2023, when millions of new Kids will be allowed to vote, the AKP-MHP may only get 15% from the youngsters, if we are generous!

So it is clear that Turkeys future will neither be momeneen nor Turk-Nazi!
The future of Turkey will without any doubt be pussified, anti-authotarian, godless, feminist, gay-loving, full-fledged Kuffar!


Not even close. Look up recent nationally representative surveys from Turkey...such WVS 2017-2020 wave released few months ago. Younger generation in Turkey is still 97%-98% Muslim, and overwhelming majority of them are against homosexuality, premarital sex, and so on. AKP still remains the largest party among most age-cohorts (even if it enjoys lower approval among the youth)


AKP will most likely win 2023 election. Their real challenge will come in 2027-28 when AKP will fight elections without Erdogan at the top of the ticket. That's opposition's only chance.

A strong Turkey with strong Muslim culture-identity under effective leadership is the best outcome for the world, especially the Muslim world. Mentally unstable, frustrated dotards like @Indus Pakistan have been exaggerating and hyperventilating since years now. Nobody cares about them. He literally sees some Turkish girls in skirts at a resort town and he thinks "Turkey is more Western than Germany!!!! Flood of secularization imminent!!!" :omghaha:

Meanwhile Turkey is far more religious than any other country in Europe and also most countries in Latin Americas.

Those of us who are in data-field and know how to dissect a survey, rather than getting over arsehole peppered over dumb headlines, know this very well. Few examples for ya'll :D (See, even Turkish teenagers are overwhelmingly religious for the most part)




Note: Anything below 5.50 in the "mean" column means majority of the society does not approve. For homosexuality and premarital sex etc---Turkish society is not even at 3 mean, let alone 5.50 (which is the break-even point). In simple terms: overwhelming majority of the society disapproves of these behaviors. The highest in Europe and most Latin America.

But yeah, carry on with your fantasies :cheesy:

Edit: Just read that the survey you are quoting with AKP receiving on 13% of young vote is done by.....Gezici Research Company :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

A well known crony organization with extreme pro-CHP/Secularist and anti-AKP/Erdogan agenda. They dont even release their metholodgy and report results to the public often and keep on making up numbers. What a farce :lol:
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Not even close. Look up recent nationally representative surveys from Turkey...such WVS 2017-2020 wave released few months ago. Younger generation in Turkey is still 97%-98% Muslim, and overwhelming majority of them are against homosexuality, premarital sex, and so on. AKP still remains the largest party among most age-cohorts (even if it enjoys lower approval among the youth)

View attachment 708263

AKP will most likely win 2023 election. Their real challenge will come in 2027-28 when AKP will fight elections without Erdogan at the top of the ticket. That's opposition's only chance.

A strong Turkey with strong Muslim culture-identity under effective leadership is the best outcome for the world, especially the Muslim world. Mentally unstable, frustrated dotards like @Indus Pakistan have been exaggerating and hyperventilating since years now. Nobody cares about them. He literally sees some Turkish girls in skirts at a resort town and he thinks "Turkey is more Western than Germany!!!! Flood of secularization imminent!!!" :omghaha:

Meanwhile Turkey is far more religious than any other country in Europe and also most countries in Latin Americas

What is this nonsense?

1) You don't post the source of your survey, because you are so insecure.

2) In this thread I have posted dozens of links where surveys which were made inside of Turkey by highly qualified Turkish institutes clearly shows what young Turks think.

3) The last one is from dailysabah:


Dailysabah is THE mouthpiece of Erdogan, and even that shows what young Kuffar Turks think.

But I understand why you react this way: as I already said, the vast majority of Erdogan supporters in this world are Pakistanis, not Turks!

Therefore it will not change the fact that in future, young Turks will only be concerned about how many toilettes are in a restaurant, only two for men and woman, or also a third one for "gender-divers", and also about how many sexes really exist, only 42 or maybe even 44!

That is the future of Turkey!!!
What is this nonsense?

1) You don't post the source of your survey, because you are so insecure.

I posted the source. I literally wrote it out for you "WVS 2017-2020"

Could have just googled it but its okay, I'll spoon feed you.

There you go (Select Turkey and see results)


2) In this thread I have posted dozens of links where surveys which were made inside of Turkey by highly qualified Turkish institutes clearly shows what young Turks think.

HAHAAHAHAHA "high qualified" :rofl: I know you are too under-educated to know it---but the world's most priemere demographic research organizations like PEW, WVS, & Gallop etc...esp PEW and WVS are most thorough and rigorous in their methodologies. That's why Turkish Ph.D scholars use PEW/WVS more often than whatever "highly qualified" bs you are talking about. Just go on Google Scholar and see it for yourself (but I doubt you know how to use that service).

Ps, no...you haven't shared "dozens" of surveys that looked at young people for a nationally representative sample in Turkey. Please show me the posts where you did (without editing those posts, that is lmao).

Stop embarrassing yourself and learn a thing or two about how to work with social statistics (something I do regularly at my current job at a Forbes100 company).

3) The last one is from dailysabah:


Dailysabah is THE mouthpiece of Erdogan, and even that shows what young Kuffar Turks think.


Oh God, this is beyond embarrassing. Daily Sabah is a newspaper, NOT a demographic organization. Daily Sabah is reporting what Gezici Research Company said (Gezici is pretty known for their botched surveys and methodologies to put out anti-AKP, pro-CHP propaganda. Ask me for examples and I'll provide you specific examples :) )

But I understand why you react this way: as I already said, the vast majority of Erdogan supporters in this world are Pakistanis, not Turks!

Yeah, that's why Erdogan hasn't lost an election in Turkey since 2002. Must be all the Pakistanis voting for him :rolleyes:

Therefore it will not change the fact that in future, young Turks will only be concerned about how many toilettes are in a restaurant, only two for men and woman, or also a third one for "gender-divers", and also about how many sexes really exist, only 42 or maybe even 44!

That is the future of Turkey!!!

That's a very dumb statement to make. 'Future' can be 1000 years into the future...we dont know. All we know, and all we are talking about, is that it wont happen in next 5 years. Not even close. I already gave you the data and evidence of how Turkish youth thinks. Please dont quote me unless you have some good studies to back your claim.

Good study = Random sampling, nationally representative at a bare minimum.

I can show you a "study" that claims 59% of Iranians are non-Muslims. Very 'credible' looking research too. Would you believe it? :D I bet you wont even know what is wrong with that study's methodology and why scholars in the field mostly ignored it.

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