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Turkey’s Generation Z Turns Against Erdogan

It's like seeing MMM-E's posts: "No one can match regional superpower Turkiye"

Ah it's Ottoman? Ah tamam,tamam.
Thousands of students joining the YouTube livestream disliked the video and used the comments section to criticize Erdogan and tell him that he wouldn’t get their vote.

So now elections and leaders would be decided by unverified Social Media likes and comments? There is no limit to this Western propaganda. :cheesy:

Tell me how many of those likes and comments were made by Greeks, Iranians, Arabs and the French? :rofl::lol:
There is no limit to this Western propaganda. :cheesy:

If you don't like Western propaganda, maybe you like Turkish propaganda?!

Wow, Turks really love all this Korean gay shit

But to Turkeys defence, the worlds biggest lovers are in Indonesia:

so it is clear that Turkeys future will not be defined by Islam or turk-nazism, but by feminism, genderism und LGBTQ-rights :enjoy:


And the next scientific evidence from a pro-Erdogan institution that proofs how much the young Kuffar Turks detest Erdogan. Only 11% would vote for him, and only 7% for the Nazis, and these numbers will further decrease till the 2023 elections.

No matter what Erdogan does, in future the full fledged young Kuffar Turks will only care about gay rights and correct gender speech, nothing else!

Erdogan has failed miserably!!!
What some dont get that there is a difference between Right wing, Right conservative wing, Right religious conservative wing and alot of Turkey's right wing parties would be considered equivalent to our far left party. If anybody wants to know what the nature of the state is like and how it will be impacted, they need to read the constitution like say the Preamble which is the soul of the constitution. Fine that no left party has won in turkey since 1950 so lets see what the constitutions that the right wing parties brought forth. The 1982 Constitution which is in effect, Lets see their preamble
Well there's the Kemalist Nationalists,the Islamist Turkish nationalists who want Turkey to be one of the dominant powers in the Islamic world,the Turanist Pan-turkic nationalists,many of which are kind of pagan and basically it's a bit like European nationalists who tend to be secular/religious conservative traditionalists/pagan ultranationalist etc.

And the next scientific evidence from a pro-Erdogan institution that proofs how much the young Kuffar Turks detest Erdogan. Only 11% would vote for him, and only 7% for the Nazis, and these numbers will further decrease till the 2023 elections.

No matter what Erdogan does, in future the full fledged young Kuffar Turks will only care about gay rights and correct gender speech, nothing else!

Erdogan has failed miserably!!!

Erdogan really opened a can of worms for himself when he reformed the constitution. And his "purges" turned out to actually clear the road for the opposition.

Now besides a clean loss, and clean victory dictated by the previous electoral system (since he positioned AKP to be an "anti-everything" party,) he now has to deal with a prospect of a messy nor-loss-nor-victory (losing presidential race, but winning the parliament,) and messy loss (loss by small margin, but and having to bargain with 3-4 minor parties,) and a messy victory (he loses the parliament, but still gets elected as a president.)
judging by Erdogan's sneaky actions in Syraq and Libya, the guy wants to have everything at same time. He appears to be charismatic among his followers for some random fiery speeches. But actions speak louder than making noise here and there. The guy is full of contradictions, he sometimes contradicts himself too.

Supporting Palestinians and making friendship with Israelis keeping their embassy in shadows of Ankara.

Talking about Islam and staying in NATO at same time.

Claiming peace and at same time supporting ISIS and Qaeda here and there.

Whenever Erdogan defines a goal, he chooses the most inhumane way to reach his aspirations. Revive Ottoman empire even if millions of Muslims would suffer. Hypocrisy at its finest
Well if Turkey is having any problems, we can send our tableeghi brothers.

Tabligh is already active in Turkey for last 70 years but still very small % of people are practicing Muslim. Most people in Turkey are liberal/westernized but recently due to Turkish historical dramas people are interested in learning their history and glorious past.
And another poll:

All different polls from different institutes clearly show one thing: in 2023 Erdogan will be wiped out once and for all!!!
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