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Turkey's Erdogan looking into banning Facebook & Youtube

Turks can still bypass them tho, proxy browser exist.
I doubt he will do this.

He is just saying this to satisfy the islamic moronic extremist. Soon are elections, you know. He is just playing politics. He is doing the same with nationalist:

He is always saying. I'm going to send another flotilla to Israel but with Turkish navy behind it. I'm going to hang PKK leader. I'm going to bomb north-Iraq to satisfy nationalist but he never does this.

It is politics.
He is just saying this to satisfy the islamic moronic extremist. Soon are elections, you know. He is just playing politics. He is doing the same with nationalist:
There arent even enough islamist to make such a statement, i mean why would he make all the others angry just to get maybe 1% more votes while losing 10% because of such a move?

Besides the ultra religious also dont like Erdogan because he isnt radical enough.

Hes just talking because all the tapes about his corruption are beeing released in You Tube, but all empty words as allways.
As other Turkish members pointed out he isnt going to ban it but nonenthless pathetic statement by him.

Turkey has finally woken up and rejected these tools of the godless west that poison the minds of our young Muslims. Next step: banning alcohol.
Then why you are using internet and computer which has been also invented by west and evil Jews??
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Then why you are using internet and computer which has been also invented by west and evil Jews??
Dummy, without algorithm you wouldn't have a computer to write such nonsense. Indians would also not have callcenters to menace people's time because there wouldn't be phones.
he is great leader ..people like him so much..iam the one of them..he changed alot in Turkey but unfortunatlly many Turkish in this forum would deny.. some Turkish and foreign people are making bad ugly false propaganda about him but it wont work . reason : People like and respect him what he done..
he is great leader ..people like him so much..iam the one of them..he changed alot in Turkey but unfortunatlly many Turkish in this forum would deny.. some Turkish and foreign people are making bad ugly false propaganda about him but it wont work . reason : People like and respect him what he done..
Care to share your opinion about the subject instead of making empty propaganda?
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