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Turkey's army on red alert, Syria in "real war", Spec. ops. in Syria

To do list for a Typical Turcophobe (TT) who can not hide the truth anymore and get caught red handed with his lies;

- Unfoundedly tell them that they are talking nonsense.
(Yes, because a TT always tells the truth, and he never needs a source and he never needs to answer a question cause a he is a supa-dupa TT )

- Try to manipulate people's minds with simple mind games like saying read this, read that etc.
(Just tell us what you want to say if you know something. Just answer simple 10 questions, dont answer questions with new questions.)

Kajutyun the suppa-duppaTurcophobe,

We all know that you can not answer my questions (The 10 Questions) because you and your comrades have no answers for them. Because You are the biggest liers of human history. "Armo-Genocide" is the biggest scam of history. Deep in your soul you know that too.

Ok let's simplify the quiz for you just answer the Question no.10

10) If the Armenians are so convinced a genocide occurred, and assuming their typically exemplary character suffers a shortfall by not recognizing the terms of the Leninakan treaty (Treaty of Alexandropol, Gümrü antlaşması), why don’t they take their case to an international legal body, such as the World Court?

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/turkey...-real-war-spec-ops-syria-6.html#ixzz2025tyVKh

You call me a Turcaphobe as if I should be insulted by such a name.

You probably pulled those questions from some Kemalist website. I'm not impressed. I can try to answer your questions, but I'm just a college student. I am not an expert on Armenian history. If you want the truth, read the book I mentioned.

In Yerevan, there is an entire museum filled with evidence of the Genocide. Letters from Enver and Talaat ordering Genocide. How do you explain this?
Anyway, there is such a motivation in the syrian people to finish this dirty regime that in 6 month, erdogan will be able to visit assad grave
Open an Armenian Genocide thread in World Affairs or Members Club send me the link of that thread and I would be happy to debate with you although I am doubefull it will be a usefull one because I will give you facts and you will give me emotional posts like most of the Armenians I have debated on this subject....

But please don't pollute this thread with your non-sense posts...

You can't give me facts, because the Genocide is reality and therefore your "facts" are nothing but lies.

You are really stupid if you think I will debate whether the AG happened or not. How would you feel if I invited you to a discussion on whether or not the PKK has killed Turkish soldiers or not? Of course, you wouldn't want to argue because the argument itself is an insult to their memory.

I just have one question: How will you (and other deniers) respond when Turkey finally recognizes the Armenian Genocide? Don't tell me that it won't happen: there are members of the Turkish Parliament that have already recognized.
You can be sure it won't happen, do not dream :)
Da fuq i just read???

Don't know about Bahrain and UAE, but if a regional war breaks out involving the US/Israel and Iran, Russia will be drawn into the conflict. It will have to invade Georgia to establish a direct supply line to its base in Armenia.

You can be sure it won't happen, do not dream :)

It will happen. Because it is the truth.

The way I see it, if Turkey still sees Armenia as an enemy state, then it will be reluctant to be honest. Once Armenia-Turkey relations are established (not sure when, but eventually), Turkey will stop hating and recognize.

By the way, I've always wanted to ask this question: Why is recognition of Armenian Genocide a crime in Turkey (under Article 301)?
I though I already told you ? we're not accepting what you claim as truth why we would recognize it ? its not something we accepted as truth but not recognizing, what you believe is not concerns you.

I saw similar comments from many Armenians, you guys honestly believing and dreaming about that but you can be sure it will not happen.

Article 301 says nothing about AG, its about insulting Turkish state and nation, that article is frequently abused and disputed in Turkey(not just because of AG)
I though I already told you ? we're not accepting what you claim as truth why we would recognize it ? its not something we accepted as truth but not recognizing, what you believe is not concerns you.

I saw similar comments from many Armenians, you guys honestly believing and dreaming about that but you can be sure it will not happen.

It has been used against Orhan Pamuk for recognzing genocides of Armenian and Kurdish people.

In 2007, Arat Dink and another Armenian were persecuted for recognizing AG as it was "insult to Turkishness"

The same happened to Ragip Zaroklu.

You are lying through your teeth. Honestly, the only way that your lies could become more apparent is if you admitted them yourself.
Because its a political tool.

Article 301 is ovarelly ridiculous, but seriously, I know that country better then you, those are empthy dreams.
Because its a political tool.

Article 301 is ovarelly ridiculous, but seriously, I know that country better then you, those are empthy dreams.

"A political tool"? Care to elaborate? How does prosecution of those who recognize the Genocide under Article 301 translate into politics? This has nothing to do with politics, but everything to do with the falsification of history. That was a BS answer.

You don't know a single thing about Turkey or the Ottoman Empire if you do not recognize what they have done to minorities. Read Ottoman Centuries by Lord Kinross, then you will know.
You can be sure my friend I know way more then you or any other ex-Ottoman nationalist nutcases about Ottomans, do not stuck yourself with limited sources.

Yes AG is being used as a political tool, otherwise nobody would care.

Why I'm discuissing that with you ? as I said nothing will change, nobody can force Turkey to recognize anything, Armenia has no value for us, so do not expect anything this century or next century.
Your arguments are becoming weaker and weaker. I ask you to explain 301, you keep repeating "political tool."

Clearly, you know nothing about contemporary Turkey either. Things are changing, there is nothing you can do about it.

This will be my last post.
I explained what do you want more ? Article 301 is about insulting Turkish state and people, that article is heavily abused not just on the AG issue and its being disputed in Turkey, AG is being used as a political tool and article 301 is being used as a counter tool.

Yes, thats my last post too.
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