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Turkey's army on red alert, Syria in "real war", Spec. ops. in Syria

There is no way an insurgent group can have such a firepower and if they had syrian army would be on the run right now. Syrian army is using excessive force simple as that. Don't waste people's time.

And there was no indication of a military campaign before the incident. Asad intentionally tried to provoke Turkey into this.
There is no way an insurgent group can have such a firepower and if they had syrian army would be on the run right now. Syrian army is using excessive force simple as that. Don't waste people's time.

Excessive force is when Israel kills 1000 Palestinians for 1 dead Jew, while in Syria over 30% of dead people are Syria's soldiers and police. So what excessive force? For much less than what Syria is experiencing from terrorists US destroyed entire Afghanistan.

Plus if you dont know US/Turkey and Arabs are supplying terrorists with heavy arms, you should get yourself up to date.

And there was no indication of a military campaign before the incident. Asad intentionally tried to provoke Turkey into this.

You really, really have to try to look from other side perspective, you just know what your media is brainwashing you. Dont you know West/Arabs media and politicians are constantly lying to you? Have you learned anything from their other "humanitarian" missions in the region on the fake pretenses?
US destroyed entire Afghanistan? boy you are the brainwashed here put on your real flags and stop wasting people's time
Fighter jet? Am I missing something here? When has a F-4 Recon plane with no weapons become a "fighter jet"? Please elaborate!

F-4 is a fighter JET. weapons or not.
Turkey maybe using it for reconaissance, thats a different story.
F-4 is a fighter JET. weapons or not.
Turkey maybe using it for reconaissance, thats a different story.
NO.. Türkiye declared that : the " identification cods" of RF-4 was open during the mission. İt means every radar operator can see what it was ( RF-4 ) and where it was ..

if syrian radar operator could have seen the plane passed the line, then he culd see what it was.. "the shot" was not accidentily one..
you can differentiate them when you go an Air show , but never when you are at the beach and the plan fly at 700km/h at a distance of at least 3-4km away . if you have served in military you would have known how human eye works(for example at 1km you see human as a small dot and a line under it and this is an object that is 40cm wide and 175cm long bigger than any camera ) and this is on a stationary target not one that moving at at least 700km and don't forget the bombs will be hidden in contrast to the airplane body at distance .

Just google IFF system and stop BS

Turkish F4's:
1. IFF switched on
2. Radars on
3. Comminication on
4. Climbed 20000 feet before aproaching Syria
5. Mission during day time
6. Flying alone without any wings, and unarmed (a recon mission will never be done without any protection, and TAF has enough equipment and f16s to do so)

Do you really think that TAF is full of amateurs?
Syria did know everything just from the beginning and what they did is a hostile action.
Exactly!!! People know jack **** and they are talking. Unless Syria's AF is full of incapable dogs, there's no way they weren't able to identify the aircraft.
The whole nation is a bunch of dogs@!#$$! :D
Exactly!!! People know jack **** and they are talking. Unless Syria's AF is full of incapable dogs, there's no way they weren't able to identify the aircraft.
And they were on the brink of the war at that time? No? Exactly. As I mentioned in my example, same as citing the history of US - anyone who believes US wouldnt shoot down fighters in such situation is extremely naive.

You obviously need to read some more about the cold war. Ever heard of the Cuban missile crisis? The Korean War? Vietnam War? The cold war almost turned into a hot war several times.
Turkey is overreacting as usual........

No need for AA system deployment, or tanks, or troops on the border with Syria. Stop violating foreign airspace, and Turkish jets will stop being shot down. Simple as that.:coffee:
Turkey is overreacting as usual........

No need for AA system deployment, or tanks, or troops on the border with Syria. Stop violating foreign airspace, and Turkish jets will stop being shot down. Simple as that.:coffee:

2 Turkish pilots killed without a warning over international waters, and Turkey is overreacting???

AA systems, tanks and troops are needed in case of:
Turkey told foreign ambassadors that Syrian air forces had violated the Turkish border five times in recent months but had not been intercepted as these had not been considered “hostile” moves. The Turkish side implemented rules of engagement in these cases but did not respond to them in the way Syria did to the Turkish jet

Other than that, your hatred will prevent you to understand anyway, so i won't bother again.

If you're wondering what happenned, stop trolling and read some articles, discussions about the incident before coming with a conclusion. Simple as that.
Syrian AF violated Turkish airspace 5 times in recent months and we didn't shoot their ***** down. They should try again though and see what happens. I am really looking forward to seeing Assad making that mistake.

You can afford such leniency because you aren't in a state of emergency/war , Syria cant because it is :azn:

What do you think would have happened if the same incident took place two years ago ? Damascus wouldn't even have lodged a protest since relations were warm at that time !
2 Turkish pilots killed without a warning over international waters, and Turkey is overreacting???

AA systems, tanks and troops are needed in case of:

Other than that, your hatred will prevent you to understand anyway, so i won't bother again.

If you're wondering what happenned, stop trolling and read some articles, discussions about the incident before coming with a conclusion. Simple as that.

What hatred? What are you talking about? Just because I side with Syria over this does not mean I'm emotional and therefore misinformed.

Turkey cannot make the assumption that it can violate airpace because Syria has done so. Especially not, given the relations. Yes, Turkey is overreacting by massing its forces at the border. There is no indication that Syria wants to attack Turkey.

I'm not wondering what happened, I know what happened.:smokin:
You can afford such leniency because you aren't in a state of emergency/war , Syria cant because it is :azn:

What do you think would have happened if the same incident took place two years ago ? Damascus wouldn't even have lodged a protest since relations were warm at that time !

Even if you are in state of chaos you can not shoot at planes over international waters. And about the leniency, i hope Syria tries to test it once again.

What hatred? What are you talking about? Just because I side with Syria over this does not mean I'm emotional and therefore misinformed.

Turkey cannot make the assumption that it can violate airpace because Syria has done so. Especially not, given the relations. Yes, Turkey is overreacting by massing its forces at the border. There is no indication that Syria wants to attack Turkey.

I'm not wondering what happened, I know what happened.:smokin:

Please enlighten us with proofs then.

And about the relationship between Syria and Turkey, read my post #49
Even if you are in state of chaos you can not shoot at planes over international waters. And about the leniency, i hope Syria tries to test it once again.

Please enlighten us with proofs then.

And about the relationship between Syria and Turkey, read my post #49

Proof about what? Everything I have said has been factual. Both sides acknowledge that Syrian airspace was violated. Saying that plane was in international airspace during time of shooting is only the Turkish perspective.
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