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Turkey’s ambassador to Bangladesh recalled after hanging of Islamist leader

not really

Islamism, also known as Political Islam (Arabic: إسلام سياسي‎ islām siyāsī), is an Islamic revival movement often characterized by moral conservatism, literalism, and the attempt "to implement Islamic values in all spheres of life."

an Islamist is a person who believes strongly in Islam, especially one who believes that Islam should influence political systems.

@salarsikander Hi

Bullshit. for Muslims Islam is complete code of life, with its boundaries going in all spheres of life nothing different or out of context. Anyone who follows Islam is Muslim. there is no such thing as Islamist. if that is the case then even christian countries who have adopted the governance system of Hazra Umar RA should also be considered Islamist

KIndly explain the term
I can't remember any incidence where Bangladesh made any move or at least comment on Turkey's affairs.Can you remember?
There are two,cant remember the names,if they do it again,ill tag you,so you can see for yourself.
BD current GOVT is not legitmate as well as Judicary is placed by HAsina .Do your home work

Enough or i should post more ,What Turkey and Pak protest is correct by all means .SO next time instead of protecting illegitimate GOVT do your home work first

The Bangladeshi people elected this their govt by popular mandate, So reports by Human rights orgs or few Western press about electoral violence does'nt make it illegitimate, If we go on your personal opinion about legitimacy half of the developing world does not have a legitimate govts due to election violence including Pakistan or Turkey

Leave the developing world even the US.. George W Bush first run for the office was marred by electoral malpractices in the Florida Caucus

The fact of the matter is this is a internal issue for a sovereign country a decision taken by a mandated govt at the behest of thier judiciary.. Either You, Pakistani govt nor the Erdogan regime has any say in it

So like i said dont cry foul when other countries try to interfere in the domestic affairs of Pakistan in the future, Be it India or the West.. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.. Pun intended
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Gone are day's when Turkey used to be a progressive secular country model to the middle eastern Arab countries.Under Erdogan it has now became a pimp of the global muslim terrorist and war criminal.A shameful degradation for any country indeed.
@cabatli_53 ,@Neptune ,@Sinan ,@T-123456 ,@Zulkarneyn

Don't be that simple harsh. We all know that it's just politics. If Pakistan had won that war, the guy would be a hero today regardless of his and his followers ideology.
The Bangladeshi people elected this their govt by popular mandate, So reports by Human rights orgs or few Western press about electoral violence does'nt make it illegitimate, If we go on your personal opinion about legitimacy half of the developing world does not have a legitimate govts due to election violence including Pakistan or Turkey

Leave the developing world even the US.. George W Bush first run for the office was marred by electoral malpractices in the Florida Caucasus

The fact of the matter is this is a internal issue for a sovereign country a decision taken by a mandated govt at the behest of thier judiciary.. Either You, Pakistani govt nor the Erdogan regime has any say in it

So like i said dont cry foul when other countries try to interfere in the domestic affairs of Pakistan in the future, Be it India or the West.. Whats good for the goose is good for the gander.. Pun intended

Firstly an Australian has nothing to say in BD affairs but Pak has since BD was part of Pak and it was recognized based on the fact to move along from 1971 .Secondly BD current GOVT is nowhere legitimate and not representing people reason why all major opposition boycotted this election ,major opposition leader was house arrest ,you called this legitimate ,Dont quote Pak its off topic ,topic is very much related to Pak ,Why Turkey has spoken ,as Turks have all the moral and means to comments on this since they are among 1 or 2 countries in Islamic block so its good they are stepping in ,Secondly India who has openly interefered in BD or East Pak since 1947 so dont tell us what to say or not to say

Firstly an Australian has nothing to say in BD affairs but Pak has since BD was part of Pak and it was recognized based on the fact to move along from 1971 .Secondly BD current GOVT is nowhere legitimate and not representing people reason why all major opposition boycotted this election ,major opposition leader was house arrest ,you called this legitimate ,Dont quote Pak its off topic ,topic is very much related to Pak ,Why Turkey has spoken ,as Turks have all the moral and means to comments on this since they are among 1 or 2 countries in Islamic block so its good they are stepping in ,Secondly India who has openly interefered in BD or East Pak since 1947 so dont tell us what to say or not to say

This has everything to do with sovereignty , While crying blue murder on others of interfering on internal matters you have the audacity question theres.. So this is as much about hypocrisy than talking about Bangladesh, And as a global citizen i have every right to defend sovereignty Does'nt matter where it's questioned India, Pakistan, Bangladesh or Australia.. Because sovereignty is paramount to a nation how big or small they are

No third party has the right to question a sovereign nation about the action it's taken through a judicial process on a citizen of thier's.. If it was a Pakistani or a Turkish national protest by all means, If not mind your own business
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Tu baaaz nahin aeygaa lagtaa haiii ! :mad:
Do not call him your brother. He be kind of guy who will cut your throat when you ain't looking.

Remember munafiq is worst than kafir.
ahahaha the person you are tagging is Jamati hater :omghaha:
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