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Its interesting to see some specific people here on PDF always criticizing Turkey`s Syrian policy..Same people somehow turn a blind eye on such things :

It makes me wonder whether they are sincere in their motive "ow you let Muslim kill another Muslim" or not


When things get ugly it is hard to play the role of a nice guy.
Fact is the Syrian rebels aren't all that honourable either. This was on the BBC website for less than a day. It was promptly removed because it doesn't show the rebels in good light. The west supports them afterall so they must be portrayed as victims and the good guys:

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When things get ugly it is hard to play the role of a nice guy.
Fact is the Syrian rebels aren't all that honourable either. This was on the BBC website for less than a day. It was promptly removed because it doesn't show the rebels in good light. The west supports them afterall so they must be portrayed as victims and the good guys:

Nobody is nice guy in this civil war..But if you read my post carefully, i was merely pointing out the fact that some people on PDF see FSA as a terrorist organization which terrorizes people ( in some cases that might be true for loose groups and brigades ) but on the other hand see Assad and his regime as an angel and the victim..One side is using suicide bombers, one side is shelling the people waiting in bread lines..

Syria: Government Attacking Bread Lines | Human Rights Watch

P.S. BTW I hope you caught the phrase at 1.42 in that youtube link you posted
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I've read all your comments, most don't concern me at all... meanwhile @TurAr:
I'm excluding those who will participate in this possible war personally, but don't think any of them would do that.
Thank you, but i don't agree with you on the second statement. No matter how corrupt our country has become I still believe there are millions like you and me that would go running directly to the recruitment offices(askerlik şubeleri)

However, just wanted you to know that I am no longer in favor of an operation against Asad because it's no longer necessary. FSA will take over Syria eventually I have no doubt about this anymore.

I believe we must already start shaping the next Syrian regime, eliminate rotten apples in FSA and support those who can contribute. Attacking now would be a dumb move. Even if we attack our main targets should be PYD and other anti-Turkey organisations.

We must progress with convert operations, a direct-approach is no longer a good option T129s can still fly, but only for OUR interests
No use explaining the terrorist sponsors and islamofascists of Turkey.There is simple solution for the islamic menace.Russian Federation should use chimeras like Ebolapox or that cobra toxin venom bacteria on the Wahabbis.

It will gut the wahabbi muslim population.Lesser the wahabbis ,the more better it is for the world.

Please don't equate the cancerous wahabis with Islam. Most Muslims despise wahabis as they have given Muslims and Islam a bad name
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