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what is wrong with turkey one single attack seriously Pakistan and india are the most hostile countries towards each other and even we dont jump the gun after one incident its takes a bunch of incidents and few big ones for deployment to happen much less a war. you cant go to war turkey is making a very big mistake doesnt it realize war costs money and lives if they make air strikes they will succeed with loses but will succeed however aground assault will be very expensive difficult and will cost many many lives why does turkey want to destroy its economy and military growth like that immature decision turkey suddenly is making enemies in its neighbour and its not a smart move at all. turkey needs to calm down its not the ottoman anymore the jannisary are gone you cant conquer or attack like that turkey is becoming a leader in islamic countries but yet the only thing turkey attacking syria will bring is hate no matter what muslims killing muslims is not right iraq made the same mistake with iran and now turkey will follow
Their support for Assad is largely sectarian in nature. And somewhat political, Since Assad is in Iran's side and that automatically makes him an angel of virtue and peace and everyone against him an evil terrorist. It is the rotten mentality.

Time has passed long ago for playing victim mosa,please don't preach us about how you are an angel who is not obsessed with sects.

Please,tell me,if Saudi brutal oppression of people in Bahrain has nothing to do with sects,then what is it?
Iran supports Syria,not because Assad is Alawite.This is a most stupid thing to say,Syria has helped us in difficult times and it's an ally.And it's in 'our' interests to help them defeat terrorists.If you don't like this,then you also shouldn't like Saudi regime's crackdown on Bahrain protesters who are not even armed and their only crime is being Shia and that automatically makes them Iran's agents.
what is wrong with turkey one single attack seriously Pakistan and india are the most hostile countries towards each other and even we dont jump the gun after one incident its takes a bunch of incidents and few big ones for deployment to happen much less a war. you cant go to war turkey is making a very big mistake doesnt it realize war costs money and lives if they make air strikes they will succeed with loses but will succeed however aground assault will be very expensive difficult and will cost many many lives why does turkey want to destroy its economy and military growth like that immature decision turkey suddenly is making enemies in its neighbour and its not a smart move at all. turkey needs to calm down its not the ottoman anymore the jannisary are gone you cant conquer or attack like that turkey is becoming a leader in islamic countries but yet the only thing turkey attacking syria will bring is hate no matter what muslims killing muslims is not right iraq made the same mistake with iran and now turkey will follow

Whats wrong with you people? Did Turkey declare a war or something that we dont know? Whats all that fuss? Its you who needs to calm down my friend..Take it easy
It t Was A NATO Mortar That Killed 5 Turkish Civilians Last Week
Turkey's Yurt Newspaper is reporting that the mortar used in a deadly bombing of a Turkish border town was specific to NATO and given to Syrian rebels by Turkey, according to RT.

Read more: www businessinsider.com/nato-mortar-killed-civilians-turkey-2012-10#ixzz28vBYX3fE

**** Turkey.It has become puppet of the western-Arabas Alliance.(Saudi, Qatar, US etc..) - Iranians are not any better though..They are also equally evil.
It t Was A NATO Mortar That Killed 5 Turkish Civilians Last Week
Turkey's Yurt Newspaper is reporting that the mortar used in a deadly bombing of a Turkish border town was specific to NATO and given to Syrian rebels by Turkey, according to RT.

^^ Yeah right..What next?
I don't know what some Pakistani are complaining about. Don't your country have problems? Is US and Israel now flying above your country and picking and killing your citizens at the reach of a button at will?
This path is not good for Turkey. What the hell are these people doing . A missile fired from other side of border and landed on a house killing people. But without knowing who fired it Army or rebels (or should I call al-ciada terrorists), turks started beating the war drums.
This path is not good for Turkey. What the hell are these people doing . A missile fired from other side of border and landed on a house killing people. But without knowing who fired it Army or rebels (or should I call al-ciada terrorists), turks started beating the war drums.
Rebels don't have big guns , that can fire that range moron, only army of Assad could have done that. Plus Syria apologized for the shooting.
This path is not good for Turkey. What the hell are these people doing . A missile fired from other side of border and landed on a house killing people. But without knowing who fired it Army or rebels (or should I call al-ciada terrorists), turks started beating the war drums.

Are you serious about that? Probably you don't know the mechanism of artillery finder radars.
According to international treaties, Syria is responsible for the attacks to Turkish soil, no matter who is the attacker.
Are you serious about that? Probably you don't know the mechanism of artillery finder radars.
According to international treaties, Syria is responsible for the attacks to Turkish soil, no matter who is the attacker.

Ok,but isn't Turkey also responsible for all those different kinds of weapons in rebels hands?
Why is it so hard to accept some mistakes?
The real war is the one that has been fought for long by WCC (Western Christian Civilization) targeting Muslim places of heritage and civilization for destruction. After al Quds / Jerusalem, WCC destroyed and looted Baghdad. The next target in the WCC plan of destroying centers of Muslim civilization and power is Damascus. Today's news says the oldest Syrian city Aleppo is all but destroyed. Desecration of Muslim mosques and holy places accompanied by looting of ancient relics / artifacts have been the general picture. And for doing all these WCC uses one Muslim against another. WCC utilizes Muslim money and resources.

Nonsense! The Mongols weren't a part of this so called "WCC" and they did the most damage to the Islamic world in terms of wealth, knowledge, and progression.

Currently the West is under control of Zionists bankers, corporations, and lobbyists. The people of the West have little say in these manners.
Turkey once a shining example of the Muslim World has sunk to joining the ranks of poodles of the West & Israel. How pathetic and disgraceful! :(

Turkey sets up secret anti-Assad rebel base with Saudi Arabia and Qatar - reports — RT

Are you serious about that? Probably you don't know the mechanism of artillery finder radars.
According to international treaties, Syria is responsible for the attacks to Turkish soil, no matter who is the attacker.

learn to read and quit being a hypocrite:

only a few percent of rebels are Syrian, thousands rebels are coming from other countries to kill innocent people of Syria and change this country to a hole of Sh!t like their heads.
as i said before in other Threads, whatever Assad gone or stay, Turkey will get hurt from these terrorists and their ideology will penetrate in south states of turkey.
Are you serious about that? Probably you don't know the mechanism of artillery finder radars.
According to international treaties, Syria is responsible for the attacks to Turkish soil, no matter who is the attacker.

yes, indeed sovereignty is the legitimate monopoly of violence over an extended territory. but if turkics and saudi and qatari monarchists respected syrian sovereignty over its own soils, then these bloodthirsty creatures wouldn't have supplied syrian rebels with all these weapons.

now you turkics actively undermined syrian control of their own territory, and in turn you still wanted syrian government to be held responsible for the chaos you turkics unleashed in your neighbor's house? it was only rightful that you turkics got a taste of that violence and had a few of your sort killed by syrian rebels. you reap what you sow
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